Saturday, December 31, 2011

Snatch day at Stones and a new training partner

What a great way to end the year. Back in the cave with one old friend and one new one and new training partner. Glenn is a client who is now a friend and a training partner and he fits in perfectly at Stones. There is no one I know that is as much a real deal guy as Glenn and that's what really matters to me.

Glenn is a former football player, Marine, Special Forces, SWAT Cop and Elite Level powerlifter! Hard man with high mileage, something I can seriously relate to. He was broke bad when he came to me and kbs are saving his life just like they saved mine and Tracy's. He's had more surgeries than he can count and almost every joint is broke but he has Heart and Spirit and I know he will make me better just being around him. Can't wait to see how his real success story comes out and I'm proud to now be a part of that.

This guy will pass RKC one day and that will be a miracle and one of the best things in his life. I predict it now.

And that's whose voice you hear in the background. I don't just invite anyone to train with me so you know I like and respect thim.Nick stepped up his game as well. What a great workout to finish off an incredible year.

It also was a balmy 40 degrees in the cave this morning . Much much better than last weeks 30!

7-8 am Full stretchout in the living room


one arm swing warmup
16 kg x5/5/5/5 x 3

16 kg x5/5 x2
20 kg x5/5

24 kg x 5/5
          x7/7 x three rounds
108 snatches
5724 lbs

Felt very strong and having nick and glenn both giving me energy really helped. It's said that no good powerlifter ever trains alone and I believe it. The energy of great training partners is trasnformative and increases ones power exponentially.

Form held up great. Wider stance, focus on hip snap, then float the bell, then high pull and punch through. On the descent focus on laying back to keep the bell descending as vertically and as close to my midline as possible,  and then internally rotating the arm to allow the elbows to fully lock out. Pause at the top about 19 reps/minute pace.

Felt very strong and safe just not as fast and that's ok.

Bottoms up cleans
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x3/3
28 kg x 2/2

not bad at all! left side is definitely weaker than right ( mainly grip and lat connection/ strength). But this as I said, was always a solid strong move for me and it's fun to do. Nice to handle heavy weights and feel safe, too.

One arm swings
24 kg x5/5
28 kg x8/8
32 kg x8/8
          x 8/8

Nice. Good to focus just on "going up" in weight than having to do 400 reps with the same weight. Strong is Good! RKC Strong!

Nick knocked it out of the park today with his easy Beast swings! And Glenn did  his first one arm swings with the 32 kg today- perfect to set a PR the first day in your new gym :))

He's also going to keep me company on Thursday workout for pulls, stones, swipes and carries and spider walks! It will make that weirdo day much better.

Nick kills it with the swings and then moans about his calluses lol. We'll have to talk.

Breakfast with the new crew at 4th Street Bowl Diner ! Perfect way to end the year and start the next.


Friday, December 30, 2011

Deadlift special exercises

1) conventional deadlift

2) stone deadlift

3) Coan Barbell row( pause on floor)

4)  barbell sumo deadlift

5) Two hand or Two KB swing

these would be a good pulling variation scheme

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Deadlifts and one arm swipes

Master Instructor Geoff Neupert dropped by Stones for a visit and a workout today and it was great to talk to him and throw around some ( relatively for me at least) heavy iron. Geoff did pull some real weight but I still got a recent pr.Just like the old days.

One arm KB Deadlifts
24 kg x3/3
28 kg x3/3
32 kg x3/3
36 kg x3/3

Barbell Deadlifts
135 x 3x2
155 x3
175 x 2
205 x 2 ( nice jump there :))
220 x 2 ( the above video)
225 x 2 pr

These were very strong and easy  and no doubt having a seriously strong, real deal guy there watching me pull helped, as it always did. Nice to be able to push it a bit and not get stung. Strong feels good. Definitely upped the volume a bit as I turned doubles into triples and did more top end sets as well. Making haste slowly.

One arm swipes
10 lbs x 10/10
15 lbs x10/10 x 4 sets
15 lbs x 20/20

stupidly forgot the second cb at Girya and had to do singles. Definitely easier but it was fine.

Spider walks

Ala Tim Anderson and his Bulletproof system. Geoff showed me these and I love them! Wasn't quite sure how to do them before, or even if I could do them but I could and it was cool. Definitely a way to work my gait pattern basically OUT of gravity. Nice. As Geoff said, developmentally, we crawl before we walk and walk before we run so working the crawl pattern hard makes sense.Especially for me as I try to regain the basic walking and running gait patterns

About five laps of 50 feet. This has serious potential for me.


Monday, December 26, 2011

Three times in a row.

That was the rule when I was a gymnast. You didn't "own" a trick unless you could do it three times in succession.That was the start of owning it, anyhow.I've been working on my pbar and floor handstands and while still using the wall as a spotter have been trying to use it less and less and just tap off into a free static handstand as many sets as possible

Today I nailed a no touch kick up to handstand four times in a row.NICE! I did have to adjust by pressing down and then back up a bit but even though in some senses that is a 'miss' it also is a huge gain as I haven't been able to do that top 1/4 press without my shoulder moving around and today it didn't! Opens up a lot of potential moves too.

I also realized that the schedule I thought would stay awhile has to be adjusted already. Not the essence but the days themselves.

Tracy and I are going back to pressing again together on Mondays and I"ll snatch on Saturdays with Nick as well as bottoms up cleans and one arm swings. I'll still try to use the WSB KB press routine just another day.

And snatch vo2 is going away again as I had a revelation after last weeks recent pr session: in order for me to go that fast I have to use my tippy bird form and my back doesn't like that.I need to regroove my snatch form again and trying to do that as I try to go fast doesn't work.

It's like trying to learn to sprint AND go as fast as possible in each practice. Doesn't make sense.

Todays snatch workout was killer;

one arm swing
16 kg x 5/5/5/5 x 3

16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5 x 3 sets

these were some of the best snatches I have done in, well, perhaps EVER. I changed a lot of things: I opened my stance up wider( 1.5 each side), I layed back a bit on the descent  ala Fuglev although no where near as radical( this kept the bell in much closer to my COG and reduced forward pull making it easier to load the hips), I internally rotated my arm in the back swing( this helped me lock out my elbow better as it crossed midline, and I extrnally rotated on the punch through.
I also made sure to shock absorb with the hips  in the bottom

WOW> more form adjustments than I've made in eons. But everything felt right and my shoulder knee and back said yes  too,although I always have to wait until the next day or two to know for sure.

Two hand arm casts
20 x10/10
25 x10/10
35 x 6/6
     x 8/8
     x 8/8

These were very strong. Nice.The 35 felt light. Maybe it's the deads:))

Pbar handstands
4 sets of 10 seconds as above. No wall touch on any.
Bodyblade laterals  x3x10 each side
Triceps extensions 3 x 40, 30,20

Shoulder bicep tendon still staying in place! WOO freakn Hoo! Nice to have that side of my body back again.

datsit. Sisu.

I also went slow,about 19 reps per minutes

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The latest schedule

Since the New Year is fast approaching and I'm returning back to my cave,my original courage corner it seems fitting that I have a new schedule as well. I want to simplify the routine even more and stop trying to focus so much on doing as much volume as I can on every exercise. I'm always trying to maximize my work capacity but now that I can train strength a bit more I see I can let go of some of the volume on the basic grind exercises.

Doing the bottoms up clean and press and the bottoms up cleans on Saturday made me remember just how strong I was in these movements and how good they felt for me. Time to bring them back.

