Saturday, September 23, 2006

Riding the wave.

Felt suprisingly good this morning for having lots of snatches a day early. decided to do some hi pulls and wave the weight and the reps.

High Pulls

round one
44x8/8/8/8 = 32 reps/1408#
53x6/6/6/6=24 reps/1272#
62x4/4/4/4= 16 reps/922#
round two
44x10/10/10/10= 40 reps/1760
53x8/8/8/8=32 reps/1696
62x6/6/6/6=24 reps/1488

round three
44x/10/10/10/10= 40/1760

44/ 4928

total pounds=13490
total reps 264
not bad at all. started to feel tired on the last round and I backed off. was thinking about 300 but discretion and all of that.lets not get greedy. Another barefoot session and i swear I can feel a big difference already. SO much more rooting,much more easily.much better leg contractions too,which makes sense.

snatch holds
36x60 sec
44x60 sec
53x60 sec

suprinsgly easy.


my shoulder was a little jacked up from yesterday but the snatch holds and the halos dropped it right back in where it is supposed to be.

bw 159.8!! havent broken 160 in a long time
bf 9.7% there it is!

back to my normal schedule on monday: two hand swings.

datsit,stay loose.

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