Thursday, December 15, 2011

Deadlifts, swipes and some trotting.

It's been a good year for Restoring Lost Physical function ,lol. Being able to press again, then press with two arms, then be able to squat down another 15 degrees led to less knee pain and better all around EVERYTHING.

Being able to focus more on how I can move more and better instead of spending countless hours days and weeks on sheer rehab to get to tolerable levels of pain was much better and drained energy incredibly less as well.
Which led to all kinds of other things getting done.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any better I saw this video( and being able to walk in place, then run in place then actually trot around like almost running human being!!!

This was crazy. A dream, a miracle.SO I practice my 100 ups every day, at least two or three times, actually, greasing the groove and now can break out into a trot at will

I can't call it running yet but I guarantee I will at some point soon.It will be nice to not to have to dream to actually be able to run again. And I hope the mechanics will translate to my walking gait as well.

But now that Stones Gym is alive and I can train in my own Courage Corner again, the always loaded deadlift bar started talking to me. It's important for my rehab that I can lift things that are at least slightly heavier than what I will have to do in real life.

The heaviest thing you lift will be what becomes what is 'heavy' for you, and I don't want that to always be a five gallon water bottle. Although I will tell you honestly that I am VERY happy when I can change the water with no back pain, and I will be forever grateful to be able to do so.

Even if that's all I can lift.

But today I could lift more and I did.

One Arm Deadift
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x3/3
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3

Barbell deadlift, mixed grip
135x 3
155 x3
175 x 3

this was amazing and easy. I can't remember the last time I deadlifted anything but a kettlebell but it was around 2004. That's a long time ago and it was singles with 315 and they were hard and hurt. today was easy and pain free.

I used the mixed grip to actually create torque in the correct way I need to counter rotate for my back. It worked out well, although I always have to wait and see what the next day(s) bring.

2 CB Swipes

since it seems my attempts at recreating the volume workouts I did in the past is futile I've decided on swipes and snatches to go for a few high rep sets and call it a day! I would love to be able to do 100 swipes with the 15s and recreate my original snatch test numbers of 25 and 25 with the 24 kg.
This will require just 2-3 hi rep sets and not much else.We'll see how this goes. I just don't have the desire to push for high total rep numbers like I did before.

I'll shoot for quality and less quantity although I still want to keep my swing volume high. we'll see. the main thing is that I keep inspired, motivated and in the gym three days a week with kbs and cbs.

Floor Handstnds

8 sets of 8 seconds

wow these were very hard to get going. took 5 sets before things settled in. All that flexion make upside down extension way tough to get into. It opened up towards the end which is exactly why I did them,

Datsit. Sisu.


Bear said...

Glad to hear it´s getting better every day! Congrats!

jockeRKC said...

Awesome Mr Rif =) we are getting back lifting but with no pain

Juci SFG said...

Great news, awesome progress!

Thanks for the video. I used to be a runner and I did it wrong of course. Having seen this 100 ups, I might wanna give it another go.

Mark Reifkind said...


this 100 ups technique really works. if it works for me it should work for anybody. just go slowly :))

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Bear it is getting better every day! hard to beat but I sure put in the time to get here.

Now, the trick is to keep going forward, slowly but surely.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Joakim, we certainly are.

Fireman Tom said...

congratulations on your continued revival! You've done a great job with your progressions and consistency. Maybe you could boil your blog down and put this journey in a book/dvd on this in the near future. Your [continuing] recovery from your "high mileage" past has inspired a lot of people and a book/dvd combo could reach way more people than your blog.
All the best,

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks for the kind words. Pavel has been on me for years to write such a book and perhaps after Tracy's comes out and we get rich I'll have the time to sit down and do it,lol.

thanks again man and hope all is well. so nice to be able to do so many things again, and,mostly, be out of pain :))
that's the most important gift.

Faizal S. Enu said...

Awesome Mark....!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...