Monday, December 31, 2007

Assistance day.

This is working out quite nicely. Saturday has turned into the "lifts" day; snatch swipe and mill and monday will be the assistance/special exercises that I will do to help strengthen the main lifts.Wednesday is the same but different as Sat with max vo2 and more mills.Lighter and faster with a conditioning emphasis.Nice to actually have exercise selection options now, lol. Have been eating too early and too long during the weekends and I really felt it when I had to fast this am and then do these heavy ass 32 kg swings. No fun. Have to get on it on sundays again.

One arm swings

32kgx10/10x13 sets
260 reps
18,720 lbs
76% of PR( 340)

man that pr was set on a saturday morning. it's gonna be hard to break, I think,lol.I went in thinking 300 but it was too much today( 88%).It's also nice to have solid rep numbers to use to base percentages on.I now have my records with the 20,24,28 and 32 kg bells at respectable levels and can wave the loads from here on.

2 arm cast
10lbs x20
15lbsx10x5 sets

ok, this wasnt easy.especially with zero choke but it was solid.this is the perfect move for this portion of the swipe.serious serious tricep work too, way cool.

Shield cast
15lbsx10/10x5 sets

this wasnt easy either. very challenging but solid as well.

Mill practice with 10 lbs 10 minutes
just working on teshnik in slow mo.
Lots of z and floor stretching today and this was good.the elbow and wrist circles are proving every bit as valuable as the ankle work.

bw 162.4!
bf 9.1%
water 60.5%

feel very lean but also much bigger up top. the clubs are definitely changing my upper body.



Aaron Friday said...

I think your body is just forcing you to eat more to support the mass gains on your forearms from all the kettlebell and clubbell work. I'm guessing you gained about 2 pounds on each forearm in recent months.

Excellent PR with the swings. I think I'll devote a day to this exercise myself. I'll work toward 200 reps. That should support the 24kg snatch quite nicely.

Mark Reifkind said...

I just can't fast worth shit if I'm not busy.If I'm doing something I dont get 'hungry'. if I'm hanging out doing nothing I want to eat so weekends are tough that way.
and yes the forerarms are now approaching popeyesque proportions,lol.
btw yesterdays swing workout was not a pr ,just 76% OF my pr. Now that I have numbers I will keep track of percentages of my best.
and yes, that is how I see it too; the high rep heavy swings support the snatch.
happy new year!

Aaron Friday said...

I lose track of anything over 200, LOL! Happy New Year!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...