Saturday, May 12, 2012

24 kg Snatches and Two hand swings

I've been feeling surprisingly square and plumb lately, ever since my right rib went back into place :)) Been finding a few very key points to work on and they seem to be opening up everything else. We'll see how long that holds but I woke up early ready to go and didnt' need much stretching or rolling at all. In fact, almost none.

Some back bends over the ball and some thai squats and I was good to go. That is a first for sure.

warmup: 16 kg one arm swings  5/5/5 x 3

16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 3/3
24 kg x 5/5
         x 6/6

pretty damn easy. Glenn is still out so it was just Nick and I and we went I go you go so it was very quick pace with no worries. Max Vo2 training always ups my cardio strength and work capacity very quickly.

I wanted to focus today on heavier two hand swings and we did a pr for volume with the 24 last week so this was a good compromise. Decrease the volume but up the intensity ( number of reps per set). felt solid and, most importantly, nothing hurt :))

Two Hand swings
24 kg x 10
28 kg x10
32 kg x 10
36 kg x 10

these felt great too and I've had NO back issues with this move lately. Maybe the curse is over and I can really own this move.It was good to go heavy , too.Sorry about the vertical camera orientation but I got a new "Bloggie" and didn't realize to get it into a landscape mode it has to be on it's side. Ack. Next time.

Two hand Clubbell Arm cast
25  x 10
35 x8, 8

these are still heavy, lol. last set was better after a mental adjustment

60 minutes, quick and dirty.



guy said...

This is a great post, Sir! I have a question for you about an injury that I received on saturday.
While doing a charity scrap haul (collecting old metal for charity) I cut my right palm, in the crease of the palm, (yikes)undrneath the pinky. It's painful to attempt Tracystyle ballistic practices now.
I know that I need time to heal, but what can I be doing in the interim? What would you do?

guy said...

Forgot to add, It does'nt hurt to ride my mountain bike, and I can press carefully. But pullups, TGU's and farmer walks are kinda out.

guy said...

Forgot to add, It does'nt hurt to ride my mountain bike, and I can press carefully. But pullups, TGU's and farmer walks are kinda out.

Mark Reifkind said...

guy, depends on the severity( stitches?) I personally, if I couldn't use both arms would do a lot of one arm swing/snatch with the other arm til it healed. super glue and tape:))

heal fast

guy said...

Only five stiches, (the least I have ever had). Thank you Sir, I bought liquid bandage today, should have got liquid nails and Gorilla Tape!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...