I've also been talking with Pavel a ot lately about  adapting WSB theory to the kettlebell military press and I think I am going to put that into action a bit myself. Saturdays will start as a quasi Max Effort day( or as Pavel says :" same but different") rotating basic exercises and focusing on lifting as heavy as one can for a few sets of 1-3 reps.
Not a volume workout but an intensity one.

Week one and two; Bottoms up Military press short cycle
Week two and three: palm kb press( waiters press)
Week four and five: KB floor press ( one arm)
Week six and seven : KB Military press ( traditonal)
Week eight: double KB press( max reps)

wow, that looks very cool and doable.I was thinking first about one week minicycles but I think I'm weak enough to make progress from a two week cycle as my body works into the real groove of each move. Especially the palm press haven't done that for ages, and I'm not sure i CAN do kb floor press.

But now that I know how to reset the shoulder it should be fine :))



Max effort clean and press
Bottoms up cleans
One Arm Swings
 Snatch Holds

Snatch VO2 rotation
week one 16 kg
week two 20 kg
week three 24 kb for total volume, not time.
Two Hand Clubbell work
Handstands/ superset
Bodyblade laterals

Deadlift  max effort( same approach as kb press, vary move each week and work up to easy single) 

Alternate for one week each:
Barbell deadlift
Barbell row
Stone lift

Two clubbell swipe Volume
KB carry ( rack or farmers)

we'll see if I can recover fast enough to train on wednesday instead of thursday but it would be better for Saturdays heavier loading


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Stones Gym Lives!

First real training today at Stones Gym, aka my garage, with Nick for a heavy Saturday workout; just like we used to. We started there squatting on saturdays, then when we moved to kettlebells it was heavy snatch and swing day. Saturday was always the center of the training week and I focused on it more than any other training day.
Competitions, as a rule were on Saturdays, so it was easy to make that the most important training day of the week.

It was great training along side Tracy on Saturdays at Girya but it wasn't the same as my courage corner.It was where I worked, not where I got away from work and the world.It felt odd stepping back into the frigid ( 30 deg!!!) strength box today but it felt like home, too.The pace was fast, we had to keep moving or we would freeze.:0)

It wasn't my first workout back there but it was the first with my training partner of  over ten years Nick Bruckner so now it's official.Stones Gym lives :))

 Wow,that's a long time.

One arm swing warmup
16 kg x 20 x 3 sets

One arm cleans
16 kg x 5/5 x2

Military kb press
16 kg x5/5 x2
20 kg x5/5 x 2
24 kg x 5/5 x 6 sets

the shoulder felt good, just a few clunks and used the distraction band to set things right asap and it held. nice

Bottoms up clean and press, long cycle
16 kg x 5/5
16 kg x 3/3
20 kg x 3/3

havent done these in ages! tough but good too. REALLY is the best special exercise for teaching the right way to press overhead. HAD to activate the lat to get the bell overhead. Back in the mix

Bottoms up cleans
16 kg x5/5 x2
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x 3/3
28 kg x 1/1

Nice as well! these also used to be a very strong movement for me, have to keep them in as well. I 've used the 40 kg for singles for these so I know what I'm capable of and it's good.

One arm swings
24 kg x5/5
          x 10/10 x 4 sets
28 kg x 10/10

These felt great! finally warming up . and my vision seems clearer in the garage, noticed I had no balance issues at all as I sometimes do at Girya
Snatch holds
16 kg x30 sec ea arm
20 kg x 30 sec
24 kg x 30 sec

these were solid

Unloaded my heavy bells from Girya to Stones and set up the squat rack. It was a good morning.
36 kg
40 kg
44 kg
48 kg

datsit. Sisu and Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Get er dun

That was today. Just get something done. Thursday's is always my weirdo workout day; I'm not quite recovered on Wedneday and Thursday is too close to Saturday's heavy day to push it hard.
Plus it's my latest training time and , to be honest, I'm tired .
Especially this time of year when everything's off, people are all over the place and schedule's a mess. Plus the Holidays.

Tough week, but I took my pre warmup hot bath( damn it's cold these days here) and got my butt into the garage.

One arm KB deadlift
24 kg x 3/3
28 kg x3/3
32 kg x3/3
( just to warmup the pulling pattern)

Barbell Deadlift
135 x3
155 x3
210x 1 x 2 new pr :))

these went fine but I was just "off" today and didn't have a great mindset other than 'lets get this over with". Sometimes it's magic and other times it's just work.

It was work today and that's fine.It would be easier if I could really figure out the focus of this days' workload anyway.It probably should be swipes and progressing them, and giving the bells, and my arms, a rest between heavy loads

deads were done with left hand under grip and this felt harder today than last week, where it felt very natural.Next week I'll try double over hand again and see how that feels . I just now know that if I use  a mixed grip the left hand has to be under to create torque in the correct direction to balance my spine.

Two Clubbell Swipes
2/ 15's x 20 reps x 5 sets
100 total reps

man these are STILL tough. My grip is loading up way faster than I remember. have to look back at my training logs and see how I progressed these before. Still, this was also a recent best. I've done more reps but not more sets of high reps.

Floor handstands
7 sets of 8 seconds

tight and off here too.each set got better though. Definitely a good thing to do after deads and swipes and all that flexion.

time to relax and get on the floor for some more stretching.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Some speed returns , Snatch VO2 60 sets

I was inspired today to really get my groove back in my snatch vo2 workout after Tracy was telling me how amazed she was at the speed I was able to obtain back in 2008 when we trained max vo2 together in a very serious fashion.

This is the video she was talking about:

I studied the video, very thankful I have a visual recording of what I did, how I did it and how it looked in the past. This is precisely why I tape everything. You never know when you will loose a groove and you never know what little thing it will take to recover it.

One thing I noticed in the video was that I was a serious tippy bird but that's how my lumbar rhythm rolls:my performance tells the real story. If it had been bad teshnik than I wouldn't have been able to move that fast, that easily or that strongly.

Even though the snatch IS a swing, the two techniques for me are very different. I keep forgetting this and try to "swing" my snatch. It works but not like this.

So I put on the same trunks I wore in the old video and hoped they would help.

They did:))

Great workout today and just another reminder of how fast Snatch Vo2 training gets me in shape regardless of how much I hate doing it..I focused on really throwing the bell down and not worrying about bending my knees, they don't bend much on my deadlift either. It's just how I'm built and I'm tired of fighting it and explaining it. Today's result confirms it for me.

The fact that my arms weren't fried from too much volume on Saturday helped a lot too

Snatch V02
16 kg
30 sets of 6 reps
26 sets of 7 reps
4 sets of 8
394 reps
14,184 !!! nice!

done in alternating sets of 10

Biggest workload in a long time.I would have done 5 sets of 8 at the end but counted wrong. No worries. I was snatching at an 8 and even 9 rep pace the entire time, holding overhead for the full 15 second count

heartate at end was 175-180

Capt America Arm Casts
20 lb cb x 12
25 lb cb x 12
35 lb cb x 8 x 2

Bodyblade laterals 3 x 8
Black band triceps ext 3 x 40,25,15

datsit. Sisu

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Press again, high rep snatches and pbar handstands

It's been 4 months or so that my left bicep tendon has been slipping out of it's notch in the humerus and creating nasty spasms in my levator scap, scalenes, pec major, triceps and rotator cuff. I can get the shoulder to sublux doing almost anything ( sleeping, pushing off the floor, down dog, etc ,etc,) but , until now, haven't figured how to 'get it back in'.

