Monday, January 09, 2012

" Your press is only as good as your clean"

SO speaks Pavel and he's right. Nothing like a bottoms up press to teach you that. I had another object lesson in the clean this morning with my love and training partner Tracy :))

Last weeks press workout was a wake up call and today I was hoping would be better. And it was. After I got my clavicle to set back into place. Always is easier to do overhead presses with all the joints in the right part of the sockets :))

One arm swing warmup
16 kg x 5/5/5/5 x 3
bottoms up cleans 16 kg x 5/5

Bottoms up clean and press
16 kg x 3/3 
20 kg x 2/2
24kg  x 1r/miss left ack!
          x miss right, miss left 
          x 1 right, 1 left  Yes!
          x 1 right, 1 left 

This was tough. Most of the misses were on stability and balance ( which is a different kind of strength) Once I got the left clavicle to really adjust with the band distraction the weights went up no problem.strangely it's sleeping that causes most of the problems. But I got four good max attempts in, and that's the goal.

Bottoms up cleans
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x2/2
          x 2/3 

these are some much easier when you can move in and out of the position. when you have to deadstop it to press it, it's a whole 'nother thing

One arm CB arm casts
15 lbs x 10/10
20 lbs x 5/5 x 2 Pr

Nice! these were strong. I've never done these before and it wasn't that bad

Pbar handstand
6 sets of 10 seconds

these were strong.hit 5 of the six with no wall touch. nice.

datsit. Sisu.


shortnginger said...

Hi Mark been watching ya blog for sometime now (and tracys)- and what an inspiration thanks a lot

thinking of buying some club bells
what sort of weight should i start with ? i press 20kg bell and snatch 16 for vo2
any thoughts would be great

cheers sng (UK)

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks for reading SNG

being as strong as you are you would have to start with 10's as the fives would just be too light( plus they are too short imo) I wish they made 7's at the same length as 10's but they don't.

You can start with a big choke grip and or two hand work. I love my clubs they are the perfect compliment to kbs imo.

shortnginger said...

thanks Mark

ill let you know how i get on - keep up the good work!

Mike C said...

Nice work Rif (bottom's up press)! Going to work a few today myself. Going light on my right side and working the groove. This due to my continuing saga of trying to figure out my right shoulder pain. Will work heavier on my left.

Also saw your comments about pain sometimes in sleeping. I'm there too. Turning over in bed the wrong way can be bad.

Lacrosse ball in the morning to the pecs, traps, levator scap and rhomboids sure feels good and loosens things up.

I also found an excellent trigger point person that works with me and explains stuff very well. Her name is Maria and I think is about 16 miles from Girya. Last week she pointed out some work that needed to be done near where the traps connect with the scapula near the shoulder. It's made a world of difference when I work it through out the day.

Mark Reifkind said...


I've gotten the shoulder to sit right so mo more pain while sleeping! using the band distractions and scapular retractions with the band from the side( frontal plant) keeps in the right position( balances the muscle tension) SO nice to not to be woken up with it.

on my B/U day as soon as the shoulder settled the press was easy.

thanks for the referral but I do all my own massage work.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...