Wednesday, April 12, 2023

200 x 1 x 10 sets, 24 kg two hand swings 5 x 10,wt pushups x 3 x8 53 lbs

 This went well although the 'pushup in the bar' cue didn't work well. When I did it  my hips didn't stay in front of the bar and my knees flexed. figured it out for the last five set

I was thinking "back" but it wasn't happening because of the upward push

Once I stayed focused on creating the arch and holding it as I unracked the reps were way better. Bar wasnt off the pins much but I don't think I can have both and the hips forward arch is way more important

The other thing I didn't do is drive my hips forward to the garage door once I unrack

That's the starting trigger


setup hips in front of the bar

elbows up and find the X

lock that in and 

BACK to unrack

drive hips forward and press to X

then I actually did two hand swings! barefoot, wide stance, vertical shin , head up
it felt great but so easy,lol. I think these will be fine especially with this technique. Will work towards 32 kg for the 5 x 10 soon
Much better than MORE one arm swings after presses lol
wt pushups
bw x 8
53 x 8 x 3 sets horizontal bar med close false grip

BW 174.4
NF 14.9 ?

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16 kg Swing Vo2 20 set of 10, Press 165 x 1 x 10, band pushdowns, rev curls

 Started off with swing Vo2 . Been a minute since I did this and boy could I tell.At one point I did 30  min of 15:15 with the 24! Crazy. I ...