Thursday, May 17, 2012

Double press long cycle triceps and rows

did this last year, my PR and what I'd love to work back up to

Just had 50 minutes between clients to train this morning and i jumped at the chance to train early, as opposed to 2 pm after 7 clients. Didn't quite take enough stretchout time and it backfired a little bit. Not that I got tweaked at all but performance wasn't as good as I wanted it to be .

I probably would have been stronger in my garage by myself at 2 rather than at the studio at 9 am. Live and learn.

Long cycle clean and press
2 12's  x5
2 14's x 5
2 16's x 5( just warming up slowly and making sure teshnik was still there. 
2 20's x 5 x 5 sets

didn't get stretched out well enough and the wider stance of the double bells felt awkward and stiff today. also, overhead position was not loose enough either so that didn't go easily either. Just one of the workouts where the emphasis was on 'work'.

bodyblade laterals
3 sets of 

don't have a BB at the garage and I really like this move. It really proved itself as tough as I remember it and I pooped out early rather than get 3 x 10/10. really works my side delts and doesn't bother the shoulder joint at all.

floor kb tri extensions
5 x 10 with 16 kg all dead stop. these worked well

one db row
35 x 8/8
45 x8/8 x 3 sets

haven't done these with dbs in forever felt great, and really gets the upper back. and doesn't aggravate the elbow flexors. feels like it's really helping me balance the front back ratio of my torso.

Floor handstands

against wall 5 sets of 8 seconds haven't used a wall in a long time, felt nice to easily hit the overhead with no fear of overbalancing and having to walk or pirouette. HS were very solid.

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