Saturday, January 28, 2012

"40 yard sprints"

That's what Glenn said this workout reminded him of and I thought it apt and accurate. Today was a scheduled light day given that tomorrow we break down and move Girya equipment and lift and carry stuff always kicks my butt.

I was a bit ragged after my ambitious two days in a row of lift,especially since almost every day for the last two weeks I've been lifting and carrying pieces of Girya back home and I could feel tighness in my lower back Friday that I haven't felt in ages and that didn't make me happy.

Especially since I have to move tomorrow and be fit for new duty on Monday.
So, light day today, just fives with the 20 kg but a crisp no nonsense pace both on the snatches and swings themselves and in the rotation. Even with 3 guys  rotating there is no slacking and you barely get done before you go again.

40 yard sprints is exactly what I think about when we're doing sets of fives/ Short hard and to the point.fatigue never really builds up in any individual set, but when you add them up and go quickly it's overall effect catches up to you.

At least it does to me,

7-8 am 
Full stretchout have to unlock the abs and hamstrings and let my back open up. It did  but the abs and lats were very tight. 

8 am
one arm swing warmup
16 kg x 5/5/5/5 x 3

16 kg x5/5 x2
20 kg x 5/5 x 15 sets
150 reps
6600 lbs

these felt great. light and the form felt very solid. definitely feel that I have a solid "bottom" position to get into at the end of the backswing and a solid movement out of the hole. It's in the glutes and hips and NOT the lower back. Pace about the same 24 reps/min average.Solid holds at the top and no rush out of the hole.

One arm swings
24 kg x10/10 x 5 sets
100 reps
5300 lbs

These felt great as well. Fast strong and powerful. It's so easy to get caught up in heavy weight all the time it's nice to force yourself to use the lighter bells and really work the acceleration with weight that you can see the effect and really practice your techniques.

Reverse grip triceps pushdowns
4 x20

supersetted with floor handstands
4 sets of 10 seconds. need to do more work here. more total sets and more often. not as strong as I want.

That's it. Steak and Eggs at the 4th Street Bowl Diner :)) For tomorrow starts a brand new era for me and Girya!

Sisu/Never Quit.

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...