Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Real Keys




These three things have to be cultivated or nothing else matters. You can have the best program design in the world, the best intentions, serious goals. If you can't get these three things down then all that is for naught. Best to start very simply and make sure you can make yourself do what you say you want to and then build from there.
You also have to be able to SEE yourself obtaining the goal you are working towards. If you can't see it you can't have it.And the more you see it the easier it is to get.If someone asks you what your goal is and you don't have it on the tip of your tongue then you aren't really training, you are playing. Which is fine but it isnt training.
And getting one's goals is hard enough when one lives and breathes them, almos timpossible when the only time you think about them is when you hit the gym floor.


D Silveri said...

I always enjoy reading your blog! your probably wondering where mine went....

well my current employer was surprisingly upset, they thought I was schemeing to open up my own kettlebell business, and because of the RKC, and my listing on there. My blog was also "advertising" my self.... it makes about as much sense to me as it does to you...

So maybe in a while ill start one back up again. I closed it down, to show them they are full of it.

I guess I now need to document my own stuff on my own. I liked having it public, becuase in a sense I was accountable. I knew I couldnt slack off, but, now I'll keep it to myself for now.

Guess a passion can cause trouble with other things....

I love kb's and will do them as long as they exist....

Royce said...

Dustin that SUCKS royaly, I loved reading your blog. To bad your employers can't reward people who live the lifestyle they preach.

Rif, awesome insights. Thanks for putting them on paper, well e-paper.

nate b said...

Lately, I have been falling into the trap of trying to create a perfect workout scheme. I love it when I stumble across something accidentally that solves my problems. Thanks!

Iron Tamer said...


Taikei Matsushita said...

Dustin, keep posting on our comments. Keep in touch.

Mark Reifkind said...

that sucks man! do you work for a training business? dont' see how they have a right to control a online journal.please stay in touch dude.

Mark Reifkind said...


glad I could help. the perfect routine is a deep trap,be careful. they perfect routine is one you can actually do consistently and progressivelly and drives you towards your main goal.regardless of how slowly it takes.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Dave

Unknown said...

Mark, AWESOME blog. Thank you.

D Silveri said...

I work for a Durable medical equipment supplier.

We sell aids that help people get mobile again...

has nothing to do with training, go figure.

dang right ill be posting on your comments

Jim Ryan said...

Preach it, Rif! Another gem. Bullseye. Thanks!

Dustin, I don't know how well they pay you or what kind of contract you may or may not have with them, but what you do on YOUR time (that isn't illegal) should be of little concern to them.

I'd be looking for a new job....'cuz what they did is B#$L S#%T!!

Mark Reifkind said...

damn dustin, I can't imagine why they would care that you have a training blog. probably a violation of your rights to make you take it down as well. keep commentng though bro for sure and let us know how your training is going.

D Silveri said...

Ah thanks guys. its crap! you may be able to take blog out of a girevik, but you can never take rkc out of him!


Aaron Friday said...

This is great stuff, Rif. Very nice post.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks aaron.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...