Saturday, October 05, 2019

190 lb Standing press 1 x 5 sets, 195 1x1,20 kg snatches x 5/5-8/8, laterals

And  Nick presses 250!!1

He did 4 sets of 1 with 225, 1x1 with 235 and 1x1 with 250! Huge pr off his old best of 235

I had a decent day too. Very light in bodyweight ( 169.6) I still felt ok. Started a new concept in the programming in the Quest for 225. Load variability for multiple singles

The idea is to warm up til I hit a heavy but steady single. It could be 175 or it could be 195. Then, stay there  and go for 3-5 singles.
Submax loads do not convert to a heavy single for me at all. they help build mass but the key here it seems is to dial in the max effort TECHNIQUE with very heavy ( 85-95%) multiple singes to build starting strength and rate of force development in the same groove as the max will be. Which is different from sub max weight

The other idea is that one day I will feel great and just start adding weight and get a new pr. and that's just what happened today with Nick!

Psychologically this will be much easier as the pressure if off to go to a specific load but instead go to whatever is "heavy" that day, using bar speed as the main metric. As heavy as I can that day without the bar slowing down too much or moving out of the groove.

Then, on Mondays go to 5x5 work  but not intensely progressive, what I would describe and medium heavy day. I've been using 135 so perhaps up to 155. The idea here is to keep the base volume up, build more muscle and practice the groove.

65. 85,105 x 3
135 x 3
155 x 1
175 x 1
185 x 1
190 x 1 x 5 sets
195 x 1 ( out in front a bit)

Seems I got on my toes too much and lost the bar position. It seems with these new Reebok shoes with this big heel I don't have to work as hard to keep my hips forward but I do have to work harder to stay layed back. Just maintain the arch not increase it but don't lose any, either

Very very happy with the first trial run of this idea.

KB snatch
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5, 6/6, 7/7 8/8
52 reps

this felt great! My overhead position which I lost after my TKR seems to have returned. Not to perfect or idea but just the same decent position I had before the knee op! I'll take it.
Plus since I've done all my snatch volume of old barefoot it made sense to me to stay that way and go back to getting some posterior chain work in

 My body remembered like a champ. Muscle memory kicked in. Like falling off a bike

Very excited about this! Plus I think it will help my press too by getting more shoulder and upper back work in!

2 sets of 10/10 with 15
shoulders already sore ,lol

BW 169.6
BF11.9 post bath

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...