Saturday, September 30, 2017

44 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 6/6,2 20 kg front squat,50 lb pushups, side raises

The first heavy workout after each a small layoff is always hard for me. Everything just feels heavier and today was no exception. Even though I did all those 24 kg swings on Wednesday, 24 kg is just not 44

I was fine by the 5th set but it did take me that long, lol

Just feeling dis coordinated and out of rhythm .

One arm Swings

16 kg x 5/5 x2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 6/6 x 10 sets
120 reps
11,640 lbs

2 kb front squat
2 20's x 5 x 5
light and deep

Weighted pushups
bw x 10
52 lbs x 10 x 3

strong.gearing up for Monday

side delts
3 x 12 with 15's

been along week, in reality time. Got through it and no missed workouts so I' happy

we'll see how the ruck is tomorrow, tho


Thursday, September 28, 2017

hot and hard ruck

Man I thought we were done with this heat but I guess not. This one was tough. After missing all training last weekend, especially my ruck, my legs just lost a bit. And it was sticking hot and I was tired and didn't want to do it.
So mainly it was a mental  game ruck
But its only an hour and I sucked it up

45 lbs ruck
6 laps
55 min

had to stop a few times to let the blood flow in my legs. pretty tight from yesterday

BW 168.8
BF 11.9
W 56.8

1 pm
BW 169
BF 11.1
W 57.1

this gives me about 150 lbs lean mass
that's a lot for me

day off then Beast swings Sat


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

24 kg Speed swings 16 min,walking lunges,

Solid one today. 16 min and it flew by. Getting hot again but it was fine.

24 kg speed swings
15:15 x 8 RPA
32 sets
16 minutes
256 reps

form was solid, no parts talking to me at all good power,speed and height of bell
gotta start keeping track of heart rate

walking lunges
 4 laps of 40 feet unbroken
doing each step more slowly and 'stretchy', a way to increase intensity without adding weight.
have to re think the 'burn' here too though, after StrongEndurance course. Working my way through this very dense manual is tough but it's very exciting info

eating the dish slowly

Parallel pushups
3 sets of 35, 30 25

serious triceps burn. Not much there but I didn't push it at all. just backed off

5 attempts. I really need a real wall for these now

side delts
3 sets of 15 with 15

BW 168.6
BF 11.9
W 56.9

ruck up tomorrow


Monday, September 25, 2017

140 Military press 5x2 , 36 kg Belt squats,floor pushups , handstands, crawls, side raises

Exciting but very long weekend studying in Portland in Pavel's StrongEndurance course. All day Saturday and half sunday pouring tons of hard data into the brain but just sitting for way too much time.Add in a bunch of planes trains and automobiles ( no trains, just sounded good )  and I'm tired.

Plus asleep at 11 and up at 3:45 this am didn't help either

Good thing today was a back off day

Military press
 stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 2
120 x 2
140 x 2 x 5

other than a headache and being pretty brain dead this was a very easy weight. I remember when this was a one rep max

36 kg belt squat
4 sets of 12

not heavy swinging, kb front squatting or rucking really made my legs feel this was nothing

floor pushups
3 sets of 35



3 lifts, video got cut off, held this for over 5 seconds . easier every time

3 laps of 50 ft


rear delts
3 sets of 15 with 15

too light, actually

BW 168.4
BF 12.9
W 56.1

lol almost exactly what  it was when I left!

tomorrow off


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Speed Ruck

Have no idea where this came from but this was possibly the fastest per lap pace I've had on a Thursday ruck.
A bit of adrenaline from some life drama got me going a bit and I'm sure that didn't hurt but it was fast!
Fifth lap equaled 7:17 and it was the last I started to slow down.

Felt great

45 lb ruck
6 laps
5th lap 7:17
52 min total time

BW 168.2
BF 12.9
W 56.2

need to drink more h20 in afternoon

Of to Portland tomorrow for the StrongEndurance seminar so I'll miss Sat and Sun training. I won't say I  won't welcome some unloading :)


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

24 kg speed swings 14 min, walking bw lunges,parallel pushups, handstands, side delts

Steady one today. Back to only 14 minutes ( I write that with my tongue fully in cheek) and it was strong all the way through.
Slept poorly last night and was beat but it was no problem mentally to get through it and still put max power into each rep.
Lungs and wind were fine

Looked at clock at 11:30 in, about 4 songs, that's how I count now. Just go by the song but I could look each set too and it would be no problem. Big mental gain there.
MUCH stronger

24 kg Speed swings
15:15 x 8 RPA
14 min
224 reps
11,872 lbs

walking lunges
4 laps unbroken
slower reps more focus on quad stretch and pushing knee over toe on each step