Until now.I tried everything I knew, and I mean everything but nothing would put the shoulder back into neutral.Then I decided to use Kelly Starrets distraction method that he loves for his hips, for the shoulder. He's done a MWOD on using it for the shoulder but I didn't really think it would make the difference.

I was wrong. The shoulder clunked nicely back into place and voila' I could press again and didn't need all the myo fascial release work that I've been doing. Square plumb and neutral and the pain goes away.

So above is the technique I use to get the humerus back into the rear of the socket where it belongs!
Thanks KStar for all your great work.It's changed my life. No joke.

7- 7:45 am full stretchout

7:45- 9 am 

Long cycle clean and press
one arm swing warmup : 16 kg x 5/5/5/5 x3

Clean and press
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x 4/4

24 kg x 3/3
          x 5/5
          x 5/5
          x 5/5

These went VERY well and the few times I had some shoulder movement I just went to the jumpstretch band and distracted the joint and it was peachy in seconds. About freakin time I figured this one out. If I can press it makes things so much nicer.


16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 20/20
          x 15/15

ouch. that was not fun. I didn't expect it to be, and to be honest it wasn't that hard BUT it really showed my cardio weak link in that energy system. It will build up quickly and I will be doing 2 x 25/25 with the 20 kg soon and then move up to the 24kg to build that up too.

I'll get the snatch volume on Mondays with snatch vo2

Nick was doing his own thing as usual going heavier rather than going for volume. He bumped up to the 32 kg for his last set and instead of doing his usual 5 rep set he keeps going, and going and going until he hits 20 reps with his right arm!

I know Nick has never snatch more than 10 reps in a row with ANY weight let alone the 32 kg! I figured he was done for sure but he switched hands and kept going. I seriously would have bet my  house that he was going to put the bell down after the 20 on his right arm but I would have bet EVERYTHING he couldn't have made another twenty on his left. But he did :))Amazing. Boy is strong for real.

His heart rate will be elevated for days, believe me :))
Well done Brother.

PBar Handstands

5 sets of 10 seconds off Bosu ball. These were very strong

SO the new schedule :

Clean and press
 Snatch ( 2 sets high reps)
Pbar handstands
Triceps extensions

Snatch Vo2
Two hand clubbells
Floor handstands
Bodyblade Laterals

One arm swings  heavy volume
2 Clubbell Swipes ( 2 sets max reps)
Floor handstands
Tricep extensions

datsit. Sisu

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Deadlifts, swipes and some trotting.

It's been a good year for Restoring Lost Physical function ,lol. Being able to press again, then press with two arms, then be able to squat down another 15 degrees led to less knee pain and better all around EVERYTHING.

Being able to focus more on how I can move more and better instead of spending countless hours days and weeks on sheer rehab to get to tolerable levels of pain was much better and drained energy incredibly less as well.
Which led to all kinds of other things getting done.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any better I saw this video( and being able to walk in place, then run in place then actually trot around like almost running human being!!!

This was crazy. A dream, a miracle.SO I practice my 100 ups every day, at least two or three times, actually, greasing the groove and now can break out into a trot at will

I can't call it running yet but I guarantee I will at some point soon.It will be nice to not to have to dream to actually be able to run again. And I hope the mechanics will translate to my walking gait as well.

But now that Stones Gym is alive and I can train in my own Courage Corner again, the always loaded deadlift bar started talking to me. It's important for my rehab that I can lift things that are at least slightly heavier than what I will have to do in real life.

The heaviest thing you lift will be what becomes what is 'heavy' for you, and I don't want that to always be a five gallon water bottle. Although I will tell you honestly that I am VERY happy when I can change the water with no back pain, and I will be forever grateful to be able to do so.

Even if that's all I can lift.

But today I could lift more and I did.

One Arm Deadift
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x3/3
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3

Barbell deadlift, mixed grip
135x 3
155 x3
175 x 3

this was amazing and easy. I can't remember the last time I deadlifted anything but a kettlebell but it was around 2004. That's a long time ago and it was singles with 315 and they were hard and hurt. today was easy and pain free.

I used the mixed grip to actually create torque in the correct way I need to counter rotate for my back. It worked out well, although I always have to wait and see what the next day(s) bring.

2 CB Swipes

since it seems my attempts at recreating the volume workouts I did in the past is futile I've decided on swipes and snatches to go for a few high rep sets and call it a day! I would love to be able to do 100 swipes with the 15s and recreate my original snatch test numbers of 25 and 25 with the 24 kg.
This will require just 2-3 hi rep sets and not much else.We'll see how this goes. I just don't have the desire to push for high total rep numbers like I did before.

I'll shoot for quality and less quantity although I still want to keep my swing volume high. we'll see. the main thing is that I keep inspired, motivated and in the gym three days a week with kbs and cbs.

Floor Handstnds

8 sets of 8 seconds

wow these were very hard to get going. took 5 sets before things settled in. All that flexion make upside down extension way tough to get into. It opened up towards the end which is exactly why I did them,

Datsit. Sisu.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Snatch Vo2

It seems my shoulder strategy is working. After spending considerable time with the lacrosse ball firmly ensconced in my pec minor,and more enjoyably , my teres major, the shoulder released and has been in neutral for the last few days. Nice. No new pec or front delt tension to pull it forward an d out right now and all the snatching has really activated my rotator cuff so it seems I dodged yet another bullet.

I knew I had to dig those out I just didn't want to. Just because I have a high pain tolerance doesn't mean I like it. I do the myo fascial release work because I have to to even come close to being square plumb and neutral not out of some masochistic delight :))

Of course my forearms were totally cooked from all the 24 kg snatching and only one day of downtime to recover. Nice. Plus it was freaking COLD at Girya this morning and that always tightens me up big time.

Perfect prelude to lots of fast snatching right,lol? All that are tension just meant I had to be really perfect with my snatch groove or else they would feel it big time.


full stretchout. lots of leg and ab release stretches.

9 am snatch vo2

warmups with
12 kg x 5/5 x 2
14 kg x5/5 x2

16 kg x 5/5 x 5 sets
x6/6 x 5 sets
x7/7 x 5 sets
x5/5 x 5sets
x6/6 x 5 sets
x7/7 x 5 sets
x5/5 x 5 sets
x 6/6 x 5 sets
x7/7 x 5 sets
x 5/5 x 5 sets
x7/7 x 5 sets
55 sets
20 sets of fives
15 sets of sixes
20sets of sevens
330 reps
11,880 lbs

the hardest part is just tallying these disparate numbers up! definitely felt off today and should have done more sets of just 6 and 7 but my arms were sore and my groove as different than last week,slightly wider stance and sheer over the top hardstyle. felt good but different and it was hard to go faster.

I do like using the fives as warmups and I take up the entire 15 seconds with more overhead holds, which I need as well/

two hand clubbell arm casts
20 x 10/10
25 x8/8 x 2
Shield cast
25 x 8/8 x 3 sets

these felt heavy too. ack. felt rushed too as my body was so stiff and uncooperative.

Floor handstands
5 sets of 10 seconds
these felt great, surprisingly, but I tapped off the wall too:)). I can find my balance right away off the wall but I will need more forearm recovery and muscle release if I want to start doing them free standing.
Also need to use a harder surface too. My mats are just a bit on the "givey' side.

datsit. Sisu

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Never Quit

Just another way of saying Sisu.

