Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Back on track press day! 175/185 x 2 x 5 sets, swings, wt pushups


As bad as Monday was that's how good today  was! Everything I tried worked and I felt connected in my body and actually KNEW what I wanted to  do under the bar. And it felt solid.

LOAD THE BOW worked. Then SPOT THE X worked as well

Solved a lot of issued. Loading the bow made me take time to build total lower body tension and spotting the X made me keep the position. I lost the X a couple times which made me realized just how much I wasn't using this at ALL

Holding the X in sight also helps me keep the bow

Another insight, Have to have the bar UNDER the t shirt line not on it. This seems to make a big difference. Easier on first rep than second but on the second reps I missed it got a wobble pushing it forward. Right under the clavicle.

All the pieces that are certain are finally coming together it seems

And, glenn was right, when I do it right the bar DOES move back, not just up. When I'm wrong I'm wrong. Didn't think it was possible but it is

Also put my feet just a bit wider on the setup, seems they've gotten narrower as things have gone on and it's not as stable

24 kg swings

5 x 8/8 good after a stiff first set

wt pushups

bw  10
53 x 10 x 3

BW 176.8
BF 14.1
1 pm
11.1 %

Monday, December 28, 2020



Clusterfuck press 2.0

 It seems I've completely lost my groove. Went back to the same technique I used to press two plates and missed my first attempt with 205! And it was downhill from there. No physical or even mental excuses but I could not find the groove.All over the place. Again.

Not happy

definitely not getting my lower body into the action. not locked in . Not sure what to do. Thinking about going back to fives and trying to find the groove from there but part of me is just not ready to give up on singles yet.

I realized today I am NOT aware of the overhead X and that may be a part

I'm not loading the bow and pausing

I don't feel weak, I just cant consistently push away from the bar the same way.


65 85 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1 excellent
175 x 1 a bit forward actually
195 x 1 solid
at this point everything feels good. bar on mid chest, trying to keep bar over ankle( and I fell backwards more than a few times) and push straight up

205 x miss!!!
205 x 1 ugly
215 x miss x 3
205 x miss
185 x 1
185  x miss !! out in front

put on adidas shoes and moved bar back to under collarbone
185 x 1 strong
195 x 1 strong
205 x 1 decent
205 x 1 I think
185 x 1 x  3

60 x 2 surprisingly strong!
40 x 1
so weird!

laterals 3 x 10/10

BW 175.8
BF 14.5

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Strong and fast ruck

 Another good one. It seems I'm on a  roll. A rucking roll. lol. See what I did there?

But it was good. So much nicer when it's cool enough to help me go fast to keep warm. legs again were loose but strong and lungs good too

Just five squat stretches but  other than that continuous

50 lb ruck

12 laps

5 squat stretches

13,3441 steps

6 miles

1:55 min

Top speed 4.8 mph ( 12.5 min miles)

BW 174.8

BF 15.1

60 and 68 kg One arm swings

 Great day! Strong all the way  around; grip, height, power, lungs everything on point. Easily the best heavy session with these bells I've had. The height is almost getting a respectable place. Soon.

One arm swings

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 3/3
60 kg x 5/5 x 7
68 kg x 5/5 x 3

Pistol practice
3 x 8/8
solid, good rhythm

3 x 10/10 with 15's

BW 174.8 !!! Made weight!
BF 12.8
W 58.1 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Good cool ruckings

 This went very well. Finally a fully cool and crisp thursday afternoon ruck. I love it like this, so much easier to go faster

Legs and lungs felt good and pace was solid the  whole time

50 lb ruck 

6 laps

60 min

BW 176.8
BF 13.5

last thursday I was  176 even but 15.8 bf

being good today and tonight so should be under tomorrow was 175.6 last friday

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Back to basics press day, heavy and decent (205/210/205) 24 kg swings, wt pushups

 Decided to go back to the basics on this: false grip, vibrams and bar high on neck worked out very well, especially considering how sore I was from Monday!
Still not perfect but I feel much more confident than I did on Monday


65 85 105 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 fast but fell back
205 x 1 ok but not lost tenion a bit
210 x 1 better but shoulder fatigue showing up
205 x 1 good
185 x 1 x 5 all solid

24 kg speed swings
5 x 8/8

wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 2

BW 177.6 ack was 177 last wed
BF 14.1
W 57.4

was 11.4 and 59.3 at 1  pm

Monday, December 21, 2020

A clusterfuck press day

  Damn it nothing went right. Not one damn thing I did everything I wanted to do but it didn't work at all>
Wrapped thumb and created torque
took the weight off with hips and arms and "froze"
Layed back and pressed at the same time and .... nothing. Over and over

Finally went back to thumbless grip but knees were still leaking and bar went forward over and over

then I took off heels and put on toe shoes and only focused on glute tightness.