Parallel pushups

now last night is catching up to me

4 reps off bosu. best yet, hitting back beam not ceiling and played a bit with alternating leg offs

side delts
3 sets 12 with 15

just tired  now

BW 168.8 !!
BF 12.7
W 56.3

belt still in same hole tho lol

ruck up tomorrow then the weekend of StrongEndurance event. that should be very interesting


Monday, September 18, 2017

155 Military Press 8 x 3 PR!, 44 kg belt squats, floor pushups, handstands, crawls, rear delts

Wow that was a strange one. Felt great all day going in til I drive home and my left triceps starts talking to me which always says the teres or levator needs love. But it was fine all day and I had a heavy load on the menu
Worked it out as best I could and stretched the front panel but I was still tight until the 4th work set! Strong like bull though and that was good.
Nice to only have to do 3's too

All the parts were 'ok" but not great and the details make a huge difference in this lift for me

Also, took fewer warmups and bigger jumps which didn't seem to help and may have hurt. It takes me forever to warmup, no matter what

I was planning on five, if I was lucky but I kept feeling better each set and hit goal no problem, Last set was the best set!

Military Press
bar x 5
65 x 4
85 x 3
105 x 3
135 x 2 ( hit rack on walkout AND first rep! WTF? redid but it through me a bit. Move the rack over. DUH
155 x 3 x 8 sets!! PR

Next week down week after StrongEndurance weekend then up to 165 and doubles! Nice!

44 kg belt squats
4 sets of 10

legs were sore coming in. took it easy

Floor Pushups
2 sets of 35
2 set of 30

triceps cooked

Pbar handstands
3 attempts. first shaky but others right up there with holds!

3 laps

rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20

BW  168.6
BF 12.1
W 56.7

ok needed day off tomorrow


Sunday Ruck

Solid work. Glutes and calves tired from yesterdays 200 reps but they loosened up pretty quickly( about 4 laps)

Mind set pretty strong too so that wasn't getting in my way

Ruck felt light and lungs were open pretty soon too

50 lb ruck
12 laps
11 isosquats
1:55 min

no timed laps

BW 168
BF 11.9
W 56.8

sets of 3's with 155 in the press tomorrow so we'll see how that goes


Saturday, September 16, 2017

40 kg One Arm swing 10 x 10/10, double 28 kg front squats,52 lb horiz bar pushups,handstands, side laterals

Really strong and fast training today. Shortest rest periods between these 20 rep sets ever. Not by design, just cause it was right and we were strong.

Hard to remember when I was doing these with the 48 kg . What a ball buster! These weren't easy but not 48 kg hard.
Everything felt solid. Body parts, groove, grip, strength, mind.
But it took it's toll, too.

Front squats were extra hard, not counting the heavier bells

One Arm Swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 10/10 x 10
200 reps
17,600 lbs !

Double front squats
2 24 x 5
2 28s x 3 x 3

cleaning these were the hardest part. double bells are so awkward to me

Wt Horiz bar pushups
bw x 10
52 x 10 x 3

the sandbag is so long it rests strangely on the back and shifts a lot. I think I need dip bars now

5 reps solo.
these were good and even touched the back post instead of just reaching up for the ceiling. upper body just beat, though.

side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15

BW 168
BF 11.5
W 57.5

best numbers of late

ok ruck up tomorrow AM


Friday, September 15, 2017

Thursday Ruck

It's supposed to be cooling off but I don't feel it

Still freakin' hot at 1 pm  but suffering is the key.
Suffering well :)

In a hurry and forgot to take the usual 5 lbs out of the ruck so I suffered more

50 lb Ruck
6 laps
55 min

lots of little stops to let my calves unlock! back was a bit tired from yesterday's twenty min swings but no real worries. Just tight calves and tired.

BW 168.2
BF 12.2
W 56.7

not bad

40 kg swings for 200 reps tomorrow!


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

24 kg Speed swings 20 min, walking lunges, parallel bar pushups, handstands, rear delts

Solid solid work today. Didn't see the clock til 16 min in and then it was truly downhill. Everything strong: lunges, legs, hips, back.

All systems go.
A bit cooler too, and that really helps

24 kg Speed swings
15:15 x 8 RPA
40 sets
320 reps
16,960 lb


walking lunges
 4 sets of 40 steps

also strong unbroken laps

Parallel pushups
2 sets of 35
1 set of 30

started fine but tri's pumped up fast

Pbar handstands
5 sets of 1
best yet. starting to feel like I can extend through my arms

rear delts
3 sets of 10 with 20lbs


BW 169!
BF 12.0
W 56.5

ruck up tomorrow hope its cool


Monday, September 11, 2017

PR! 150 lb Military Press 5 x 5. 40 lg belt squat,Floor pushups, crawls, side delt, handstands

Wow! I did it. Can't believe I actually  freakin' did it.Made the adjustments, didn't mentally punk out, stayed focused, had patience and got it done.

