Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The New Load the Bow 195 x 1 x 10, 190 x 1 x 2, 20 kg swings 4 x7/7, pushups 37, 24

 I think I may have actually figured this thing out. Started out the same way as always , being able to lock in but not able  to get a fast start, to pull the trigger

If I'm too vertical after the initial drive it slows at the top. that's not going to work with 225. If I lay back and get a good arch( lay  back) I can't start fast

Then, after five sets I figured out

1) my hips have to be forward at the start

2) when I lay back after the unracking I HAVE TO PIVOT BACK ONLY FROM ABOVE THE  BELT LINE

3) then I can drive straight up and the bar doesn't go forward

I also had Glenn give me the press call again to slow me down

The cues

1) Hips  in front

2) Spot the X

3) Elbows in

4) unrack keeping hips forward

5) layback from above the belt only


I switched back to false grip too helps to keep elbows in tight. laying back from the hips forward position and waiting for the call forces me to 'wind up' the tension. a slower call is better than too fast. I have to build the full Bow tension

175.8 at noon

11.7 after bath

Monday, February 26, 2024

May 8 2023 solid press technique

220 miss ( twice) 205 x 1 x 5, laterals, rear delts, wt pushups

 As close as I could get without a full lockout. I  tried squeezing my elbows in more at the start and that helped but  I got pushed back with 220. again, the focus on knee lockout makes me more vertical at the start

we'll play around wednesday but unless something weird two plates are going on the bar next Monday

135 x 3 singles

155 x 2 singles, 1 single

175 x 1

195 x 1 ( this warmup is good)

205 x 1

205 x 1 x 5

all like this, decent but slow at the top

175.2 at noon

Sunday Ruck

 Good one but legs and hips were tired from Saturday right from the start. Nothing terrible but I knew it wasn't going to be a fast day and didn't push it

Still turned out well

45 lb ruck

9 laps

1:25 min

top speed 3.4 mph

4.5 miles

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

190 x 1 x 5. 195 x 1 x 5, 16 kg snatch 3 x 7/7, pushdowns

  This went great. Focusing on 'feeling it in my head' and seeing myself do it works much better than paint by numbers I think



Internal bounce

Spot X

are the numbers. Turning myself into a rigid concrete column is the visual worked well but as I got tired I had to make sure to watch the  X or the bar moved forward

Also probably better to do the sets of 195 first THEN 190 but it was a great practice


Monday, February 19, 2024

220 miss ( ALMOST) 205 x 1 x 5 , laterals rear delts floor pushups

 This went almost perfectly. Just a few inches shy of lockout on 220 but the technique worked, held and felt very comfortable

The stronger I pushed up on unracking and the locking the knees at sticking point really made the difference

More warmups at the lower weights ( multiple set up singles) also helped. Rolled the dice and made the jump from 205-220 and it was the right move

Just have to get many more reps under my belt with this technique. It's a keeper

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Slow and steady ruck

 Slept well but thought yesterday's high volume swings and squats might drain me a bit and they did.

No worries I was ready for a slow one for a change. Body felt good, no dizziness just a bit fatigued

45 lb ruck

9 laps

10,003 steps

1:35 min with rest stops 

4.5 miles


Saturday, February 17, 2024

32 kg swings 20 x 10, 32 kg belt squats 3 x 10, supported pistol practie 3 x 4

 Rough one today. Woke up a bit dizzy in the middle of the night and it continued in the morning. Not bad but I had to do the half somersault maneuver this AM to settle things down, Glenn came down with covid and we trained the day before so I was worried about that.

And we went fast as it was just Nick and I. 20 sets in 30 min exactly. HR was around 150 mid sets. Respiration was up too but not sure it just wasn't anxiety
Not covid, at least not yet

Feel much less dizzy as the day went on  ( 4 pm now)

13.5 ( late bath)

Friday, February 16, 2024

Thursday ruck

 Decent ruck. Not cool but not hot either

Tested last lap speed and ended up with 18 min mile and 18 beats per 10 sec which equals 108 BPM which seems low but that's what it was

45 lbs

6 laps

3 miles

54 min total time

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

190 x 1 x 5, 195 x 1 x 3, 205 x 1 x 2, 16 kg snatch 5 x 5/5, band pushdowns 3 x 10

 This went great. Changed back to a full thumb grip, racked the bar a bit higher and really focused on locking the knees at the start

Later in the workout I realized how crucial RE locking the knees at the sticking point is, too

I based everything off of this series of great presses last year , just about this time

and this two plate make, the only time I've 225 in back to back workouts and just missed in a third

today went great

Push up
Push to X

HAVE to remember that at the sticking point to re lock the knees OR they get soft, I sink and the bar goes forward

kb snatch
5 x 5/5

better than last week. pretty happy with my overhead lockout on both sides!


