Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Overhead stick stretch

After a nice 50 minute full body stretchout this morning( legs feel much looser) I made this little video about my overhead stick stretching as per a request.

This method has consistently helped my open my lats, pecs, front delts, biceps and forearms and although it is very simple to do kicks most people's asses very quickly. When I ran my Level 2 Team through this in Hungary last summer they ALL had a very hard time holding the double overhead position for a minute, not to mention the alternating single arm work for 45 seconds each as well.

Camping out in whatever position you can hold is the key to getting results from this type of stretch. Spending 10-15 second and them moving onto the next position before you see a change( an increase in ROM or a better position) is the mistake.

Don't go any deeper into the stretch than you can hold is the real key, as well as constantly working to better all the positions.

For the one arm overhead : lock the elbow,pack the shoulder, pull the arm closer to the ear, and reach back. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum :))

I suggest using a mirror as you do this for the feedback of where you actually are versus where you think you are. I wish I had used a mirror today. My left arm wasn't near as vertical as I thought it was.

Also this morning

100 ups minor
High strides
100 ups major( trotting in place)
calf raise 100 reps
trotting around gym
commando crawling ( thanks Tim!)

legs felt much better after these. this has to become a daily habit.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,
great stretching drill!Thanks for
sharing ;-)
Take care!

Mike C said...

Hi Rif Sir- Great tutorial. Gonna try it out. Thanks for posting it!

Mark Reifkind said...

you are most welcome bruce. if people really like this I will do more of these tutorials.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Mike, this is just what I've found works very well for me.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

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