Saturday, January 20, 2024

32 kg x 10 x 20, 32 kg belt squats 3 x 10paused, pullaparts, kickstand squats

  A really good, strong day. All anxiety, heart stuff has subsided and I actually slept well

Also been thinking a lot about my Mvo2 levels so I decided to push the pace today in the volume part of the cycle and go a bit faster between sets

HR peaked each set at 150 BPM and next set started at 100 BPM, Not too bad but it's hard to remember doing this whole workout (strength matters swing test) in ten minutes, not the 28 it took me today

But it was good to feel strong

then belt squats with pauses and some kickstand squats 3  x 5/5

pullaparts 3 x 30



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Thursday ruck

 Another really good one. Hotter than it's been but legs were moving so well early on and stayed that way. Another good night sleep too ...