But what really hit hard was this Facebook message I got from a guy who witnessed the accident and understood exactly what it meant, on many levels. And only for myself but for his students and protege's.
I never considered how what happened to me impacted those that saw it. I didn't even realize that anybody, other than my teamates, saw it happen or that it changed their lives.
Jaime has a Facebook Gymiami Alumni page that has brought me back into contact with a lot of those teammates and coaches from that time, and it's very, very cool.
It was such a wonderful time in my life, even and despite the injury. It set the stage for everything that was to come in my life; to what I have become in my life. Everything that I am now, and how I live now, started right then and there and has continued, pretty much in very similar mode, to now.
Oh yeah I worked out today too.
Clean and Press( short cycle)
16kg x5/5
20 kgx3/3
28kg x1/1x 6 sets
these were very easy. I love low rep sets ,lol.the groove was very solid and fast.
20 kg x5/5
24kg x5/5x 5 sets
50 reps ( on my way back to 200!)
most excellent. the most volume with the 24 since Dec.The move felt very strong even with the new power good morning groove. I figured out the details of the bottom position(much different,especially timing wise) than my old stiff legged style.
BTW I could actually feel my legs and back a bit, in a good way, from the getups and deadlifts,albeit so light, from yesterday. Crazy.
TGU roll to press to arm support
12 kg x 3/3 x 4 sets
crazy how I am playing with this move now.two days in a row, who'd a thunk it. Really used Dave Whitley brilliant hip drive drill we got from the seminar and it really helps.
Shield casts
10 lb Clubbell x 10/10/10/10 x 4 sets
these felt good. have to keep the arc high , though to not irritate left tricep and elbow. glad to be able to do them again though.
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