Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Last workout at Girya/ Back to my Future

It's been a good run. I've been at Girya, 136 Hamilton Ave Palo Alto for the last nine years.It started out as Girya, The Art of Strength when I opened my doors on January 6, 2003, two years before I became RKC certified and over a year before I ever spoke to Pavel.

The kettlebell was a gift from G-d to me and I "got it" right away. It reminded me of a gymnast swinging around the horizontal bar and I knew there was something in this for me. At the time I was struggling with a serious back injury and wanted to train and progress as much as possible as a powerlifter but I knew my days were numbered.

Even more,I thought it was all over for me as an athlete,and more importantly, as a human animal, able to move strongly, and freely, without pain or restriction. The kettlebell swing and snatch changed all that for me and, most important, gave me hope that I could be strong and fit again.And I could and I am. Thanks to that round ball with a handle.

And that's what Girya, The Art of Strength was about.And I spent nine years working with people, one at a time and guiding them on their physical journey. Now it's time for a different venue.We lost our lease as the boom in Silicon Valley lets the landlord ask for double the current rent. No can do. All I need is some floor and a kettlebell to train my clients but I'm getting a lot more at the studio I'm going to.

I started my full time personal training career at No Excuses Fitness in Palo Alto 14 + years ago and spent over 4 years there as Head Trainer before I moved  to Girya. I always loved training there as the owners, Angie and Dave DeGeronimo ,have a true passion for fitness and learning.They know the kettlebell is the real deal
and they are ready for the Reifkinds and the KB message.
! Tracy is bringing her classes to a much larger audience with streaming webcasting of her classes coming soon as well.

It will be great to work together even more too!

So February 1 , 2012 Girya, Russian Kettlebells Palo Alto will be located inside No Excuses Fitness
at 2741 Middlefield Road.A completely new beginning and I am seriously pumped about what's going to happen next.

Tracy's book "The Swing" is on the stands March 13 and that's going to be awesome as well!

But I hadn't trained with bells since Saturday so today was snatch day

One arm swings
16 kg x5/5/5/5 x3

16 kg x 10/10 x 10 sets
200 reps
7200 lbs

this was a nice easy but still stimulating workout. will repeat this with the 20 kg on Saturday

Two hand arm casts
20 lbs x10/10
25lb x10/10 x 3 sets

Shield casts
20 lbs x 10/10 x 2 sets

superset with 

bodyblade laterals
3 x 10/10

Floor handstands
5 sets 10 seconds with one touch off

nice, got a solid stretchout this AM too.

Back to the future



Boris T said...

Good luck at the new location, I have no doubts that you will excel as per usual.

Frankie Mecono RKCII said...

Stoked for your move.
Lots of memories for you at Girya.
Hope all goes well.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Boris for the confidence. I loved having my own place but it had it's issues as well as working in someone else's place.
It's time that's why this is happening. mo betta' stuff to come.

Mark Reifkind said...
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Mark Reifkind said...

frankie LOTS of memories for sure, and now, on to make some new ones :))

Diana said...

Hurray for "New Beginnings"!

Good luck with the move and I'm sure things will be great at the new location!
Streaming web classes??? Hmmm....

Fatguy said...

Good luck sir!

Roland Denzel said...


In your new location, you'll have a tremendous opportunity to display the benefits of kettlebells to many more people. Although different, it's going to be awesome!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

good luck at the new location!
Take the good spirit into your new location ;-)
Take care!

guy said...

Congratulations on a new begining! Good Luck w/ the new venture and really bring the Sisu to the new location!

Franz Snideman said...

Rif, best of luck to you and Tracy!! Sounds like a good move!!!

You guys will do amazing!!!

Kai Johnson said...

Good luck to you and Tracy at your new location Rif! I also have a lot of good memories of training at the Hamilton location. Best wishes to you both.

Juci SFG said...

I know one should be positive about it, but I don't like this business with the rent. What a pity :(

Good luck with the new location.
It's gonna be awesome, since you'll be there :)

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...