Monday, September 18, 2017

155 Military Press 8 x 3 PR!, 44 kg belt squats, floor pushups, handstands, crawls, rear delts

Wow that was a strange one. Felt great all day going in til I drive home and my left triceps starts talking to me which always says the teres or levator needs love. But it was fine all day and I had a heavy load on the menu
Worked it out as best I could and stretched the front panel but I was still tight until the 4th work set! Strong like bull though and that was good.
Nice to only have to do 3's too

All the parts were 'ok" but not great and the details make a huge difference in this lift for me

Also, took fewer warmups and bigger jumps which didn't seem to help and may have hurt. It takes me forever to warmup, no matter what

I was planning on five, if I was lucky but I kept feeling better each set and hit goal no problem, Last set was the best set!

Military Press
bar x 5
65 x 4
85 x 3
105 x 3
135 x 2 ( hit rack on walkout AND first rep! WTF? redid but it through me a bit. Move the rack over. DUH
155 x 3 x 8 sets!! PR

Next week down week after StrongEndurance weekend then up to 165 and doubles! Nice!

44 kg belt squats
4 sets of 10

legs were sore coming in. took it easy

Floor Pushups
2 sets of 35
2 set of 30

triceps cooked

Pbar handstands
3 attempts. first shaky but others right up there with holds!

3 laps

rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20

BW  168.6
BF 12.1
W 56.7

ok needed day off tomorrow


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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...