Friday, May 20, 2005


I decided to forget the idea of finding the perfect routine and I have just put a list of my top twenty exercises on the blackboard and do what I feel each workout. I either do snatch, windmill or a high rep swing as my main exercise. then follow up with the exericse I didnt do, with less intensity, and then a fun exercise( hand to hand flips, farmers walk, bottoms up cleans,etc).

I'm ready to focus on deepening my skill with all these exercises. Had a real breakthrough on windmills today, following mondays great( and weird) windmill session. Kept my right foot more forward( I am already twisting to the left structurally, no need to help it more)and focused on leaning forward, not sitting back and BAM! I was fingers to the floor each rep! FINALLY!!!

ALso let more weight come onto my front foot and this helped a lot as well.I really read too much into things and do better when I go by feel. I should know this by now.

26x5+5 better right from the start. lots of overhead stretching with right arm
36x5+5 feels little right hammie overstretch. its not used to this position
44x5+5 best ever. feels like a freakin WINDMILL for a change!
53x5+5x4 sets. yeah.
36x8+8 need to explore more varied rep ranges here.

kb press
53x5+5x2 long cycle version one clean one press
53x5+5 press only. right teres is tight and so is shoulder. need to do arm bars.
72x3+3 havent done this in a few weeks
72x3+3 better, nowhere near tight enough. heavy weights force you to get tight.
53x5+5 strict

kb cleans
72x5+5x5 these felt great. fast and easy. lots of leg and hip.

RIS with JS band for windmill. this is really helping my position I think, PUlling myself down into the windmill.

Overhead squat with JS bands, working on position and stretching my shoulder out.


ps havent had almonds in the am for the last three days and havent felt any energy lag. This will help get me to 160 and under 10 % BF. This warrior diet ROCKS!!!

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...