Monday, November 07, 2011

Snatch VO2 again

I hate it but it needs to be done. Snatch Vo2 that is.It's the fastest and the safest way for me personally to get in great cardio and strength endurance shape and when I don't do it things don't seem right.

I was snatching TOO much, twice a week, but going down to once every other week( in the last incarnation of my schedule wasn't enough either. SO, once a week, on Monday or Tuesdays will go back to the little 16 kg ball of hell protocol,lol.

I mean, it won't kill me to work with the gymboss ONCE a week, will it? And I can still do powerswings on Saturdays after presses, alternating those with one arm swings; a better combo anyway. This should fit. Just have to make sure I stretch out well Sunday night as I won't be able to before starting training on Mondays.

Snatch Vo2
16 kg
40 sets of 7
280 reps
10,080 lbs ( I do love how the tonnage adds up )

These were hard. Not yet used to only having one day after Saturdays heavy work,especially with no stretchout. And not having done these for a few weeks really let me know just how much work they actually take.The good news is that condition returns quickly with these as well.

I could also tell how inefficient my form had gotten lately. Just not enough snatch practice and going fast is hard when your form is off. and today 7's seemed fast.

Two Hand Clubbell Arm Cast
20 lbs x 10/10
25 x 8/8
35 x 5/5 x 3 sets

wow, these felt HEAVY!!! Again, haven't done them for awhile and could feel it.

Bodyblade laterals

Someone asked for a video of these so here it is! They seem easy when you look at them being done but not so much when I am doing them. Plus, they are as hard as you want to make them, just add force :))

Reverse grip triceps pushdowns

black band 4 sets of 30-20

datsit. Sisu..


Fatguy said...

Very cool! Thanks for posting the video, that's damned interesting. I'll have to hunt one of those down.

Mark Reifkind said...

try ebay, they're stupid expensive.

Tera Gold Cheap said...

i would set it on what i put up top and maybe you can experiment with the pod setting. i bet youcould get some decent mileage, if a person took some time with it.

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210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...