"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
60 and 68kg One Arm Swings, wt pushups, laterals
This was better than expected. Pistols tightened up by back yesterday by really working my abs hard and it worried me a bit. I unlocked them and the back was fine the AM but I really wanted to swing the 68 kg and I haven't done that in two months( missed it last cycle while I was in Croatia). And on a Wedneday but it was great
Wore the new wrist wraps and the actually helped my grip a bit too. Best grip strength I've had with these bells yet so that's excellent
The innov8 shoes are perfect for this day as well and there's not messing around with that anymore either
One Arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 3/3
44 kg x 3/3
48 kg x 3/3
60 kg x 5/5 x 8
68 kg x 5/5 x 2
80 60 kg reps = 10,560 lb
20 68 kg reps = 3000 lbs
total = 13,560 lb!
Wt Pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3
3 x 8/8 with 20s
BW 172.4
BF 14.1
New Schedule
Starting next Monday
Heavy press
Heavy swings
Floor pushups
Medium Press
Light Snatch
Wt Pushups
My hypothesis is that it will easier to swing heavy on Monday instead of Wednesday, even though I ruck on Sunday. Monday's medium day is still hard and I'm finding that Wednesday's I'm pretty tired from all the heavy lifting and three full days of works before these stupid heavy and or high rep bells
We'll see
Plus, there's actually more recovery time between Saturday's heavy press and Wednesday's medium press as well as two full days off before heavy presses
Heavy press
Heavy swings
Floor pushups
Medium Press
Light Snatch
Wt Pushups
My hypothesis is that it will easier to swing heavy on Monday instead of Wednesday, even though I ruck on Sunday. Monday's medium day is still hard and I'm finding that Wednesday's I'm pretty tired from all the heavy lifting and three full days of works before these stupid heavy and or high rep bells
We'll see
Plus, there's actually more recovery time between Saturday's heavy press and Wednesday's medium press as well as two full days off before heavy presses
Monday, October 28, 2019
135-175 x 5 Press ladder PR, Pistol practice ( pauses) floor pushups PR, laterals
Pretty tired but the groove was there and all the reps went very well. Just barely almost got of position a few reps in the entire workout. Developing the new muscle memory. So much simpler than everything I've been doing before; just the solid base and the nice straight press line I've been looking for.
Standing press
65, 85 105 x 3
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 5 PR!!
Pistol Practice
working on pausing a bit longer in the hole . two workouts a week is definitely the smart move for the second leg workout
Floor pushups
3 x 53 PR all time! wow
just can't really even believe it and they weren't that hard. Finally getting that calm mental space that I've been searching for for these long sets. And actually not focused much on breathing at all, just really staying calm and relaxing as much as I can and just relying on the rhythm and the stretch reflex
3 x 10/10 with 15s
BW 172.6
BF 14
Sunday Full ruck
Back to full two hours and twelve laps today. Perfect day for it, cool and crisp. Legs felt great but upper back tight mid way through from the snatches, no doubt. Nothing big just muscles not used to doing that much snatching followed by heavy ruck.
A few short rest pauses and they were fine but legs and lungs felt great for a change
No iso squats either I was thinking they were contributing to my tight right hip so we'll see
48 lb ruck
12 laps
2:00 straight up
No squats
RPE 7.5
BW 171.6
BF 13.5
A few short rest pauses and they were fine but legs and lungs felt great for a change
No iso squats either I was thinking they were contributing to my tight right hip so we'll see
48 lb ruck
12 laps
2:00 straight up
No squats
RPE 7.5
BW 171.6
BF 13.5
Saturday, October 26, 2019
205 lb press 5 x 1 PR, 20 kg snatch 20/20, laterals
Great day but I didn't feel it coming. Nothing bad but just felt "flat" for lack of a better term. But that works, just flat.
But the weights went up; and each set I wondered whether it would hold and it did. Even the last set which is above. I really didn't think I'd get it!
