Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Two hand swing survival

I think I'm cool.really stretched out after the workout and again this am. awoke with no unusual back tightness and went right to Girya for 20 minutes of mat work. doing tons of thumb work lately and its taking its toll on my biceps and shoulders. that kills me more than hard training!

I just have to really go slowly on ramping up the loads in te 2 hand swing so I can adapt properly. I've been staring at the 96 lb monster at Girya and thinking" I can two hand swing that no problem". One step at a time.

I am walking MUCH better after analysing that gait analysis article and really grokking the correct leg rotations and positions during each phase of the gait cycle. Of course I was doing it backwards much of the time and externally rotating the femur and the tibia during foot contact.

Doing the opposite made and immediate difference in both my knee pain on contact and stability in the mid and full support phase.THIS is the info I needed. ALso confirmed I was correct in my assumption that the posterior tibialis was problematic in this and it was; locked short it was restricting my tib from internally rotating inthe swing phase and making me hit in external rotation.

still have work to do re patterning my gait as well as flexibility and bodywork to relieve more tensions but at least now I know which direction to go in. AMazing as well, when my postural positions are correct so much of the muscle tension dissapears with NO bodywork or foam rollers.
The low swing. yea.


Tom Furman said...

This is very keen analysis and something I will look into. I blame things on an early psoas injury to my left side, and now my right gluteal/external rotators and IT band get tight. I still think Rolfing my iliacus and psoas and sartorius would help.

Geoff Neupert said...

Glad you're into the postural positions, Rif. This is what Z does--naturally aids your natural posture. You've already experienced tension melting away. Again, just what Z does.

Do I sound like a commercial yet? (And I don't even get paid to endorse them!)

Franz Snideman said...

I can relate to you Rif about bodywork. It is tough on the body, the hands, shoulder and arms. Take care of your body bro, that is number one in my book!

Mark Reifkind said...

thank you tom, this is kind of the lynch pin I've been working on for quite some time and now things are really starting to fit together. I might be able to skip the knee replacement if things go well.

Mark Reifkind said...


I am getting there brother,I think what you are talking about makes alot of sense but I am slow methodical guy and getting a new cert, traveling and all that is just not in the immediate cards. Have a bunch of stuff coming up real quick thats going to take up some time as well.

thanks for your interest though, it is appreciated.

Mark Reifkind said...

franz, it tears my shoulders and rotators up something fierce! comes in waves and lately I've done tons. really have to stretch overhead tons more to compensate.

Geoff Neupert said...


I know I'm a PITA with this Z thing, but man, I just can't shut up about it. It's like I'm in a cult or something. Truthfully, you should be very, very skeptical. There is a lot out there that doesn't deliver or delivers way too slow. I was, and still have to pinch myself to make sure this is real. Honestly, I could care less about certifications anymore. Just not interested, but the whole hip and knee thing had me intrigued.

My recommendation is to find a Z certified trainer close to you in Cali and make an appointment. Then you'll know whether Z is worth your time, effort, and money.

In the mean time, I'll just shut-up, or try to...

Mark Reifkind said...

keep on preaching Geoff, I will eventually get it. I seriously respect your opinion and if you are this sold on it it must be good stuff.

35 lb ruck 3 miles 46:39, 15:30 ave pace

 Went back and re measured the distance for my half mile loop and I was right; it was spot on. Using the stopwatch and the walking app must ...