Knees not leaking. Good drive

Back to where I  started

bar right under collarbone
flat foot
glute tightness focus
layback press and focus on really laying back

65 85 105 x 2

135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1 all ok but not fast
195 x MISS WHAT?
195 x 1 but barely
205 x miss x 2 or 3???
195 x 1 Barely
185 x 1 MISS????
185 x 1
185 x 1 thumbless and flat foot
195 x 1 x 2
205 x 1 x 2
185 x 1  x 2

1 x 70

Ring tri extensions
2 x 10

3 x 30

BW 177.2
BF 13.5

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Cold, fast and angry ruck

 Nice and crisp 36 degrees this morning, which was great for me,  and my legs felt loose and my lungs felt open from the start and that was very  nice. I was also pissed at the clusterfuck that is going on in the election as well as the ninth month of this insane lockdown and was just freakin pissed and ended up pushing really hard for most of the two hours
THAT hasn't happened in a long time. A few years in fact. But my legs could do it

I averaged 3.6 MPH and hit a peak of 4.5 mph which is equivalent of a 13.6 min mile! sweet

Just felt good for a change.

Only did five squat stretches as I didn't want to stop. Did my usually stop and let the legs relax a bit and check twitter but overall super fast and strong

50lb ruck
12 laps
5 squat stretches
13,437 steps
6 miles

BW 177
BF 14.8

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Beast Mode- 48 kg One Arm swings 10 x 6/6, pistols, laterals


This went great, and, after all these years can focus more of the  quality of the reps than just surviving them. it's hard to imagine that grip was such a limiting factor here for so long. It's still a factor for the 60 and 68 kg bells but still getting better.

body felt good and no real issues. Cold as shit though in the garage ( high 30's) but that hot bath passive warmup makes all the difference. I hit the platform already partly warm

48 kg One arm swings
(normal warmup)
10 sets of 6/6 

120 reps
12,720 lbs

bell height was decent, as usual much better than it felt during the set. But I felt strong

Pistols ( self spot)
3  x 8/8 
these are still getting stronger. depth is so so but rhythm is solid and leg strength is good too


3 x 10/10 with 15

BW 175.6 !! one pound less than last Sat
BF 13.5 ( bath, same as last sat)
W 57.8 too low

Friday, December 18, 2020

thursday ruck

 Not bad one. Started out fast as it was crisp and cool. a bit too fast as both calves tightened up a bit. slowing down fixed it and I realized I hadn't rucked with weight on Sunday and the dirt was soft and muddy today so my calves got the triple treatment

All good though and no shin issues which is great

50 lb ruck

6 laps

3 miles

6 min

BW 176.00!
BF 15.8

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Solid press technique day 175/185 x 2 x 8 sets, 24 kg swings, wt pushups

 Very good session. Got almost everything right and things moved very well

Took the weight off with my arms well. Locked in quickly ( although I still layed back a bit too much ) and, most importantly, paused strongly before starting the press and it worked well.

Also, set my grip with torque and man did that seem to help. Have lots more to explore with this idea.

What is next is when I unrack the bar just freeze, then pause for tension, then press. Even the slightest layback then lower the bar which I don't want. I do this more on the second rep than  the first here

When I freeze well there is less knee movement at the start. Just have to remember to really lay back hard when I do and get under the weight  at that point. Not try to do it in stages


4 sets of 2 with 175
4 sets of 2 with 185

24 kg swing 5 x 8/8

wt pushups
3 x 10 with 53

BW 176.6
BF 16.1 !!

1 pm
11.2 ( bath and hydrating )

Monday, December 14, 2020

215 press x 3 singles, 205 x 3 singles,floor pushups laterals

 So so day. felt solid and made the  corrections I wanted to ( load bare more in arms) but ended up rushing the start til the end. The lone felt good though but fast start lead to loose hips and wobbly reps

Definitely seem that I'm on the right track


65 85 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 FAST!
205 x 1 wobbly hip
215 x miss!
215 x 1 x 3 ( ugly though last one not locked)
205 x 1 x 3 ( last one best one)

floor pushups

very very hard, arms and shoulders cooked from the new technique

3 x 8/8 20
rear delts
3 x 10 20s

BW 177.4
BF 14.1

Fast walk in the rain


Stormed pretty hard yesterday so I went for a fast walk instead of getting my ruck drenched

Just an hour but it was great; felt like I was flying. Like I could run

6 laps

3 miles

ave speed 3.7 mph

16.2 min miles

BW 177

BF 14.5

Saturday, December 12, 2020

44 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 8/8, pistols laterals


This was strong and went well. Not so freezing this morning as the rain moves in and it got humid
Legs and lungs were both stronger and it seems I'm actually getting back into strength endurance shape. Haven't been here in 3+ years since I trained for the 48 kg five min test and it's been a slog back as I haven't focused on it at all just cruising in  maintenance

One arm swings
normal warmup

44 kg x 10x 8/8
160 reps
15,550 lbs

Pistol practice
3 sets of 8/8

laterals/ rear delts
3 x 10/10 15s
BW 176.6
BF 13.2 B

Thursday ruck


Very solid Fast and crisp and the weather was perfect

50 lbs

6 laps

55 min

no issues, calves and shins good

BW 176.4
BF 14.5

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Back on track press day 175 x 5 x 2, 185 x 5 x 2, 24 kg swings , wt pushups

  thank goodness. haven't completely forgotten how to press overnight

But the bar back right under the clavicle

Wrapped my thumbs.

