No problems from Tuesdays workout so back to norm for today. That means two cb swipes with the 15's trying to build both density and volume. Also wanted to see whether I could still do a lot of cool tricks I could do at the Bodyweight cert last weekend or was that just a fluke,lol.
Good news is that it was not a fluke and my handstands felt even stronger than ever today. This seems to have turned a corner with my ability to get back into old gymnastics positions not only getting easier but more familiar as well. My body has finally decided not to act as if I had never done these movements and positions before. I can't believe I did so many hollow rockers and pike position moves and my back held up perfectly :))
CB Swing ->Torch swings
2 10's x 10 and 5 x 2
2 15's x 5 and 5 x 2
2 10's x 20
2 15's x 15
x 17
I wanted to do another set of 25 and then do the 30 but didn't know if my grip would hold. These are getting far better than before and I am definitely finding my groove and it's easier all the time. I am striving to be as efficient as possible here as I am chasing high rep numbers, not max strength or weight.This is a pretty natural movement for me and I want to be able to break my old pr of 106 continuous reps.
I hate doing high reps in kbs but don't mind them here at all. it's a good break from, and compliment to, my kb work
When I can ladder up to a set of 50, 5 reps at a time, my foundation will be good for a high rep set.
Handstands against wall into free stand
5 sets here and the holds were very solid. 8-12 seconds easy.
Straddled, straight leg press to headstand
5 sets here!!
wow this was a gift from the cert. haven't done headstands for decades and last time I tried a few years ago they were awful . Nice, tried some pike attempts that weren't there yet but they will be. the straddles were solid.
I can also see where this will re teach me how to do a press from headstand to handstand with the optimal arm, head shoulder position.
Triceps extensions black band
supersetted with
Handstand pushups
triceps were 4 x 20.20 15 15
HS pushups were 4 x 4-5 about half way down!!!
Pumping up the triceps first with all the above work really helped a bunch here as I felt very solid and went down farther than ever and my shoulder stayed in ( for the most part :))
Lots of weight on the heel of my hands as I crunched the elbows in on descent.
I used the same one leg bent position Pavel taught me in Hungary.
I don't have to get on a plane again until next April which is AWESOME for my training momentum. I am already really psyched about next years bodyweight training workshop and can't wait to see what I will be able to do by then!
datsit. Sisu
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