I found this very cool shirt on Forged website designed by Navy Seal Vet and Hero Marcus Luttrell and I loved the phrase and the Lone Survivor foundation so I got one. I am forever watching out for anything that will inspire me and keep me motivated to do what I need to do to achieve what I want to achieve a great t shirt that stands for something always helps :)) Whatever works.

Nick is one arm swinging the Bulldog in the background before working up to the Beast. He is becoming quite the Beast himself these days.

Saturday has become 24 kg snatch day for awhile until my bicep tendon behaves. That's just fine as I love the snatch and it's time to get the rep numbers and total reps done up to more reasonable standards:))
The shoulder stayed where it should the entire workout for a change, making me realize this was indeed the right move, exercise selection wise.

The snatch however felt very off, and my balance and groove didn't kick in until the down sets with the 20 kg. I lose my snatch groove crazy fast and the 16 kg done fast is NOT the 24 kg:))

I did have fun focusing on the press again but now it's back to the snatch and swing work;

7-8 am
full stretchout

8-9:15 am Snatch

one arm swing warmup
16 kg x 5/5/5 x 3 sets

16 kg x5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5 x2

24 kg x 5/5 x 6 sets
20 kg x 10/10 x 2 sets

100 reps the easy way. I wanted to do at least 100 24 kg reps but it wasn't there today. Got to work back up slowly it seems. I played with the corkscrew technique but soon reverted to my Hardstyle form. It felt fine on the shoulder which is the only reason I played with it Monday.

Where my eyes were looking was another story and I felt all over the place. Weird.

One arm swings
24 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5 x 5 sets

wow that looks like so little when I write it but it sure seemed like a lot when I was doing it :)) It' just amazing to me how quickly the ability to do volume dissipates for me if I back off even a little.I can't believe I did 400 one arm swings with the 32 kg just a few years ago. Crazy. I have to focus more

Floor Handstands
8 sets of 10 second

these were off too. I started on the floor with Nick acting as the wall/backstop but could not find the groove so I went to the wall itself and those I nailed.Finally, something. But hey, the shoulder was "in" so I shouldn't complain .

Band tricep kickbacks
I started with extensions but the biceps tendon started making some noises so I switched to these with a reverse grip. No problems
35, 25, 17, 12


Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Sometimes life get in the way of training

but you get something done anyway. At least I do. But I've had to modify that idea as I get older so that sometimes it means just one exercise and 30 minutes of work. IN my old world that wouldn't even qualify as a workout worth doing but things are different now.

Now that 30 minute quick and dirty little session seems like a preview of the type of workouts I SHOULD be doing as I get older. But not quite yet

I had only 30 minutes between my last of 7 clients and a seriously important meeting so instead of bailing for tomorrow( when I have another crazy ass meeting as well after work) I decided to just " get er dun" today.

two clubbell swipes
2 10s's x 20 x 2
2 15s x 20 x 5
100 reps

short rest between sets and my forearms pumped up big but this was a good solid workout and my teshnik is coming along very well on these.

Floor Handstands
5 sets of 10 second holds after a tap off.

These were tough for some reason and I never really got comfortable,even though I could hold them for the 10 sec. Never really 'settled' into the bone lock. No problem, I got them in.

Band triceps extensions

3 sets of 20


datsit. Sisu

Monday, December 05, 2011

"Everything works but nothing works forever"

I first heard this from Louie Simmons and it's as true now as when I read it 15 years ago. I applied it to my snatch vo2 workout today as my left bicep tendon woke up cranky and even though I knew the snatches would help getting started was slow as I had very early clients and not great stretchout time before the workout

Internally rotating the arm and or loading it in flexion( which is what happens when my arms crosses midline in a swing, because of my arm carry and arm length) is what irritates it so instead of using over the top hardstyle technique I decided to try a modified corkscrew descent and found it worked very well to keep the shoulder in the socket and the bell closer to me, mitigating forces .

Any port in a storm

Snatch Vo2
16 kg

6 sets of 5 ( 30)
6 sets of 6 ( 36)
6 sets of 7 ( 42)
6 sets of 5( 30
6 sets of 6( 36)
6 set of 7( 42)
14 sets of 7(98)

50 total sets
314 reps
11304 lbs

surprisingly strong and easy. If my shoulder wasn't wonky I would be killing this now. But this is definitely in the right direction.I took ALL of the 15 second whether or not it involved holding the overhead position in the fives and sixes. the corkscrew is slower for me so the sevens took the whole 15 seconds

Two hand CB arm casts
20lbs x 10 /10
25 lbs x8/8
35 lbs x5/5 x 3 sets

Two hand shield casts
20 lbs x 10/10 x 3 sets

these went well and I needed to put that crusier bell up again. been too long. didn't feel that heavy which is very good.

Bodyblade laterals
3 sets of 10/10

just pre hab

Floor handstands

5 sets of 6-8 seconds holds/ start against wall

these were tougher than expected and my shoulders were cooked.

triceps extensions black band
40, 30 15


Saturday, December 03, 2011

Presses and snatch holds

Woke up with the shoulder feeling really good from Thursday's snatch holds. But as soon as I started pressing ,even with the 16kg the left bicep tendon started moving around and the shoulder was not happy.

This was definitely a sign.A sign that I've peaked out on my pressing and need to re direct towards a higher volume of snatching relative to presses. that makes sense as that as what rehabbed my right shoulder into even being able to press again a few years ago. I got through the press work out but it's reached it's zenith. New protocol coming

7-8 am

full stretchout focusing on legs and hips.

8-9 am
one arm swing warmup
16 kg x 5/5/5 x 4 sets

long cyle clean and press
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x5/5 x 5 sets

these went very easy but I had to hunt around for a left arm position that stabilized the shoulder. Strange as I ended up where I started at weeks ago. It's a moveable feast :))

one arm swings
24 kg x5/5
28 kg x 5/5

these went strong and well although my left shoulder was still not happy and I had to conciously pack the shoulder to keep it stable.

Snatch Holds
20 kg x 30 sec
x 45 sec
x 60 sec

these were not easy although it felt perfect to do them My shoulder got more stable with every set. the overhead position gotten to via the snatch is somehow much different than that achieve with the press.I'm not sure why but I am definitely sure that it is. The snatch position is much better to stabilize the shoulder for me.

The left arm felt like it's old self and though the right side is better than ever you can see from the video how much tighter is still is.Will work up to the 24kg for time on these as well. I will cycle the weights and the corresponding times each week as well.

PBar handstands from floor

4 sets of 8 seconds

these were hard. almost the same muscles as the snatch holds, which were now very tired. :)) Pretty solid though and all from the floor. Nick spotted to a free hold.

datsit. Sisu

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Clubbell swings and PBar handstands

had to get it in quickly today as the Dentist was right after work, Just a great day :))

My shoulder has really responded well to the snatch holds, amazingly so. When you have the right key the door unlocks easily.

Two Clubbell swings Superset with PBar handstands

10 lb clubs x 20 reps x 2 sets
10 sec handstand on p bars
15 lb club x 15 reps
10 sec handstand
20 lb clubs x 10 reps x 10 sets
10 sets of handstands x 10 seconds

this was harder than I thought it would be,mostly after the 7th set. I used the bosu ball to kick up with but got the last three sets pretty much right to a free handstand without tapping off the wall first. My shoulders were pretty cooked at the end as the pace was fast. I basically did the handstands and swings back to back and then took a minute or so rest.

Haven't really trained clubbell swings but since my shoulder was doing so well this last week I wanted to let it alone and not push it with the 20 lb swipes that were on the schedule. They were very interesting,not as hard as I thought but I did low rep sets. The 20's were tough to hold on to and keep the acceleration up. good work though. I can see how high reps with heavy weight could add up fast.