Wow. Super super happy with this. 105 lbs over my first 5x5 set when I started on the Press Path 3 years ago. Really didn't think I would get this far. Honestly, I didn't.

But, the higher you climb the farther you see and I just kept slowly climbing higher. Same as now. I think a 180- 185 max is in the cards. My technique when i did the 175 was far inferior to what I'm doing now. Across the boards.

To me that's a foregone conclusion and lets me start to think, realistically, about 200 lbs

The hardest part today was the mind game. To not letting the anxiety of it get to me. To not giving in to negative thoughts. Or, much thoughts at all. To just being in the moment, trusting myself and just freaking going for it.

My mantra was, as it always is these days when I have to confront tasks like this head on is simple " shut up and just go. Don't think, go."

and it seems to work

An the closer I got to making all five sets the more negativity wanted to creep in. I've missed it twice on the last set. I really, really, really did not want that to happen again.

But the technique held and I had the patience to go through the motions and just push.

They were ALL pause reps too. It's easier for me but it is much stricter and I need maximal speed off the chest for it to work Easier now that I can actually get the bar to my chest and hold it there. Take the pressure off the arms

I did the layback, then, when I went for the layback/shove I really focused on driving the hips forward hard as I  arched. Worked very well. But I also have to focus on pushing the bar back over my head  as it hits mid face area and wants to stall.  But it's precarious balance too there so I can't be too explosive.

A high wire act

But today I didn't fall.
Also, stretched out front panel a lot prior to pressing . it didn't hurt

Military press
 bar x 5
65 x 4
85 x 3
105 x 3
135 x 2 ( never made this jump before! made me a bit nervous but it went well
150 x 5 x 5 PR !!

40 kg Belt squat
4 sets of 14


Floor pushups
3 sets of 40

ties PR last ten of last set were all singles from the top! finally my hyperextending elbows come in handy

3 sets of 70 ft

side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15's

Pbar handstands
 6 reps

tight as hell! and tired as hell in my handstanding muscles too but I made them!!!

BW 168.8
BF 11.3
W 57.5

strange but I feel big and lean

well deserved rest day tomorrow!!


Never Forget

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Steady ruck

Not hard, not easy. Not slow, not fast. A solid, steady ruck today.Mostly tight and tired calves, of all things.

Not hot and not cool either, which didn't help. Heat makes it exponentially harder than it used to. Strange

50 lb Ruck
12 laps
11 iso squat stretches
1:55 min
 No time laps but averaging about 7:45 laps

Just one of those 'get er dun' workouts

BW 168.6 !
BF 11.7 ( interesting)
W 57.1

Ok gotta get 150 for 5 x 5 tomorrow in the press! Priority one is getting really stretched out in the front panel so I can arch easily!


Saturday, September 09, 2017

52 and 68 kg One Arm Swings,double 24 kg front squats,weighted pushups, Pbar Handstands, rear delts

Monster bells today! And it was not without fear. I am always cognizant and respectful of, what trying to move around heavy weights can do to me. Even as squared up as I am lately.
Plus we had some weirdo off the streets walk into the garage right before I was up for my first set and it really though me off, literally off balance on my first set. An objective lesson how hard it is to maintain balance with a one arm swing when the bell almost weighs as much as you.

But it got done. Left hand grip was, as usual harder than right, and kept me from accelerating more at the top BUT it was better than before so that's good progress

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 4/4
52 kg x 5/5 x 5
86 kg x 5/5 x 5

Double 24 kg Front squats

Moved my stance in close than last week and it was excellent. Can't believe how good these feel now. Just LOVE being able to do them. Can really feel my abs working hard in the bottom too and the back holds up now. Thank goodness for that! Finally.

Weighted pushups
bw x 10
50 lb sandbag x 3 sets of 10

no problem

Pbar Handstand

5 reps really getting there now! SO happy!

Rear laterals
3 sets of 10 with 20 lbs

BW 168.4
BF 11.9
W 57

lets hope for another strong ruck tomorrow!


Thursday, September 07, 2017

Surprisingly strong ruck

My new XOSKIN crew length socks! I've been waiting for this version ever since I tried the ankle length.
Maybe it was the Fosters Freeze ice cream cone I had right before but this was a very strong and fast ruck all the way through. Surprisingly strong. Legs felt like and moved, as they should, of their own accord.
Pack felt light, back felt fine, nice and overcast and cool too.
That alone makes such a huge difference

again. it's so nice to have days like this to remind you that they do indeed exist.

