Monday, December 12, 2011

Snatch Vo2

It seems my shoulder strategy is working. After spending considerable time with the lacrosse ball firmly ensconced in my pec minor,and more enjoyably , my teres major, the shoulder released and has been in neutral for the last few days. Nice. No new pec or front delt tension to pull it forward an d out right now and all the snatching has really activated my rotator cuff so it seems I dodged yet another bullet.

I knew I had to dig those out I just didn't want to. Just because I have a high pain tolerance doesn't mean I like it. I do the myo fascial release work because I have to to even come close to being square plumb and neutral not out of some masochistic delight :))

Of course my forearms were totally cooked from all the 24 kg snatching and only one day of downtime to recover. Nice. Plus it was freaking COLD at Girya this morning and that always tightens me up big time.

Perfect prelude to lots of fast snatching right,lol? All that are tension just meant I had to be really perfect with my snatch groove or else they would feel it big time.


full stretchout. lots of leg and ab release stretches.

9 am snatch vo2

warmups with
12 kg x 5/5 x 2
14 kg x5/5 x2

16 kg x 5/5 x 5 sets
x6/6 x 5 sets
x7/7 x 5 sets
x5/5 x 5sets
x6/6 x 5 sets
x7/7 x 5 sets
x5/5 x 5 sets
x 6/6 x 5 sets
x7/7 x 5 sets
x 5/5 x 5 sets
x7/7 x 5 sets
55 sets
20 sets of fives
15 sets of sixes
20sets of sevens
330 reps
11,880 lbs

the hardest part is just tallying these disparate numbers up! definitely felt off today and should have done more sets of just 6 and 7 but my arms were sore and my groove as different than last week,slightly wider stance and sheer over the top hardstyle. felt good but different and it was hard to go faster.

I do like using the fives as warmups and I take up the entire 15 seconds with more overhead holds, which I need as well/

two hand clubbell arm casts
20 x 10/10
25 x8/8 x 2
Shield cast
25 x 8/8 x 3 sets

these felt heavy too. ack. felt rushed too as my body was so stiff and uncooperative.

Floor handstands
5 sets of 10 seconds
these felt great, surprisingly, but I tapped off the wall too:)). I can find my balance right away off the wall but I will need more forearm recovery and muscle release if I want to start doing them free standing.
Also need to use a harder surface too. My mats are just a bit on the "givey' side.

datsit. Sisu


Mike C said...

Hi Rif- Quick question....which position do you put yourself in to best find the pec minor?

I've been working to get the restrictions out of mine as well. I stumbled across a couple youtube vids by a trainer named Naudi in San Diego. He's got 2 videos for self-myofacial release for posture correction I've been working that have helped a bit. The summaries of the techniques from the videos are: Vid 1- Lacrosse ball to Pec, Lat, then trap, and rhomboid. Vid 2- Han Bo (3-4 foot stick) to pec minor.

The Han Bo to the pec minor is pretty rough and it seems super hard to get it.



Mark Reifkind said...


i do it the opposite arm as the guy in the video. If I'm working the left pec minor I set the bell in there so I can raise my left arm clear of the side of the door jam. It's not hard to find at all; roll the ball over over the pec and work where it hurts.
tack the tight tissue down with pressure and move the arm in all directions seeing what "catches". work there until it doesn't.

sometimes it's the pec major and the minor. also check an anatomy chart so you know exactly where it is.

make sure you can identify the corocoid process, that's key.

Mark Reifkind said...

and yes, I've done the Han bo for years as well. just find where it hurts and is tight and start there :))

Mike C said...

Great tip. Thank you Sir...

"tack the tight tissue down with pressure and move the arm in all directions seeing what "catches". work there until it doesn't."

Mark Reifkind said...

I've been doing this stuff instinctively for years but I give Starrett the credit for the verbage.

the bottom line is that it works.

Mike C said...

I'm a big fan of Kelly's! I saw him talk earlier this year at Google when he gave a talk. His wife is nice too.

He did a talk for desk workers. It's long (+56min). But had some good stuff in it. I need to watch it again.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...