Saturday, October 29, 2011

Channeling Max.Double 28 kg Press for PR

Shank that is. It was short cycle double bell press day and for some reason I thought the double 28's would be a good choice.I been seeing Max's amazing double Beast clean and press at 182 lbs in my head and used him as my inspiration, motivation and technical ( virtual) adviser.

Watching Max's old school handstand position gave me renewed confidence in the strength and stability of it and further realize just how much the modern handstand's hypermobile upper chest hollow position is just fashion . Nice if you can get into the position but really not necessary for a very strong inverted position on one's hands.

I learned a lot at the bodyweight cert and one thing I got was some confidence, finally, that my upper body strength is actually returning and that I can, once again, train a bit and not just spend time in rehab with one foot on the gas and two on the break.

It's seriously frustrating to constantly be holding back from trying to improve when one's whole life has been devoted to that, but hey , when you're injured the basics are just fine.

But it seems that more than a little of my 'lost physical function' has returned. Nice.

And I did have last week off pressing, although I did a ton of bodyweight pressing work, and I had gone light the week before so why not take it up a notch? I didn't have time to search blog or youtube archives to see if I had ever even cleaned double 28's but I was pretty sure I hadn't. Which meant I've never pressed them.Which meant a real world.real time PR. Nice.

For some odd reason I wasn't worried about it, I just didn't know if I could do one rep or maybe two. I didn't even hope for triples. But that's what I got,lol. Even nicer:))

The old style handstand is much more about total upper body strength with more pecs and triceps in the mix, compared to more shoulder and upper back in the more strict version.

Either way that's how I planned to press today and it was amazingly strong. All the tricep and handstand work paid off.

7-8 am full stretchout
Here's some video of the first part of my stretch routine which I taped friday on request.

it's boring but hey, that's stretching. I flagged on my stretching a few weeks ago and paid the price in some nasty hip tightness. Don 't be lazy!

I"ll put up the rest of my routine in short segments so as not to kill people with boredom. You've been warned.

8 am
one arm swing warmup
16 lg x 10/10+5 trn x 3

Double clean and press( short cycle)
16's x 5 x2
20's x5
24's x 4 ( good sign, these felt light)

28's x 3 x 5 sets!!!! PR!

Wow, this shocked me and they got stronger each set!

One arm swings
24kg x 10/10
28 kg x5/5
32 kg x 5/5 x2

while I'm doing this Nick swings the beast for the first time . easy!

Band triceps extensions
5 x 20-12

I'm totally convinced these are helping Everything for me. shoulder and elbow stability, pressing strength, handstand position and arm size :)) ( hey, that's important)

Ring Supports and bent knee and L sit
4 sets!!!!

Crazy. I just tried these as a lark as we were walking out the door to see if being able to do them at the cert would hold up and they were super easy. Even the L sit! AND my shoulder stayed where it should, even better.

datsit. Sisu

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...