The new cue; "heels" was the key. Whenever I started to lose tightness and wobble I just thought heels and it worked. I stayed under the bar. SO happy about this. 205 x 1 as my actually best form PR was great but five sets with it tells me something good.
The new cue; "heels" was the key. Whenever I started to lose tightness and wobble I just thought heels and it worked. I stayed under the bar. SO happy about this. 205 x 1 as my actually best form PR was great but five sets with it tells me something good.
And the new Onyx wraps worked perfectly. SO happy with them. Tightness just in the wrist joint, where I need it and the leather is very cool
Standing press
65, 85, 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 ( absolute best rep I've done with this weight
205 x 1 x 5 PR!!
3rd rep got out in front but I retook it and made it with 20 sec rest
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 10/10
x 20/20
x 10/10 x 2
100 reps
this was a big breakthrough. Wasn't enjoyable at all but definitely manageable.Anatomical breathing makes all the difference
3 x 8/8 20's
BW 171.8
BF 12.7 bath
Friday, October 25, 2019
Thursday ruck ; HOT
Got seriously hot again, in the 90's! ack thought this shit was over.
Yesterday's 48 kg swing work took a bit of a toll, nothing serious just fatigue in erectors and glutes and could feel it in the ruck today
48 lb ruck
5 laps
45 min
RPE 9!
BW 171.8
BF 13.9
Yesterday's 48 kg swing work took a bit of a toll, nothing serious just fatigue in erectors and glutes and could feel it in the ruck today
48 lb ruck
5 laps
45 min
RPE 9!
BW 171.8
BF 13.9
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
48kg One Arm Swings 10x6/6, wt pushups, pistol practice, laterals
This went well. Right glute was a bit tight at the start but it worked it's way out pretty quickly. Weight felt light and the swings felt strong. cardio was strong as well
One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 6/6 x 10
120 reps
12,720 lbs
RPE 7.5
best left hand grip strength in awhile. we'll see if it holds up next week with 60 kg
Wt pushups parallel bar
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3
2 x 5/5
2 x 6/6
legs were stiff to start with! loosened up by third set but I could tell they were tired
3 x 8/8 wth 15s
BW 171.4
BF 14
Monday, October 21, 2019
standing press weight ladder 135-175, pistol practice,floor pushups PR, laterals
Felt very strong, this went well. Plus I realized what's happening when I lose the rep: I shift forward onto my TOES! It's not my hips first, that's a side effect of not staying on my heels. Saw it very clearing in the fifth rep in the video above.
As soon as the weight shifts to the front of the foot the hip moves too then the bar goes forward. Been looking for the right cue for this and I think that's it.
Standing press
65 86 105 x 3
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 4!
the warmup sets were the best ever. Groove was the best ever. This plan might actually be working Felt very good and getting really used to the false grip, feels strong and natural now and it really keeps my elbows from flaring too soon,
Pistol practice
these were easily the strongest and most comfortable reps I have ever done. legs really feel strong and I am going to do another day of these on Wednesday too. I think this will be what I need to get to the next level and a full unsupported pistol
Floor pushups
3 x 52 ALL TIME PR!!
3 x 8/8 with 15s
BW 172.1 !!
BF 13.5
Sunday Ruck
Back to full power and full time. Nice cool crisp morning and it was great to have that cool breeze helping me along. Legs and lungs all felt good. Right hip issue is gone and thats great too
48 lb ruck
12 laps
NO squat stretches
1:55 min
RPE 7.5
BW 172
BF 12.5 ( post bath)
48 lb ruck
12 laps
NO squat stretches
1:55 min
RPE 7.5
BW 172
BF 12.5 ( post bath)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
200 lb press x 1 x 5 sets, 20 kg snatch ladder 8-15, laterals
This was a good day. Had a scare yesterday thinking I might have a detached retina but all is well. But it wasn't the best prep day for a heavy press but that's usually how it goes it seems.
