Saturday, January 14, 2012

24 kg Snatch and Swings

I was worried that I was going to hurt something today because I felt so good going in. Slept well, ate well, stretched out well this  morning so I was a bit concerned :))

Good news was that nothing bad happened and the workout went great. Nick was out today so it was just Glenn and me. It's amazing the progress he has made in the 6 short months since he began kb training with me.He hung with me set for set and rep for rep.Amazing.

Stretchout 7-8 am
really focused on legs with the usual suspects
back over ball
rumble roller
brettzell with straight leg
up dog
down dog
sumo squat stretch
straddle splits
side splits both sides
hamstring stretch with straps( toes and ball of foot)
seated straddle stretch to middle and both sides
pike stretch
couch series stretch ( hip and quad/hip flexor)
RKC kneeling hip flexor stretch with toe dorsiflexed
overhead stick stretches

done :))

Warmup:( a balmy 38 deg today in Stone's Ice Cave)
16 kg x 5/5/5/5 x 4 sets

16 kg x5/5 x 3 sets
20 kg x5/5 x 2 sets

24 kg x 5/5
          x 6/6
          x 7/7
          x 8/8
          x 9/9
          x5/5 x 3 sets
120 reps
6480 lbs

thank goodness I broke past 108 reps ,lol.

these went great although looking at the video I think my left leg is too wide. With my weird ass left knee finding "center" is not an easy thing.Wider feels better but I have to take more care to set up more evenly.It's way too easy for me to set up on my stronger right leg and have my left leg too far 'left' :))

Anyway the groove felt very solid in all parts, the layback was solid, the rotation of the arm ( need more on my right it seems) helped lock the elbow better, the 'shock absorb' in the hole felt solid and the hip snap  high pull worked well too. These were as easy as they've been ever. Nice.

One arm swings
24 kg x 10/10 x 5 sets
100 reps;
5400 lbs

These went very well, Haven't gone "light" in the swing in awhile so it was nice. Could have done more but left feeling fresh. nice.

One arm shield casts
10 lb cb x 10/10
15 lb cb x 10/10 x 2

these were just a finisher. solid workout. time to eat.

Sisu. Never Quit.

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...