45 lb Ruck
6 laps
55 min
last lap = 7:38

BW 168.4
BF 11.9
W 56.7

feel good.
rest day tomorrow then we wrestle with the 52 and 68 kg bells on saturday


Wednesday, September 06, 2017

24 kg Speed swings 18 min,walking lunges, parallel pushups,side raises, handstands

Solid workout but a just  'get it done ' type of day.
Worked right up until getting into the gym, not the best mind prep and it took me probably ten minutes of swings to clean my head and really focus

Body felt ok, just a bit fatigued but the reps were strong and I didn't even look at the clock til 15 min in. That's really good.
All downhill from there, easy.
Lungs good ,power high but glutes and legs were tired, go figure :)

24 kg speed swings
15:15 x 8 reps per arm
18 min
36 sets
288 reps
15,241 lbs

hot as hell  still too. but it wasn't an issue

Walking lunges
4 sets of 40 steps

parallel pushups
2 x 35
1 x 30

last set hard

side raises
3 sets of 10 with 20 lbs

first time I used 20 in awhile
not bad but still hard

Pbar handstands
3 reps with mini spot
longer holds too. enough to have to actually breathe during the rep!

one day I'll have to do these not pre fatigued!

BW 168.4
BF 11.9
W 56.7

felt good, lean too

ruck up tomorrow


Monday, September 04, 2017

140 lb Military press 5x5, 36 kg belt squat, floor pushups, crawls, rear laterals, handstands

Ok not a bad session at all and really learned somethings too. I learned that I have to make sure to stretch out the front panel before I press a lot more ( back bends over ball) or else even if I think I'm laying back enough I'm not.

This was really evident on my 4th rep on the video above.It was the only one that even slowed down and it was the rep I didn't really set the layback up, before the shove. Good news though was that the weight felt light, technique felt more automatically and the bar moved really well

Military press
stick x 5
bar x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 2
140 x 5 x 5

36 kg belt squat
 4 sets of 15

don't want or need to do 20's with the 32 anymore

floor pushups
3 sets of 35

very solid. head up for all reps

3 sets of 70

making me heave again lol

rear laterals
3 x 12 with 20s

pbar handstands with bosu
3 in a row with no spot!
4th  miss but with a mind spot I got it. Just tired in arms and upper back but it feels right again!

BW 168
BF 11.2
W 57.5


day off and I need it


Sunday, September 03, 2017

Very strong Steady state ruck.

Well this was a nice surprise. The strongest and best ruck I've had in months. Literally. Legs and glutes felt loose from the start and there was none of this, 'pick up each leg of every step for two hours straight'.

The time just flew by. It didn't hurt that after a nice day of 108 degree heat here yesterday that the am was overcast and had a slight breeze. Airflow makes everything  better. Dead hot muggy air just sucks. It's like I'm trying to breathe through a wet cotton ball.

And I have no idea why this happened. Pure serendipity. but I'll take it. So nice to be reminded that this can actually happen.

Wasn't going to time anything but I did the last lap and came up with 7:08 with no problem. That's the kind of day it was.

Hope this is a foreboding for tomorrow's press workout

50 lb Ruck
12 laps
11 iso squat stretches
last lap = 7:08

BW 167.8
BF 11.9
W 57.4

all good

140 for 5x5 tomorrow. this will be a solid test of the technique. My bet is that it holds


Saturday, September 02, 2017

48 kg One Arm Swings 13 x 6/6,double 24 kg front squats,weighted pushups, side laterals , paralletes handstand

Strong strong day today. All around.
Hot as hell even early but it was fine.
Body good mind even better

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 6/6 x 13 sets
156 reps
16,536 lbs!

These felt strong, position was solid, great jump position and grip was solid all out

Double KB front squats
 2 24's x 4, 5,5,5

these were solid. Have to bring my feet just a bit closer together next time. Really liking these
SO much stronger than the last time I tried these. No issues at all holding the bells or staying more upright

Weighted pushups
bw x 10
52 lbs x 10 x 3 sets

strong too

Parallel bar handstands

these went right up and after the set above I did one with no spot and even held it no feet touching wall for a few seconds.
This is BACK!!!

side laterals
3 sets of 10 with 15's

BW 167.4
BF 11.9
W 56.9

lowering carbs and cals seem to help a bit

Hot ass ruck tomorrow!

Five mile ruck

 It went well but I was so close ( 9 laps = 4.7 miles it seems) that I tacked on a longer walk home to get to five slow start again 35 lb ru...