Monday, December 24, 2007

Speed swings for volume.

Wasnt quite sure how I was going to handle today. Joe's off so I'm solo which usually means faster not heavier. Did the 32kg last week so it's either the 24 kg or maybe the 20kg. The powerlifter in me still hates to use lighter weights than I have to but so much good comes from the lighter weight moved really fast for me.I just have to accept that the 20 kg and below is light now, not the 24kg. The 24 is medium heavy for me and requires its own respect.
Checking my pr swing numbers I realize I don't have a 20 kg swing pr so I have to pick a starting spot.Upon doing so I realize that I have done 600 freaking swings with the 24 kg( that ain't gonna be broken again real soon,lol) and 408 with the 24 so it has to be at least 400. ugh. this is gonna be fun.
Yet I want them all to be fast and crisp so it's 10/10 with as short a rest as I can manage. this is usually pretty long( 1-2 minutes) but damn I hate trying to push hard when I can't here goes. Suprisingly I feel good right away and think about doing it ssst style with 10/10/10/10 but realize the acceleration and 'pop' of each rep is good so here we stay.As usual, once I fully warm up it's better than expected.

One arm swings
20kg x10/10x24 sets
x10/10/10/10x1 set( got anzious to get it over with)
500 swings PR
22,000 lbs( 11 tons!)

this went great and this is such a perfect weight for me for acceleration and speed work.all reps head high and the speed was excellent. Rest periods started out at 1 min+ for the first 5-8 sets then I warmed up and got down to 30-45 secs for the middle sets. the last 100 was about minute long.Form held the entire way.

Two CB arm cast 10 lbers
4 sets of 12,14,16,20
Shield cast 10 lbs
One CB arm cast 15 lbs
5,8,8 all sets back to back. I think I like the one arm version better .

rack walks 16 kg
800 feet. switch every 200 least I am doing it now. Need more footage though.

bw 162 !
bf 8.2%
water 61.3%

datsit. Merry Chrismas to all!


Franz Snideman said...

Merry Christmas Rif! I know 2008 will be great for you and your family!

Mark Reifkind said...

same to you and yours Franz,especially with your new daughter soon to be here!Get ready for your life to change forever!

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...