Saturday, September 30, 2006

Doc Rob squats and a Snatch PR tie.

Former training partner and newly minted Pro Strongman Rob Muelenberg paid Stones gym a suprise visit this mornig and pr's were had by all! Rob is squatted a very strong and deep 500 for a set of five with NO belt. The picture does not do his bottom position justice as he was ass to the grass with each one; my camera is just too slow!
He also has not squatted in a month.He was jsut keeping up with Nick who did 480 for 2 wiht no wraps and 500 for 4x2 no problem! I expect Nick to squat 625-635 in his next meet in December.
x8/8 =42 reps/round
five rounds= 210 reps ( ties old pr)
11,130 pounds!
these went great although it took me forever to warmup. I slept poorly (stupid cats!) and woke up pretty stiff, plus it is definitely getting cooler- fall is here.Went pretty fast and for the forth rounds sets of 8/8 I put the next set of 6/6 right behind it- no problem!
Much better 210 than the first time, had no appreciable loss of speed or power throughout. much better conditioning.excellent. Did the 210 last time on Aug 5 so just about 8 weeks ago. I thought it was a all time pr or I would have done another set. oh well.plenty more where that came from.
will weigh later when I have had enough fluids. SO good to see Rob and he says he will be coming by more often. Its always good to have serious lifters around whe you are training.
datsit staying loose.


Royce said...

Damn that is a large individual!!!
The PR's were awesome, that is some serious weight.

210 reps with the 53 AFTER warming up is serious too.

sounds like a very fun and productive day!!

Mark Reifkind said...

naw, he aint that big, I'm just that little, lol!! Just kidding Rob is humungous! He is also a Ph.d in chemistry and works as a scientist.

the snatches went well and if I dont thoroughly warm up its not good.saturdays are tough early starts and the winter will make it worse. oh well.

Royce said...

First scientist I have ever heard about that can squat 500 for reps!!

Bet when he presents a research paper nobody argues with him.

Joe Sarti said...


Big Rob looks great. He is a good man and one hecka of a strong dude...pass my hellos to him and Nick, 625 is rippin

NIce job on the snatches, strong numbers yourself big man ;-)

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks joe but nick didnt do 625, it's what I expect in decmeber for him at the ironman meet.I was very happy today with the snatches and have no soreness at all,exactly what I'd hoped.been thinking about a 300 rep snatch workout.....

Ken Black said...

Nice one Rif!
Look forward to seeing Nick meet PR! That will be huge.

Franz Snideman said...

Great job to both of you, Impressive! That is one big hombre!

35 lb ruck 3 miles 46:39, 15:30 ave pace

 Went back and re measured the distance for my half mile loop and I was right; it was spot on. Using the stopwatch and the walking app must ...