Just very happy my eye is ok
65, 85 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1 ( all reps very solid groove)
190 x 1
200 x 1 x 5 sets ( video was set 2)
Not perfect hip tightness but very solid and reps were fairly fast and in the right line
Oh yea got some new very cool wrist wraps coming. I saw some female Oly lifters wearing these at the Worlds and tracked them down. Can't wait to get them
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 8/8
x 10/10
x 15/15
x 12/12
=90 reps
triple GS anatomical breathing made these easy. But I put my black adidas oly shoes on for the last set. Zero heel isn't good and I could feel my back a bit. The adidas is a .5" heel so minimal but my back liked it
this definitely is a much more upper body dominant move than the swing. So glad to see my overhead position is back to pre TKR levels
3x8/8 with 20lbs
BW 171
BF 12 ( post bath)
W 58.4
Friday, October 18, 2019
Full Thursday ruck
Great ruck! Nice and cool, overcast and breezy, just perfect. Legs and hips felt good and my energy was excellent as well . Wore my Salomon high top just to re break them in for the wet weather that's hopefully coming. Definitely heavier and stiffer but more support on foot as well
Nice to do the full 6 laps
48 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min
BW 170.4
BF 14.1
Nice to do the full 6 laps
48 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min
BW 170.4
BF 14.1
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
44 kg One arm Swings 10 x 7/7, wt pushups, bw lunges, laterals
Still weird to do heavy swing days on Wednesday afternoons. It's more mental than anything. I've done it on Saturday ams for SO long it's weird to get up for it after work. it was number one focus of my training life for seemingly ever
But now that's the press and I have to get used to doing it on this day.
One Arm Swings
16 kg x 5x5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 7/7 x 10 sets
140 reps
13580 lbs
RPE started at 8 then went to 7 at fifth set
Wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3
BW split squats
3 sets of 10/10 barefoot
either I'll go to barefoot pistol or try the airborne lunge again
3 x 8/8 w 15s
BW 170.4
BF 14.4
Monday, October 14, 2019
135-175 5 rep ladder, pistol practice, floor pushups
This was hard day. Pretty much stiff and sore from the weekends training and just generally flat energy wise. So no real expectations so things went well from that perspective.
The main thing was that the press 'static hold' technique held up very well and I could remember how to do it!
65 85 105 x 3
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 3
165 x 3
Pistol practice
these felt great! surprisingly so since my right hip and hip flexor got wonky again yesterday and this morning. the culprit is definitely too much sitting as I was on the computer for hours yesterday with the phone company and bang! it's back
But now I know
4 sets of 5
less arm help ever
Floor pushups
3 sets of 40
strong and a total surprise!
BW 171.8
BF 14.3 !!
W 56.9
Dehydrated and I could feel it getting up. Fixed it fast though
need the day off tomorrow and good to be back on my adaptogens. they make a big recovery difference
Saturday, October 12, 2019
195 lb press 6 x 1,20 kg snatch 8-12 rep ladder,laterals
This went well and was hard and I learned an important thing.
First off the weight felt light/good. The videoed set was the best one, number three. Sets one and two went forward a bit, I saved them but I needed to know why they went forward
I thing Glenn and Nick figured it out. When I hit a sticking point I counter it by driving my hips forward ( thinking that was what was need to get back under the bar) but it isn't. It stalls the upward progress of the bar while my hips shift.
This heel height has changed everything, i.e the platform- ME- under the weight and I have years of a specific habit/motor pattern of shifting forward trying not to lose my arch, and my leverage.
With this heel I just need to stay put and concentrate on the slow grind with the shoulders and arms; I'm already BACK
Took me the whole time to get it but I think I do now
65, 85 ,105 x 3
135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 x 6 sets
175 x 1 x 2 sets ( just to solidify the form)
this went great. used anatomical breathing for the first time ever and it was no problem for my bakc and does really help keep the HR down. Mo' ventilation makes high reps much easier; not to mention not building up so much pressure and tension
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 5/5
x 8/8
x 10/10 x 2
x 12/12
90 reps
My overhead position is easily as good as it's ever been
Very happy with this and that the double breathing worked so easily
3 x 10/10 with 15s
BW 172
BF 12.2 post bath
Friday, October 11, 2019
Thursday Ruck
Was a bit distracted by the very high possibility our power would be shut off when we got home so I cut the ruck short by one lap.