Monday, February 12, 2024

195, 200, 205,210, 215 miss x 2, laterals rear delts

 No bueno

I thought I was laying back but instead I was pushing the hips forward! SO fucking picky this lift! argh
So focused on keeping elbows up, which I did but still all over because of the forward translation instead of laying back

195 x 1
200 x 1
205 x 1 slow
210 x 1

then 205 x 1 slower then TWO misses at 205
then 175 just : going for it
that felt good then 195 and 205 felt good too. looking over the video now I was indeed laying back on these

as usual I'm over thinking it instead of just trying to create maximum power

then laterals and rear delts


Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday Ruck

  Another solid one as well.

45 lbs

9 laps

3 miles

1:22 min!

last lap 16 min or so HR after 10 secs = 16 beats

that means 96 BPM which can't be right but it was the count!


48kg swings 20 x 5, 48 kg belt squats 3 x 8, pistol practice, pullaparts 3 x 30

 This was strong. and fast. 25 min start to finish and there were three of us this time.I'm surprised the AXE style training is actually helping cardio as well as power


Friday, February 09, 2024

Thursday ruck

First weighted ruck in a week and it was solid.expected for it to feel heavier and me slower but all was good

45 lb ruck

5 laps

2.5 miles

50 min

17 min miles

feet were sore the next day tho  

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

195 x 1 x 12, 16 kg snatch 3 x 5/5 ,floor pushups 35 x 2

 Back on track. Looked back over my best presses(again!) and came up with this one, just three months ago. Titled " my best press day ever" there had to be something there and there was

First I ever jumped 205 to 225 and crushed it.on first attempt no less

The basics of load the bow

Set the arch

Layback and spot the X

Layback again and press to X

It worked great but I stopped doing it so what went wrong?

Today I found out. I dropped my elbows! that pushed the bar out front. I have to

Set the arch, lift the elbows


Layback again and press to   X

Also , I have to really lay back and get super tight to be able to lay back again  (pull the trigger).It's way further than I THINK

The feel however is not. it's about getting SUPER TIGHT IN ARCH WITH THE ELBOWS UP

Good day today

 Not bad for a first day back at this technique and not realizing how critical the elbows were til the fifth set or so
then Kb snatches. thought they might be good to open up my shoulders more, work the upper back and shoulder strength unilaterally
they  felt great but we'll see tomorrow
LOTS of crunching going on in the shoulders especially right


Monday, February 05, 2024

215 miss x 2 205 x 1 x 3 ( + misses), wt pushups, laterals rear delts

 This didn't work either. As usual felt good but not enough starting speed and stalled at sticking point with 215 twice and two reps on 205 downset! ack

And I'm still bending my knees to start!


Sunday Walk in the rain

 Big storm no ruck but decent 3 mile fast walk. Incredible just how different rucking and walking really are. Now I get how close walking and running are without the extra weight

3 miles

6 laps

48 min!

16 min miles

totally soaked

Saturday, February 03, 2024

44 kg swings 25 x 5, 44kg belt squats 3 x 10, pistol practice

 Strong, fast day. all 25 sets in about 28 min which is ten min faster than last time I think. Either way cardio. Power height and acceleration was solid, as was technique.

Seem to be sitting back more than quad dominant of later( athletic hinge) and it feels good. Definitely less load on the back.

then belt squats also good after the first set warms up the quads and some ring pistol practice. I like this assist technique the best


13.7 bath

Thursday, February 01, 2024

1 mile Max Vo2 test walk 13:31~~ 4:44 MPH and 41 est max vo2

 Got an early cancellation and it called for rain at my usual rucking time so I decided to give this test a go.

I've been thinking about for a few weeks

1/2 mile warmup in  7:15 the the full two lap walk that ended with a strong 13:31! Don't know if thats my all time fastest but if not it's close

counted 15/16 beats in 10 sec and that correlates to a 41/42 Maxvo2 for my age although the chart stopped at 65 lol

It's almost 'elite' for the next age group down 55-59

really strong effort and very easy too

any faster I would have to break into a jog

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...