Monday, December 19, 2011

Some speed returns , Snatch VO2 60 sets

I was inspired today to really get my groove back in my snatch vo2 workout after Tracy was telling me how amazed she was at the speed I was able to obtain back in 2008 when we trained max vo2 together in a very serious fashion.

This is the video she was talking about:

I studied the video, very thankful I have a visual recording of what I did, how I did it and how it looked in the past. This is precisely why I tape everything. You never know when you will loose a groove and you never know what little thing it will take to recover it.

One thing I noticed in the video was that I was a serious tippy bird but that's how my lumbar rhythm rolls:my performance tells the real story. If it had been bad teshnik than I wouldn't have been able to move that fast, that easily or that strongly.

Even though the snatch IS a swing, the two techniques for me are very different. I keep forgetting this and try to "swing" my snatch. It works but not like this.

So I put on the same trunks I wore in the old video and hoped they would help.

They did:))

Great workout today and just another reminder of how fast Snatch Vo2 training gets me in shape regardless of how much I hate doing it..I focused on really throwing the bell down and not worrying about bending my knees, they don't bend much on my deadlift either. It's just how I'm built and I'm tired of fighting it and explaining it. Today's result confirms it for me.

The fact that my arms weren't fried from too much volume on Saturday helped a lot too

Snatch V02
16 kg
30 sets of 6 reps
26 sets of 7 reps
4 sets of 8
394 reps
14,184 !!! nice!

done in alternating sets of 10

Biggest workload in a long time.I would have done 5 sets of 8 at the end but counted wrong. No worries. I was snatching at an 8 and even 9 rep pace the entire time, holding overhead for the full 15 second count

heartate at end was 175-180

Capt America Arm Casts
20 lb cb x 12
25 lb cb x 12
35 lb cb x 8 x 2

Bodyblade laterals 3 x 8
Black band triceps ext 3 x 40,25,15

datsit. Sisu

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