Ring Supports and snatch holds
8 second holds in a basic ring support supersetted with snatch holds with the 16 kg. First set of holds was 60 seconds long and then the last 4 sets were 45 seconds long.

this was a serious static strength day,lol. the ring supports were easy and strong and the shoulder stayed in the whole time. Snatch holds rock, used the GS well as it hands lower and is more comfy for time :))


Monday, November 28, 2011

24th Anniversary Workout

Woke up with a tight left bicep tendon and it never really got fixed until about halfway through the snatch workout.

I got some stretching in but I just couldn't get the first rib to move right and so I went into the workout just a bit cautious, to say the least.

I rehabbed the right side ( ironically) using snatch holds as it was all I could for a long time as it was all I could do beside one arm swings and transfers.

Now I have added presses with both one and two arms, clubbell work, handstands on floor and P bars and some ring holds and haven't balanced out the shoulder girdle with enough snatches and holds.

That's what I learned today. Not too hard a lesson but I sure took my time figuring it out. My shoulder has been wonky for months.Of course my right shoulder feels better than ever.:))

One day All parts will fit my body and not hurt. That's the plan, anyway.Until then I will keep playing "whack a mole" as I fix one thing and something else complains. So it goes,

Snatch Vo2
16 kg
40 sets of 7
280 reps

Not bad. Especially since the left shoulder was not sitting right for the first 20 sets. The more I held the bell overhead the more my rotator cuff turned on and the pec released. It just took awhile.

The right side felt perfect and I felt I could do 8's easily on that side. I was worried my left arm was going to disconnect if I didn't pay attention. Not the best environment for performance.

The last twenty sets the shoulder felt great, much more stable and solid as the rotators really kicked in.

THis made me realized the next exercisehad to be

Snatch holds
16 kg
x 60 seconds
x45 seconds
x45 seconds

Did these side by side with my bride of 24 years as of today and it was rocking. She played with her version of snatch vo2 doubling( almost ) what I was doing. She's a machine and my Queen. And I could feel the shoulder setting in every set. These were much tougher than they should have been and I have to put them in the mix again.

I might even need to start snatching first on saturdays and press after. we'll see.

Bodyblade laterals Supersetted with Floor Handstands

4 sets of 10/10
5 sets of 10-15 sec handstands

the laterals are hard and my body is now used to Pbar handstands more than floor! My forearms were tight and took awhile to open up

Band rear delts
4 sets of 20, 20, 15 12

These are going in to balance out pec tension too

Band triceps kickbacks, reverse grip
4 sets of 20 blue band

I like the tricep extension while the arm is in external rotation

datsit. Sisu

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Double 24 kg press, 36 kg one arm swings

Really wanted to work on my short cycle presses today . I'm very motivated to push these up so they can transfer to my handstand and handstand pushup work on the parallel bars. SO excited about this new toy of mine :))

But my left bicep tendon and shoulder is still wonky and moves in and out of position way too much so I really didn't know what to expect this morning. I thought I had gotten things squared away well last week but that was single arm work and who knows what today would bring?

7-8 am full stretchout

more focus on overhead stretches to prepare for the double overhead work planned.

8- 9:15

one arm swing warmup
16 kg x 5/5/5/5 x 3

short cycle clean and press
2 16's x 5 x2
2 20 kg x5 x2
2 24 kg x 5 x 7 sets

Found a very solid position that produced NO CLUNKS at all for any of the sets! Nice! I held my hands closer together and higher up than previously and it seemed to work well. At least for today:)) Very strong presses and I seriously thought about going up to the 28s for the last sets but decided to not be greedy :))

One arm swings

24kg x 5/5
28 kg x5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x5/5 x3 sets

Wanted to do some heavy swings today and secretly had the 36 kg in the back of my mind; but I haven't done one arms with it since April this year, which was the first time ever. I think I was stronger this time :))

The hardest part was my left hand grip! I was seriously worried I was going to drop the damn thing. Not a good sign. I need to stop worrying about volume so much and get my one arm swing strength UP again.NO reason I am not using the 40 and 44 kg bell in one arm swings for at least SOME reps regularly.

PBarz handstands
3 sets with bosu ball to start
3 sets from floor

each set was held 8-10 seconds

used Nick as the backstop. Have to start getting used to not using the wall. Very different. I'm used to overshooting the midline and then recovering. It's way harder to aim to hit the bullseye every time ,lol

Triceps extensions, black band

ouch. pump :)) my tricep size is definitely much improved and I like it alot.

datsit. Sisu

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Swipes,PBar handstands, 100 ups.

I always work Thanksgiving mornings it seems and it never bothers me. It's so quiet outside and the day is usually shorter than normal.
One client cancelled at the last minute so I got to get my workout in early, always good.

6-7 am stretchout

the full deal with lots of splits and overhead work.Using contract/relax on all three sides of splits and I'm seeing much more movement lower again.Adductors are getting stronger too :))

9 am
2 CB swipes

2 10's x 15, 10 10( warming up elbows)

2 15s x 20
x 30 + 10( short grip rest)
x18 ( grip still cooked)
x18 ( getting fresher)
186 reps

Man, I should have just gone from 20 -40 reps! My grip was cooked after the first set of 30 and then the attempt at 40 was too tough. But the more sets I did the better things felt and I also adjusted my technique some( actually leaned over more) and that lightened the load on my grip.

I was planning on 200 reps and could have just 'got them in' but 186 was fine.the left shoulder definitely fatigues much quicker than the right but held up ok.

I was also alternating these sets with

PBar handstands

5 sets of 10 second( kick up on bosu)

and I wasn't sure how that would feel tomorrow so I choose to do a few less reps. no worries. My grip was really loading up and I can't believe I actually did over 100 of these in a row a few years ago! I will get back there too, I know, just not sure when :))

also played around with some attempts at tuck up to handstand on the pbars( not very good) and then went into a bent knee straddle up that actually was ok. Just a few


PBar HS 1/4 pushups

5 sets of 4 reps just going down as low as possible before the shoulder started moving around. If the shoulder would hold doing full range pushups would not be a problem.

Running in place

Yes, you read that right. Been playing with the 100 ups technique and it's coming along. I actually ran in place 4 different times for between 10 and 60 seconds! I got it on film but not sure I will post it, it's pretty embarrassing but motivating at the same time. Three years ago I couldn't stand on my left leg alone without my knee collapsing and today I ran in place for almost a minute straight!

That's a freakin' miracle to me.

Triceps extensions
35,25, 17, 12, 12

good pump :))

datsit. Sisu.

what a great year I have SO MUCH to be thankful for . have a great Thanksgiving one and all :))

Monday, November 21, 2011

Rebalancing the shoulder/ snatch practice

After last weeks shoulder debacle I'm super glad I can one arm swing anything much less snatch but it is nice to be able to do some sets and reps in the snatch again. Schedule snafu had us working out later than normal but it was good as I got a full hour of stretch time in the early AM. I really need to go through the whole routine these days.

The length tension imbalance that occurred last week really drove home the point how important keeping the tension in the external rotators and upper back muscles strong enough to defeat the pec/front delt/bicep internal rotators is. If the tension levels get too out of balance ( especially pecs it seems) the shoulder is just not going to hold it's neutral position.

SO really nailing and holding the overhead snatch position is even more important. As is NOT using a technique in my press that overworks the pecs.

