Another 50 sets of max VO2 snatches that is. This is the forth time I've waved through this cycle of 35-50 sets and this was the strongest by far, with the last 15 sets done with 8 rep per work bout.15 seconds is about the perfect amount of time for a work set for me. I can go all out but still recover from it quickly.I love going all out; nothing gets me out of my head and into the present moment like having to put my entire body and soul into a physical effort. Just freakin love it.
Someone once asked me how I could spend 5-6 hours a day 5-6 days a week doing gymnastics; wasnt that just too much work?And I told him straight away that I had never considered one minute of the time I had spent in the gym work.I always felt,right from the start, that I was Damn LUCKY to be able to spend that much time doing something I loved so much. School was work, gymnastics was play. Very serious and engaging play, but play.Kettlebells so remind me of that and it's been a long time since I could safely push myself like I did today and walk away feeling not only fine but good.It certainly helps that it is only the 16 kg,but I finally got my ego out of the way and stopped thinking I could only use the 24kg and up.Lots to be learned with light weights I have found.
And the virtual force created from moving fast is a good substitute for moving heavy.Think Sprinter.
Max Vo2 Snatch 15:15
35 sets of7=245 reps
15 sets of 8=120 reps
total =365 reps
13,140 pounds
25 minutes
Very very happy with this effort. No warmup just go which is very rare for me indeed.Snatch form felt solid and overhead right position was very solid too.I could even lean into it a bit.BUT I was definitely slow the first 30 sets or so and I was 3 or 4 seconds into the next 15 when I stood up. I went on time though even though I got less rest.I really worked the pause overhead for the first sets but knew 8 reps per 15 sec would mean a more aggressive pushoff to make the time and I found I could pick up the pace no problem.
Heartate was almost 190 for the last 5 sets and I was double breathing all the reps. worked great and definitely had more oxygen to work with.Form has been very consistent for a long time now. what a relief and a difference.
Clubbell Barbarian Flags
15lbs x20x6 sets
need the 25 for this badly. too many reps to get fatigue. love this move.
One CB shield cast
10lbsx10 each armx 2 sets
15lbs x8 each armx 2 sets
this was easily the strongest this has been with the 15's. last 2 sets had no choke and were no problem> I thnk I will be able to do this with the 25 right away.
Two Hand Mill
15lbs x10 each side x 4 sets
This was a practice session just trying to get the components and the correct mechanics for this move down. this was the first time I put it into a workout to be trained. Hard to keep the short side arm locked through the bottom. Have to rewatch the dvd on this one again.
Played with the Hammer swing earlier today and that is also going to be a winner for me. That will go well with the 25lber too.I always feel looser in the shoulder elbows and upper body musculature after I finish my kb workouts with clubs. No matter how many reps I seem to do it is very relaxing to me.
Lots of Z drills with clients today as well as standing karate stretches and rifga floor work thoughout the day. feels good and knee extension is the best it has been in long time.
BW 159.8
BF 8.7%
Water 60.5%
datsit,staying loose.
Someone once asked me how I could spend 5-6 hours a day 5-6 days a week doing gymnastics; wasnt that just too much work?And I told him straight away that I had never considered one minute of the time I had spent in the gym work.I always felt,right from the start, that I was Damn LUCKY to be able to spend that much time doing something I loved so much. School was work, gymnastics was play. Very serious and engaging play, but play.Kettlebells so remind me of that and it's been a long time since I could safely push myself like I did today and walk away feeling not only fine but good.It certainly helps that it is only the 16 kg,but I finally got my ego out of the way and stopped thinking I could only use the 24kg and up.Lots to be learned with light weights I have found.
And the virtual force created from moving fast is a good substitute for moving heavy.Think Sprinter.
Max Vo2 Snatch 15:15
35 sets of7=245 reps
15 sets of 8=120 reps
total =365 reps
13,140 pounds
25 minutes
Very very happy with this effort. No warmup just go which is very rare for me indeed.Snatch form felt solid and overhead right position was very solid too.I could even lean into it a bit.BUT I was definitely slow the first 30 sets or so and I was 3 or 4 seconds into the next 15 when I stood up. I went on time though even though I got less rest.I really worked the pause overhead for the first sets but knew 8 reps per 15 sec would mean a more aggressive pushoff to make the time and I found I could pick up the pace no problem.
Heartate was almost 190 for the last 5 sets and I was double breathing all the reps. worked great and definitely had more oxygen to work with.Form has been very consistent for a long time now. what a relief and a difference.
Clubbell Barbarian Flags
15lbs x20x6 sets
need the 25 for this badly. too many reps to get fatigue. love this move.
One CB shield cast
10lbsx10 each armx 2 sets
15lbs x8 each armx 2 sets
this was easily the strongest this has been with the 15's. last 2 sets had no choke and were no problem> I thnk I will be able to do this with the 25 right away.
Two Hand Mill
15lbs x10 each side x 4 sets
This was a practice session just trying to get the components and the correct mechanics for this move down. this was the first time I put it into a workout to be trained. Hard to keep the short side arm locked through the bottom. Have to rewatch the dvd on this one again.
Played with the Hammer swing earlier today and that is also going to be a winner for me. That will go well with the 25lber too.I always feel looser in the shoulder elbows and upper body musculature after I finish my kb workouts with clubs. No matter how many reps I seem to do it is very relaxing to me.
Lots of Z drills with clients today as well as standing karate stretches and rifga floor work thoughout the day. feels good and knee extension is the best it has been in long time.
BW 159.8
BF 8.7%
Water 60.5%
datsit,staying loose.
Nice job Rif!
Have you used a force exhale during heavy CRF (cardio respiratory fitness) work? What type of breathing technique do you use?
Rock on
Mike N
I'mnot sure of the name of the technique but I do alot of foreced exhalations.I learned very early on my hill climbing days on the bike not to focus on breathing in but forcing the air out to create a vacuum.
when the going gets really tough I use this double breathing method,i.e very quick double exhalations at the top and the bottom of the snatch positions.
worked very well yesterday but it sounds like a freight train!lol.thanks man.
Great effort Rif! Keep it up brother ( and I know you will)!
absolutely great work Rif!
thanks man, you know I will!
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