Saturday, November 19, 2011

24 kg Long cycle clean and press, swings and pbar handstands

That was fast. I just got my p bars last week and could barely kick up to the handstand using the bosu ball as a mini tramp. Today I got it off the floor! Nice progress for a change. Especially after not being able to bench press my own left arm most of Monday :))

P bar handstands seem so much easier for me than floor handstands as the arm is in a neutral position, as is the wrist and you have much more strength and 'play' front to back trying to balance on the heel of the hand, than you do with the palms flat and fingers straight ahead.

If I can kick to the HS easily than press training is next.How exciting is this? I can imagine a straight arm, straight leg press to HS on these paralletes as well as straddle and piked versions as well?
Why not?

I think I will have better shoulder luck with straight arm presses than with bent arm versions. The bent arm version overloads the biceps more and that usually doesn't make my shoulders happy but we will see.

I can see the need for even more double kb press work in the future.

7-8 am stretchout

the usual with lots of time spent in split( all three sides) as well as overhead stick work
worked the whole hour plus.

8-9:15 am

Long cycle clean and press
16 kg x 5/5 x2
20 kg x 4/4

24 kg x 3/3
x 4/4
x 5/5 x 4 sets

this was GREAT considering I tried and failed to swing a 6 kb bell with my left arm on Monday. Also, Nick had some great coaching ideas about my left arm rack position that I think is really going to work. Definitely puts the upper arm in a much more vertical as well as externally rotated position. We'll see.

Tried it today and had almost no shoulder adjustments during sets after he asked me to try it :)) Nice.We'll also see how it does with double work as well. The clean is a little higher and the arm to the outside of the pec more. I think letting the arm come too far across my chest was creating more internal rotation and pec activation than external and lat activation.

Also, NOT leaning back as I started to these last few weeks as that too was getting too much pec involvement( intention but not functional for me). Using the standard RKC ETK technique.It is very strong in this new vertical position. Right arm feels SO strong and SO easy.

Just happy my arm didn't fall off :))

One arm swings
24 kg x 10/10 x 5 sets
100 reps

easy breazy. again, very happy I didn't feel anything at all.

P barz Handstands
3 sets with bosu ball kickup
3 sets from floor! PR

2 sets Handstand 1/4 pushups. yes, this will get done. Perhaps even stronger than on the floor.


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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...