6-7 am Stretchout

The full routine starting with back bends over stability ball and ending with overhead stick stretches.

12 noon
Snatch Practice

14 kg x 10/10
16 kg x5/5 x2

20 kg x5/5
x 7/7
142 reps
6248 lbs

Left shoulder overhead still didn't feel solid but much better and each set felt much better too

Two Hand Clubbell arm casts
20 lbs x 10/10
25 lbs x 10/10 x 2

Two Hand Shield cast
20 lbs x 10/10 x 2
x 8/8

these were more fatiguing than I recall. It's crazy how the top end of conditioning falls off so quickly . It comes back fast too but just a small break in routine and things can start feeling heavy fast!

Floor Handstands

6 sets of 10 seconds.

Tracy helped spot these so I can wean myself off the wall and get to doing only free handstands. Very strong but SO different than p bars, lol. I'm already spoiled by them

Bodyblade laterals
3 sets of 10/10

these were tough too! a little bit of joint disfunction makes everything surrounding it weaker very fast. But again, just happy I can train my routine at all. It will come back very fast.

datsit. Sisu

Saturday, November 19, 2011

24 kg Long cycle clean and press, swings and pbar handstands

That was fast. I just got my p bars last week and could barely kick up to the handstand using the bosu ball as a mini tramp. Today I got it off the floor! Nice progress for a change. Especially after not being able to bench press my own left arm most of Monday :))

P bar handstands seem so much easier for me than floor handstands as the arm is in a neutral position, as is the wrist and you have much more strength and 'play' front to back trying to balance on the heel of the hand, than you do with the palms flat and fingers straight ahead.

If I can kick to the HS easily than press training is next.How exciting is this? I can imagine a straight arm, straight leg press to HS on these paralletes as well as straddle and piked versions as well?
Why not?

I think I will have better shoulder luck with straight arm presses than with bent arm versions. The bent arm version overloads the biceps more and that usually doesn't make my shoulders happy but we will see.

I can see the need for even more double kb press work in the future.

7-8 am stretchout

the usual with lots of time spent in split( all three sides) as well as overhead stick work
worked the whole hour plus.

8-9:15 am

Long cycle clean and press
16 kg x 5/5 x2
20 kg x 4/4

24 kg x 3/3
x 4/4
x 5/5 x 4 sets

this was GREAT considering I tried and failed to swing a 6 kb bell with my left arm on Monday. Also, Nick had some great coaching ideas about my left arm rack position that I think is really going to work. Definitely puts the upper arm in a much more vertical as well as externally rotated position. We'll see.

Tried it today and had almost no shoulder adjustments during sets after he asked me to try it :)) Nice.We'll also see how it does with double work as well. The clean is a little higher and the arm to the outside of the pec more. I think letting the arm come too far across my chest was creating more internal rotation and pec activation than external and lat activation.

Also, NOT leaning back as I started to these last few weeks as that too was getting too much pec involvement( intention but not functional for me). Using the standard RKC ETK technique.It is very strong in this new vertical position. Right arm feels SO strong and SO easy.

Just happy my arm didn't fall off :))

One arm swings
24 kg x 10/10 x 5 sets
100 reps

easy breazy. again, very happy I didn't feel anything at all.

P barz Handstands
3 sets with bosu ball kickup
3 sets from floor! PR

2 sets Handstand 1/4 pushups. yes, this will get done. Perhaps even stronger than on the floor.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Swipes and P Bar handstands

After Sunday and Mondays shoulder incident the fact that I could train at all today with ZERO pain or shoulder ROM restriction is a freakin' miracle. One to which I am eternally grateful for :))

Still I took it VERY easy in practice today going very ginger to make sure everything was as stable and normal as it appeared.

6-7 am stretchout

client no show so I got paid to stretch. Nice deal.

1 pm

two clubbell swipes

2 10's x 20
x 40
x 60
150 reps

These felt very easy and the shoulder better than ever. so weird. I haven't taken a light swipe workout in awhile so this was a good time for it. Grip was never involved and I felt I could have gone over 100 reps no problem

Floor handstands
5 sets of 10 seconds ( solid count too)

parallel bar handstand
5 sets of 5-10 seconds!!

wow these were so strong and easy. This really brought back memories. P bars was definitely on my top three favorite events ( pommel horse, rings and P bars). MY handstand is feeling SO much like home these days, like it used to when I felt I could do a handstand anywhere, on anything for any length of time I wanted to.

No joke either, I was THAT confident and solid upside down :))

Ring supports
3 sets of 5 seconds

started to feel a bit greedy here and shut it down.

Triceps extensions black band
4 sets of 15-20

SO SO happy to be able to just move without pain again much less train this well today.

datsit. Sisu

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Woke up tweaked Sunday morning ( left shoulder of all things). VERY tweaked. I'd said my definition of getting old is when you get hurt in your sleep. I must be very old. My Saturday workout gave me no clue at all that I had stepped over any edge.

In fact, just the opposite. MY shoulder felt the most stable it has been in eons with virtually NO adjustments during the press workout, the handstand, hs pushups or L sits.So to have things go so very wrong on Sunday was more than a little shocking.

I thing it was the Power swings. I had dropped all two hand swings 4-6 weeks ago as I felt my shoulder didn't like them.Well, it REALLY didn't like 50 reps with the 32 kg in just over 5 minutes. My body does not like excess tension in certain muscles and since my joints are hanging together with silly putty and string, too much tension in muscles I have trained all my life too hard does not bode well

No sleep at all on Sunday night and LOTS of weird pain. But I knew the shoulder was "out" and once it either moved back or the tension in the offending muscles dropped enough to let it go back it would be back to normal in no time.

But it was not fun at all to not be able to lift your arm at all and have all the surrounding muscles locking up like bear traps.

Thing got better Monday and the constant stretching and mobilizing I could feel the excess tension receding, as well as pain, and ROM was increasing at regular intervals.

One of the great things about kbs is that you can do one arm at a time and even though my left arm wasn't working my right was fine so today was right arm snatch practice.

6-7 am stretchout

the full deal, from back over ball to overhead snatch lunge stretches. I could really feel how the overhead stretches were activating my turned off rotator cuff and this was a good thing.

One arm swings
14 kg x 10 x 3 sets right arm only
one arm snatches
16kg x 10x 5 sets right arm only
20 kg x 5 x 4 sets right arm only

all these were supersetted with light bodyblade laterals to activate supraspinitus. 10 rep sets left arm only

Clubbell swings
2 10's x 15 x 3 sets
2 15s x 10 x 4 sets

these worked great to externally rotate my shoulders ( left side tolerated it fine) and pack the shoulder. good choice.

L sits on P Barz

surprisingly these felt normal

five sets of 5 sec/ very easy

Reverse grip Band triceps kickbacks
4 sets of 15

these also felt good with the hands and arm externally rotated.

Good comeback from the abyss. That was close. No more power swings for awhile.

today I was very happy just to be able move and practice some skills, ANY skills with very little pain. One day ago my shoulder was throbbing just doing nothing and even the simplest skill that involved my arm was made my realize very quickly that just being able to have the luxury of focusing on practice of my movement and strength skills without being distracted my serious pain and injury is such a blessing and one so easily taken for granted.

I didn't think I was taking anything for granted but the stronger I get the stronger I want to get and I sometimes forget how beautiful just being alive, not in pain and able to move relatively well in the basics of life really is.

