Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ross Rocks.

This guy has it all.


Christian D. said...

Ross does indeed rock. Talk about a work capacity!

Royce said...

Ross kicks ass, FO SHO.

Christine said...

Holy mama....

Mark Reifkind said...

yeah the guy is one spectacular athlete.

Taikei Matsushita said...

Tremendous biceps (forearm rotation) that I see in this video. Snatch angle is just unbelievable.

Franz Snideman said...

Rif, his push up speed is beyond explosive. WOW!

Aaron Friday said...

The thing about Ross is, you could put him in the box your TV came in, along with a teddy bear and a spool of thread, and he would come up with a workout that made you scream MOMMA.

The man could probably lie still in bed and alternatly flex his pecs and buttocks so fast and hard that he'd get more exercise in 2 minutes than the average guy gets in a week.

He looks a lot beefier these days. Could be that huge goddam dumbell!

Mark Reifkind said...

lol, he can twitch fast eh?and yeah that is one big goddamn dumbell.stable little shit aint he?

BJ Bliffert said...

Us little guys are awesome Rif!

Ross' books kick ass too. Tons of value. He is very helpfull too, he'll answer any question you have via e-mail. A real stand up guy.


Mark Reifkind said...

yeah, being small does have some advantages,lol BJ.lucky my wife likes short guys.didnt at the start though, had to convince her we try harder, lol.

205 x 1 x 2 ( 2 misses) 195 x 1 x 2, laterals rear delts bw pbar pushups

 Weird day. Bad sleep and wanted to get three 205's. same technique as last wed but I got a little "wavy" bend in the mid rep ...