Saturday, October 08, 2011

Double 24 long cycle and high pulls

Was definitely not interested in pressing the 32 kg again today so it meant 24's. Since I did single long cycle last week I thought double long cycle clean and press would be a good choice. Double bells are always a tough one for me since my legs are short and I have to take a pretty wide stance to do the swings/clean well.

It's ironic that my best competition squats were done with a super wide stance but now with kb's my stance is pretty narrow and I feel so uncomfortable wide.taking off the suit bottom, belt and not squatting to a box changed more than a few leverages :))

Warmup/stretchout/ mobility was going great til I did some hangs from the TAP bar and felt my bicep tendon slip out in my left shoulder. Now this thing can sublux from doing side planks as I do bodywork on my roller and it's not a big deal except the shoulder is JUST not in the right position and all the accompanying muscles have to spasm up a bit stabilize it and it's instantly tight and I lose ROM.

I know how to knock it out but I haven't figured out how to put it back in just yet. Working on it.

So that meant my presses could be sketchy but many times just doing the moves and alternating sets with overhead stick shrugs resets what I assume is the first/rib/clavicle linkage.

7-8 am: full warmup( splits are really coming along now that I support upper body with rumble rollers to get a more upright torso position as I work the splits. Everything was opening up nicely til the bicep tendon went south.

8-9 Long cycle clean and press/doubles
warmup : one arm swings 16 kg x5/5 + 5 trns x 3 seets
double bell swings 2/16 kgs cx 8 x 2

Long cycle clean and press
16's x 5x2
20's x 5
24's x 5 x 8 sets

We could have easily done ten but we had heavy one arm high pulls to do.

KB High pulls

since we went light with the presses I wanted to amp it up a bit for the one arm swings but was worried my left shoulder wouldn't like the long arm of the swing so I settled on one arm high pulls. It was a good choice as the movement felt solid and strong and actually helped re position things.

24 kg x10/10
28 kg x8/8
32 kg x5/5 x 5 sets

Band dyna band triceps extensions
4 x20
1x 19!!!

so close but felt right triceps ready to lockup on the 19th rep after having to do some serious rest pause( in the fully stretched position of course :)) to get the last 9 reps. The first three sets were positively EASY and I had to work a bit to get the right amount of fatigue for the set by holding the lockout position, really working the stretch and generally squeezing the crap outa my triceps.

Then, tricep death occured, as it always does, suddenly and without warning. The best part is is that with 3 workouts a week I get another chance very soon.

datsit. I have razors to sharpen :))



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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...