This was a serious wake up call. Got it. Check please.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

28 and 32 kg Long cycle c and p/ power swings

No Nick today so I was solo for the heavy day. No worries, one of the best things about kbs is that you don't need a spot ;)). As usual I didn't know how heavy that would mean as it was a pretty jacked up week training and stress wise.

Rule number one: adjust the training to your real time recovery that day. Workouts written down 6 weeks before that don't take into account two days of no sleep, over work or other issues in everyday life just can't be followed to the letter. Unless one is willing to sacrifice all kinds of other things competitive athletes can that grown adults usually can't.

SO it's adapt and overcome always remembering that after this workout, no matter how good or bad it is, you have to go back to the gym for the next one. Consistency is the key, no one gets "fit" or strong or "in shape" from any one workout.

7-8 am stretchout.

from back over ball, to foam rolling, to brettzels two ways, to LOTS of split work, RKC hip flexors 1 and 2 stretches, high hurdle stretches to straddles and pikes, to up and down dogs( man that's a lot of stretches ,lol) and THEN to overhead stick work it all opened up well. SHoulder was still a bit impinged but some kinesio tape helped that a lot.


One arm swings 16 kg x 5/5/5/5 x 4 sets

Stacked kb press
Had decided to try doing stacked presses instead of regular c and p as I haven't done them in a long time and used to be strong at them. It went weird

2 10' kgs bells: 3 left 3 right( 20 kg)
10 kg 1 12 kg 3 left 3 right ( 22 kg)
2 12 kgs 3 left 3 right
1 16 kg 1 10 kg 1 left 1 right
1 16 kg 1 12 kg 1 right

stopped it here. holding the two handles together like that started to make my right forearm flexors yell quickly so I shut it down and went to long cycle c and p.It was plenty easy and I could do a lot on it if I spent the time stretching out the forearms enough. I thought 36 would be no problem from the pressing part, but the grip is another issue.

Long cycle c and p
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 3/3
28 kg x 2/2 x 4 seets
32 kg x 1/1 x 5 sets

This was a surprise as everything felt good and the shoulder stayed put every set. Still not feeling overly "strong" but technique was good;an unusual combination- usually it's the other way around.

I really like doing singles, it is so much easier to really concentrate on getting EVERYTHING tight and right. When you do rep sets, even triples or fives you always focus on making all the reps first before doing each and every rep perfect. It's natural to do so so it's good to sometimes spend time just doing singles or doubles with weights you can easily do more reps with and really PRACTICE the lift. Not just train for pr's.

Power Swings

24 kg x 10 singles

32 kg x 50 reps in 5:39

this was not easy. I wanted to see how close I could come to getting all 50 in five minutes and did the first set of 8 in 30 seconds and then did sets of 5s as I knew I couldn't maintain the correct bell height( chest level) and power output I wanted doing sets of 8. I held the power and form but didn't make the 5 min cut off.

5 reps took about 19 seconds ( call it 20) so that's 10 reps in 40 seconds and that leaves me 20 sec rest each minute to make the 50 in 5 minutes. That's not as easy as it sounds but at least now I have an idea. it was fun, actually, I love POwer Swings!!

Five sets of 10 second holds( strict ten too)

missed doing them Thursday and had to get them in. They were VERY VERY strong and easy

Hungarian Handstand Pushups
5 sets of 4 reps.

these felt great too. and my shoulder stayed in place here as well, another surprise. I can really feel this old groove again.

L Sits on rings
5 sets of 5 secs

these were surprisingly strong and easy

Ring Supports

3 sets of 10 secs. Again, strong, shoulder stable

Black band tri extensions

100 reps in 6 sets , short rests.

nice :))

datsit. Sisu

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Swipes, quick and dirty

Schedule got very jacked today so I got the first half of the workout in, and perhaps I will get the handstands in tomorrow.

I recovered better than expected after being VERY sore from the one day less rest and going fast on snatch vo2. But not enough food yesterday and a serious rush to get the high rep workout in made me realize my soreness has recovered but my endurance had not.

This is what got done

Two CB swing
2 10s x 20, 20 , 15

Two CB swipes
2 10s x 15
2 15s x 20
x 25
x 30
x 30+5

150 total reps. not bad actually.

These started out well as my intention was to do 5 rep jumps from 20 to perhaps 40. This was, in retrospect, just a wee bit ambitious :)), given my lack of full recovery. I was shooting for 35 but the grip gave out so I put the bells down, shook out the pump and finished the last reps. Total rest was probably 20 seconds.

The last two sets of 20 were actually much easier than expected but then web problems at the studio took preference and tomorrow is now handstand day. I need rest more than I need loading so no worries either way.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Snatch VO2 again

I hate it but it needs to be done. Snatch Vo2 that is.It's the fastest and the safest way for me personally to get in great cardio and strength endurance shape and when I don't do it things don't seem right.

I was snatching TOO much, twice a week, but going down to once every other week( in the last incarnation of my schedule wasn't enough either. SO, once a week, on Monday or Tuesdays will go back to the little 16 kg ball of hell protocol,lol.

I mean, it won't kill me to work with the gymboss ONCE a week, will it? And I can still do powerswings on Saturdays after presses, alternating those with one arm swings; a better combo anyway. This should fit. Just have to make sure I stretch out well Sunday night as I won't be able to before starting training on Mondays.

Snatch Vo2
16 kg
40 sets of 7
280 reps
10,080 lbs ( I do love how the tonnage adds up )

These were hard. Not yet used to only having one day after Saturdays heavy work,especially with no stretchout. And not having done these for a few weeks really let me know just how much work they actually take.The good news is that condition returns quickly with these as well.

I could also tell how inefficient my form had gotten lately. Just not enough snatch practice and going fast is hard when your form is off. and today 7's seemed fast.

Two Hand Clubbell Arm Cast
20 lbs x 10/10
25 x 8/8
35 x 5/5 x 3 sets

wow, these felt HEAVY!!! Again, haven't done them for awhile and could feel it.

Bodyblade laterals

Someone asked for a video of these so here it is! They seem easy when you look at them being done but not so much when I am doing them. Plus, they are as hard as you want to make them, just add force :))

Reverse grip triceps pushdowns

black band 4 sets of 30-20

datsit. Sisu..

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Double 24 kg Long cycle clean and press /PR

After last weeks short cycle press success and some great handstand/ring workouts this week I wanted to do some more doubles but was not ready for double 32s , yet :)) , nor double 28 kg long cycle so double 24 long cycle was the decision. Turned out great.

7-8 am

full stretchout really working the side splits and straddle sit to open up the groin for the wide stance with long cycle double cleans.

one arm swing warmup 16 kg x 5/5/5 x 3
double cleans 2 16s for 5 x 2

Long cycle clean and press
2 16s x 5 x 2
2 20s x5

2 24s x 5 x 4 sets
x 6
x 7
x 8 pr

nice! I repeated the set of 8's as the first set I got distracted with some commotion going on in the gym and it was roug
her than I wanted. So I did it again!

20kg x5/5
24 kg x 5/5

these felt very weird. I'm not yet used to snatching only once every two weeks and going from super wide double work to narrow stance single bell work threw me off.No worries, it was a big long cycle workout.

Ring supports/ L sits

these went better than expected, considering I just did them on Thursday as well. The last time I did these( before the cert) my shoulder would move around too much and I gave them up for awhile. Now it's holding and I can train this again. How cool! I know my elbows aren't fully locked but I have lots of things to work on in this movement.

