Monday, November 21, 2011

Rebalancing the shoulder/ snatch practice

After last weeks shoulder debacle I'm super glad I can one arm swing anything much less snatch but it is nice to be able to do some sets and reps in the snatch again. Schedule snafu had us working out later than normal but it was good as I got a full hour of stretch time in the early AM. I really need to go through the whole routine these days.

The length tension imbalance that occurred last week really drove home the point how important keeping the tension in the external rotators and upper back muscles strong enough to defeat the pec/front delt/bicep internal rotators is. If the tension levels get too out of balance ( especially pecs it seems) the shoulder is just not going to hold it's neutral position.

SO really nailing and holding the overhead snatch position is even more important. As is NOT using a technique in my press that overworks the pecs.

6-7 am Stretchout

The full routine starting with back bends over stability ball and ending with overhead stick stretches.

12 noon
Snatch Practice

14 kg x 10/10
16 kg x5/5 x2

20 kg x5/5
x 7/7
142 reps
6248 lbs

Left shoulder overhead still didn't feel solid but much better and each set felt much better too

Two Hand Clubbell arm casts
20 lbs x 10/10
25 lbs x 10/10 x 2

Two Hand Shield cast
20 lbs x 10/10 x 2
x 8/8

these were more fatiguing than I recall. It's crazy how the top end of conditioning falls off so quickly . It comes back fast too but just a small break in routine and things can start feeling heavy fast!

Floor Handstands

6 sets of 10 seconds.

Tracy helped spot these so I can wean myself off the wall and get to doing only free handstands. Very strong but SO different than p bars, lol. I'm already spoiled by them

Bodyblade laterals
3 sets of 10/10

these were tough too! a little bit of joint disfunction makes everything surrounding it weaker very fast. But again, just happy I can train my routine at all. It will come back very fast.

datsit. Sisu


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