Monday, December 31, 2007


Larry Pacifico told Louie and he's right. Strong triceps are the key to a big bench and this exercise is one of my all time favorites for building size, strength and explosive strength into the triceps.
It is the rolling db extension as taught by Louie and WSB and we did it on speed day for seven sets of eight with 15 sec rest/sets. My best was 70 lb dbs for the seven sets done after speed bench.These ALWAYS hurt as you were to move the dbs as explosively as you could.
We also used it on max effort day for sets as low as three. My best was 115lb dbs for a set of 3.The stronger my tri's were the stronger my bench was.
It looks like it would kill the elbows and the shoulders but because the load is constantly shifting, and the dbs can rest on the shoulders it really was easy on those joints.As Louie describes it it is more about 'shoving' the weight up, than extending it or pressing it.


Steve Reishus said...

We did these with bands attatched as well. Makes for a fun time. Great rep effort work!

Mark Reifkind said...

steve, try 7 sets of 8 with only 15 sec rest/set after DE bench day.trying to throw the weight as fast as possible.bands or no this will fry your tri's.

Steve Reishus said...

I'll be doing that today. I'll let you know in a few hours how it went.

Mark Reifkind said...


Steve Reishus said...

That's an evil circuit! I whipped through it using only 40 lb. dumbbells (2 of the rest periods went a little over) and exploded through the reps. Of course, now I can't get my shirt off. The thing that really surprised me was the pump in my forearms as well! Keep the good stuff coming!

Mark Reifkind said...

yeah, that was without a doubt my favorite for triceps size and speed. always kicked my ass.I could regularly use the 65's and only occasionally use the 70's

4 Ranges, RKC said...

Rif, this looks really interesting. Is this tricep exercise done on speed days? So roughly twice a week?

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...