Triceps extensions
37, 25, 15 ; triceps death.

done. Off to 4th St Bowl Diner for Breakfast with Nikko :))

datsit. Sisu.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Swipes, handstands, headstands and more.

Akinori Nakayama, my original gymnastics inspiration and role model.The gymnast I first tried to emulate.

It started off weird. My first client called in sick so I got paid to stretch out this AM. Did the full routine, soup to nuts and felt great afterwards. An hour of focused stretching, on your own at o dark thirty is not easy to do but it sure pays dividends.

Then my 8 am client also was sick so I got to do my afternoon workout first thing as well. I so hate training after work I knew I would have a stronger workout. I had an old friend my my World Gym Days drop in and had to catch up with him as he lives out of town so the workout wasn't as fully focused for the first half as it should have been but it was worth it.

2 clubbell swings
2 10s x 15 x 3 sets
2 15's x 10 x 3 sets( torch swings for the last 3-4 reps)

2 cb swipes
2 10s x 15
2 15s x 15
x 20
x 35
x 25
x 20
x 20
135 reps.

Much stronger than last week and the 35 rep sets is a decent workload pr. The total volume is good too. Want to make myself work up IN SETS OF 5 , though, from 20 to 35, instead of taking the big jump. 20, 25, 30 then 35 is MUCH harder than 20 right into 35, lol. One thing at a time.

8 sets of solid 10 second handstands. One touch on the wall then free stand. these are feeling VERY strong and I can even make corrections much easier.


decided to see if I could still do my headstand and headstand straddle press that I did at the cert 2 weeks ago. no problem ; easy peasy.left shoulder is a little 'sketchy in that position though and moved around too much.

About 3 sets of regular handstands then 3 sets of these straddle presses in sets of 2

Triceps pushdowns black band

about 100 reps in various sets using various hand positions, which I changed during the set as I fatigued( ie. from undergrip to overgrip to elbows up then down into the pushdown. Good pump :))

handstand Pushups

4 sets of 4-5 reps

lol decided to give these a try at the last minute and they were solid About half way down and NO shoulder clunkage as I descended. veery cool.Lots of weight on the outside edge of the heel of the hand.

All the shoulder pressing is paying off. Shoulders are VERY strong again.

Ring Supports

Since THOSE were easy I decided to give THESE a try too and I killed three solid sets of 5 plus seconds with NO shoulder movement here either. Very exciting..
Whole workout took 50 minutes

Datsit. Sisu

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Power swings

I messed up my training appointments this morning and ended up having to train after work.Tracy and I had decided to put snatch vo2 on the shelf for awhile and train the power swing instead.I am going to alternate one arm swings and snatches on Saturdays after press work; I really don't need to snatch twice a week right now and this dead stop swing is really being well received and I need to test some parameters on it for use at the RKC.

I recently stopped doing these as well as ballistic two hand swings just awhile ago as I thought they were giving me too much pec, and teres major tension and making my shoulder less stable so I will have to carefully control volume and make sure to get things opened up immediately after.

I think 50 -100 total reps should be the top,especially for now and especially considering I want to use some heavy weight with these.Perhaps ;))

Power swings
16 kg x5
20 kg x5
24 kgx5

32 kg x 5 x 10 sets

50 reps

The work sets with the 32 kg probably took 10 minutes but I wasn't trying to push pace at all, just go as fast as I could comfortably, from a cardio sense.The low reps were done to AVOID a pump, or lactic acid buildup so I could do a higher volume of reps with no drop in power do to those above factors, or specific muscle ( low back) fatigue.

it wasn't that hard.Now doing these 15:15 style would be very tough,especially with heavy weights, which could be used.

There is much more starting strength and concentric strength focus on the power swing than say eccentric or reversal strength and this will probably help to mitigate muscle soreness and DOMS. DEPENDING on how long the work bout it.

If it's too long and lactic acid builds up it it will get ugly, from a DOMS pov, imo. lol.

Bell speed and consistent height has to be maintained or it's time to end the set. When power per rep drops it should be over.

The two hand swing,especially from the hike pass position, is such a basic, fundamental power movement and this variation makes it so easy to train hard and safely. I always think of it as a ballistic power good morning with a barbell. But this Power swing variation makes it more like a box squat than a good morning. Now that's a nice tool to have in the training box :))

One arm Shield Casts
10 x 10/10 x 2
15 x 10/10 x 3

Black band tricep extension
5 sets from 20-12 fast pace

Bodyblade laterals

10/10 x 3 strict!

these are a killer and the slower you go the harder they are. love them.

the one arm shield casts were a good variation and balance to the two hand swing and opened up the shoulder well.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Channeling Max.Double 28 kg Press for PR

Shank that is. It was short cycle double bell press day and for some reason I thought the double 28's would be a good choice.I been seeing Max's amazing double Beast clean and press at 182 lbs in my head and used him as my inspiration, motivation and technical ( virtual) adviser.

Watching Max's old school handstand position gave me renewed confidence in the strength and stability of it and further realize just how much the modern handstand's hypermobile upper chest hollow position is just fashion . Nice if you can get into the position but really not necessary for a very strong inverted position on one's hands.

I learned a lot at the bodyweight cert and one thing I got was some confidence, finally, that my upper body strength is actually returning and that I can, once again, train a bit and not just spend time in rehab with one foot on the gas and two on the break.

It's seriously frustrating to constantly be holding back from trying to improve when one's whole life has been devoted to that, but hey , when you're injured the basics are just fine.

But it seems that more than a little of my 'lost physical function' has returned. Nice.

And I did have last week off pressing, although I did a ton of bodyweight pressing work, and I had gone light the week before so why not take it up a notch? I didn't have time to search blog or youtube archives to see if I had ever even cleaned double 28's but I was pretty sure I hadn't. Which meant I've never pressed them.Which meant a real world.real time PR. Nice.

For some odd reason I wasn't worried about it, I just didn't know if I could do one rep or maybe two. I didn't even hope for triples. But that's what I got,lol. Even nicer:))

The old style handstand is much more about total upper body strength with more pecs and triceps in the mix, compared to more shoulder and upper back in the more strict version.

Either way that's how I planned to press today and it was amazingly strong. All the tricep and handstand work paid off.

7-8 am full stretchout
Here's some video of the first part of my stretch routine which I taped friday on request.

it's boring but hey, that's stretching. I flagged on my stretching a few weeks ago and paid the price in some nasty hip tightness. Don 't be lazy!

I"ll put up the rest of my routine in short segments so as not to kill people with boredom. You've been warned.

8 am
one arm swing warmup
16 lg x 10/10+5 trn x 3

Double clean and press( short cycle)
16's x 5 x2
20's x5
24's x 4 ( good sign, these felt light)

28's x 3 x 5 sets!!!! PR!

Wow, this shocked me and they got stronger each set!

One arm swings
24kg x 10/10
28 kg x5/5
32 kg x 5/5 x2

while I'm doing this Nick swings the beast for the first time . easy!

Band triceps extensions
5 x 20-12

I'm totally convinced these are helping Everything for me. shoulder and elbow stability, pressing strength, handstand position and arm size :)) ( hey, that's important)

Ring Supports and bent knee and L sit
4 sets!!!!

Crazy. I just tried these as a lark as we were walking out the door to see if being able to do them at the cert would hold up and they were super easy. Even the L sit! AND my shoulder stayed where it should, even better.

datsit. Sisu

Five mile ruck

 It went well but I was so close ( 9 laps = 4.7 miles it seems) that I tacked on a longer walk home to get to five slow start again 35 lb ru...