Thursday, December 22, 2005

More swings.

Didnt get to finish yesterday so here is the rest.

R arm kb deadlift
L arm windmill 4 sets of 5 each side with 36/44/53 the right arm really tightens my right lat.

One arm swings
44x10/10x2 these feel good but back still adjusts with bell in left hand. playing with different back angles,pressurization techniques and leg positions. no winners. doesnt hurt though.
72x5/5x3 sets wow. havent done these in eons. easier than I thought and harder than I thought at the same time.moved well. about navel height or a little above.

there is nothing like basic swings, done quantitatively to show you where you are in terms of posterior power and condtioning. I was much stronger than I thought. AND snatching the 1.5 for 28/28 to pass my snatch test is even more impressive now.Come to think of it I have to re cert in a year. These are truly the power squat of kettlebells. any swing.

53x15/15 suprisingly good.

these were very strong. I like doing these holistic sets-old fred hatfield training method.pick a basic exercise

e.g. squat
warmup then
3x3-5 reps explosive positive slow negative
3x8-12 medium tempo
2-3x20-30 reps continuous tension

this hit all the aspects of all the fibers. with the kettlebell it does the same thing. lets you swing heavy for absolute strength, then medium reps for strength endurance, and high reps for conditioning.PLUS the reps are SO much easier on the way down than on the way up. same for real squats.

5 handstands 10 sec ea

bottoms up cleans

LOTS of stretching, decom hangs, splits etc.
suprised I feel so strong after yesterday.

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...