Didn't try to force the layback and it moved well. Had  few miscues with the bar falling forward but just two

main thing is that I felt I could find leverage and 'make the move'.

also had more tension in arms than I've had and really squeezed the bar. I think I've been trying to keep all the weight in my body and not use the arms til the press and I think that's a mistake. Squeeze the bar and hold it tight and let the tension irradiate down instead of trying to have it irradiate UP.

Wrapped thumb is definitely more shoulder but that makes the bar go up more at the sticking point whereas the  false grip overloads triceps so much that when I stick I push and then the bar goes forward as that's the triceps action.

Well see more monday but today I'm happy


65 85 105 x 3
135 x 3
155 x 1
165 x 1
175 x 2 x 5 sets
185 x 2 x 5 sets

24 kg swings  5 x 8/8

wt pushups V angle bars
bw x 10
53 lbs x 10 x 2

4 am BW 177
         BF 14.5
1 pm
BW 176.6
BF 12.2
W 58.7

Back to intermittent fasting. only almonds at 7:30 and green tea after

Monday, December 07, 2020

Clusterfuck press day

 What a disaster. Could not find the  groove to save my life. Did everything I thought I did last week and zippo. Everything went out in front or my knees bent a ton, all kinds of mistakes, 


I am getting tired of trying to thread this needle so thinly, trying to walk this tightrope. When I can find that groove it's moving fast but off a silly millimeter and it's a grind that kills any chance of 2 plates


Plus slept well, ate good, no body issues and while my mind's distracted by this election and covid shit show I had a decent mental attitude going in

65 85 105 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1 fast
175 x 1 fast
195 x 1 good
205 x miss! what?
205 x make but not right.( trying at this point to set up tight, not move and just layback kono press it. everything's going forward
215 x 1 barely could be the ugliest rep I've done 
205 x 1 meh
135 x 1 easy
185 x 1 better still trying mid chest false grip and layback press but hips are loose and timing is off
205 x 1 ugly again
210 x 1 kinda made it
185 x 1 high on neck, wrapped thumb
195 x 1 same and fast!
205 x 1 slow but the groove was right
185 x 1 x 2 decent but will it be at 225?

Will try high on neck and thumb grip on wednesday

laterals and rear delts
3 x 10/10 with 20
3 x 10 with 20s

BW 177
BF 14.9

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Fast ruckings

 Strong here too. Legs definitely coming into their own~
Perfect weather, overcast cool but not cold  excellent

12 laps
12,397 steps
5 squat stretches

2 hours

BW 176.8 ( cheat day yesterday :) )
BF 15.1

40 kg One arm swings 10 x 10/10, pistols, laterals

 This was decent. Definitely easier than it's been. I think my cardio and leg endurance is finally really starting to get to a new level. took long enough

One arm swings

40kg x 10 x 10/10
200 reps
17,600 lbs
RPE 7.5

both legs and lungs decent and didn't hit the wall ( just brushed it a bit ) at set 8


these are coming along well, too

Laterals/bent laterals
3 x 10/10

BW 176
BF 13.5 ( B)

Friday, December 04, 2020

Thursday ruck


Been dieting this week to get down to 175 so I was a bit more leg tired than expected but it was decent. Just overall energy tired rather than any specific part. No shin issues at all

50 lb ruck
6 laps
3 miles
6 min

BW 176.2
BF 14.5

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Med heavy technique presses, 24 kg swings, wt pushup

 Pretty  frustrating day, seems like I'm already back to "searching" for the groove again. The bar could have been too low on my chest, maybe too much hip forward at the start , fast starting, etc but it didn't feel 'right' either

Warmups felt good but it still felt I was pushing the bar forward too much and not laying back enough at the start


65 85 105 x 2
135 x2
155 x 1
175 x 1 x 2
185 x 1 x 2
195 x 1 x 2
200 x 1 x 2
185 x 1 x 2
when i hit it right it flies but too many leakages( knees mainly) at start

24 kg swing
5 x 8/8

wt pushups
BW x 10
53 x 10 x 2

BW 176.8 ! 
BF 14.6

two whole days of no junk waiting longer between feedings ,more steak and not eating right before bed works lol
want to get and stay  at 175

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...