Sunday, July 15, 2007

Rifga and primal posture work.

made sure to get on the floor today and get things opened up although I feel pretty decent from yesterdays session. realized the other day and then got confirmed by my videos that my right shoulder extension is really lacking. didnt realize how much till I saw the vids and the difference between left and right arm rear swing. The next level of my shoulder mobility and just what I need to stretch out the too tight flexors. Suprised I hadnt caught that earlier. Everything in it's time, I guess.
The more I return to the flexibility and range of motions I had when I did gymnastics the better I feel and the better I move.

rifga stretches/primal posture work:

tuck and roll
straddle stretch
pike stretch
up dog
down dog
sumo squat stretch
overhead close grip hang
hip opening stretch
close stance squat/ankle stretch
stick slide/press 4 hand spacing
stick squat stretch /close stance

foam roller

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