Also right glute is feeling better but it seemed to be irritated after the rucks so I wanted to ease back in slowly as well
All went well,no power shutoff and glute was good
48 lb ruck
5 laps
50 min
RPE 7.5
BW 171
BF 13.9
Also right glute is feeling better but it seemed to be irritated after the rucks so I wanted to ease back in slowly as well
All went well,no power shutoff and glute was good
48 lb ruck
5 laps
50 min
RPE 7.5
BW 171
BF 13.9
Wednesday, October 09, 2019
40kg One Arm Swings 10x8/8, wt pushups, goblet squats, laterals
I knew this was going to be tough, my break back in workout with the volume day! but probably best to shock me be back into shape if it didn't tweak me. It didn't but it was tougher than I expected. Damn thing felt heavy and I haven't felt that with the 40 in a long time . It has become my light bell and it will again,
But today it was work
Wore the Innov8s and they felt right, goldilocks heel height and one I'm used to
Swings felt powerful just got tired after 6 sets
One arm Swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 8/8 x 10 sets
160 reps
14,080 lbs
RPE 8.5+
Wt parallel bar pushup
bw x 8
32 x 8 x 3 sets
just right, still a little sore from the last two press workouts
Goblet squat
20 kg x 5
24 x 5
28 x 5
flat footed with pauses. these were hard and awkward but the right move to do
3 x 10/10 x 15
bw 171
bf 14.9
Monday, October 07, 2019
5 rep Press ladder to 165 lbs, pistol practice,floor pushups, laterals
This worked out well. Used a false grip for a change and that too worked well. Think I'm finally getting the balance point with these shoes and it's good. Once I lock in to the arch it's just like I am "the bench".
I don't have to lean back again or anything,Just lock in and press
We'll see on how it works next Saturday with heavy singles but I have a good feeling
65 85 x 4
105 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
Next time I'll start the work sets with 135 and go up
Just enough volume and intensity to feel worked and challenged but not too much
Pistol practice bottom up
5/5 x 2
best ever!
Floor pushups
surprised I had this many and pretty strongly too
3 x 8/8 with 20s
BW 170.6
BF 13.3
Sunday, October 06, 2019
Rebuild Ruck
First ruck in ten days so I took it easy.Especially since the right calf and hip had been wonky on the trip
Got a decent stretch out and wasn't too sore at all from yesterday which is a great sign Especially for my back
48 lb Ruck
9 laps
7 squat stretches
1:35 min
Nice easy pace and it was coolish fall weather and breezy
BW 170.2
BF 13.3
Got a decent stretch out and wasn't too sore at all from yesterday which is a great sign Especially for my back
48 lb Ruck
9 laps
7 squat stretches
1:35 min
Nice easy pace and it was coolish fall weather and breezy
BW 170.2
BF 13.3
Saturday, October 05, 2019
190 lb Standing press 1 x 5 sets, 195 1x1,20 kg snatches x 5/5-8/8, laterals
And Nick presses 250!!1
He did 4 sets of 1 with 225, 1x1 with 235 and 1x1 with 250! Huge pr off his old best of 235
I had a decent day too. Very light in bodyweight ( 169.6) I still felt ok. Started a new concept in the programming in the Quest for 225. Load variability for multiple singles
The idea is to warm up til I hit a heavy but steady single. It could be 175 or it could be 195. Then, stay there and go for 3-5 singles.
Submax loads do not convert to a heavy single for me at all. they help build mass but the key here it seems is to dial in the max effort TECHNIQUE with very heavy ( 85-95%) multiple singes to build starting strength and rate of force development in the same groove as the max will be. Which is different from sub max weight
The other idea is that one day I will feel great and just start adding weight and get a new pr. and that's just what happened today with Nick!
Psychologically this will be much easier as the pressure if off to go to a specific load but instead go to whatever is "heavy" that day, using bar speed as the main metric. As heavy as I can that day without the bar slowing down too much or moving out of the groove.
Then, on Mondays go to 5x5 work but not intensely progressive, what I would describe and medium heavy day. I've been using 135 so perhaps up to 155. The idea here is to keep the base volume up, build more muscle and practice the groove.
65. 85,105 x 3
135 x 3
155 x 1
175 x 1
185 x 1
190 x 1 x 5 sets
195 x 1 ( out in front a bit)
Seems I got on my toes too much and lost the bar position. It seems with these new Reebok shoes with this big heel I don't have to work as hard to keep my hips forward but I do have to work harder to stay layed back. Just maintain the arch not increase it but don't lose any, either
Very very happy with the first trial run of this idea.
KB snatch
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5, 6/6, 7/7 8/8
52 reps
this felt great! My overhead position which I lost after my TKR seems to have returned. Not to perfect or idea but just the same decent position I had before the knee op! I'll take it.
Plus since I've done all my snatch volume of old barefoot it made sense to me to stay that way and go back to getting some posterior chain work in
My body remembered like a champ. Muscle memory kicked in. Like falling off a bike
Very excited about this! Plus I think it will help my press too by getting more shoulder and upper back work in!
2 sets of 10/10 with 15
shoulders already sore ,lol
BW 169.6
BF11.9 post bath
He did 4 sets of 1 with 225, 1x1 with 235 and 1x1 with 250! Huge pr off his old best of 235
I had a decent day too. Very light in bodyweight ( 169.6) I still felt ok. Started a new concept in the programming in the Quest for 225. Load variability for multiple singles
The idea is to warm up til I hit a heavy but steady single. It could be 175 or it could be 195. Then, stay there and go for 3-5 singles.
Submax loads do not convert to a heavy single for me at all. they help build mass but the key here it seems is to dial in the max effort TECHNIQUE with very heavy ( 85-95%) multiple singes to build starting strength and rate of force development in the same groove as the max will be. Which is different from sub max weight
The other idea is that one day I will feel great and just start adding weight and get a new pr. and that's just what happened today with Nick!
Psychologically this will be much easier as the pressure if off to go to a specific load but instead go to whatever is "heavy" that day, using bar speed as the main metric. As heavy as I can that day without the bar slowing down too much or moving out of the groove.
Then, on Mondays go to 5x5 work but not intensely progressive, what I would describe and medium heavy day. I've been using 135 so perhaps up to 155. The idea here is to keep the base volume up, build more muscle and practice the groove.
65. 85,105 x 3
135 x 3
155 x 1
175 x 1
185 x 1
190 x 1 x 5 sets
195 x 1 ( out in front a bit)
Seems I got on my toes too much and lost the bar position. It seems with these new Reebok shoes with this big heel I don't have to work as hard to keep my hips forward but I do have to work harder to stay layed back. Just maintain the arch not increase it but don't lose any, either
Very very happy with the first trial run of this idea.
KB snatch
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5, 6/6, 7/7 8/8
52 reps
this felt great! My overhead position which I lost after my TKR seems to have returned. Not to perfect or idea but just the same decent position I had before the knee op! I'll take it.
Plus since I've done all my snatch volume of old barefoot it made sense to me to stay that way and go back to getting some posterior chain work in
My body remembered like a champ. Muscle memory kicked in. Like falling off a bike
Very excited about this! Plus I think it will help my press too by getting more shoulder and upper back work in!
2 sets of 10/10 with 15
shoulders already sore ,lol
BW 169.6
BF11.9 post bath
Thursday, October 03, 2019
Croation SFG 2019
Great cert, great vacation, horrible travel. Bad choices of flights and lets just say I'll never fly Air Canada again if I can help it in anyway
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