Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't think, just go.

That's what I told myself as I drove home from work and had to seriously kick myself in the ass to get in the gym. It was a a long day today. A good day  with great clients back in the mix, exciting training and discovery but requiring a ton of energy. And yesterday, in my normal whack a mole fashion my left shoulder went back where it's supposed to and my right shoulder/rib/neck area went 'out".

I do have scoliosis, a moderate double S curve and it was very evident yesterday and I got stuck in thoracic flexion and antalgic posture from T 10 on to the right. Very weird, never had it before and it was fairly painful in that region. Subluxed joints usually are and the subsequent corresponding muscle spasms hurt too. Could barely turn my neck to the right or look up at the ceiling.
Good times.
I guess windmills and pbar handstands are out as I know that's what set this off.

I taped it with kinesiotape to activate the rhomboids and lower trap and got on the floor to unlock whatever was locked. And I didn't know. I just knew it hurt and I had to train today Not to mention 7 clients back to back. The tape worked well and I got some good adjustments on the roller and with some band distraction but I wasn't in the mood for training and pain and it took a bunch out of me.

I slept well and by mid day today things were back to 'normal' meaning my  body had shifted back and my left shoulder was tight, not my times but at least familiar pain.easier to deal with.

And I was tired and hungry and Glenn was out of town so it was solo time. Ack. And it was a Thursday, always a weird workout although last weeks success with the parallel grip cleans before the presses got me hopefull that I could press today, and double,; which I have never been able to tolerate might actually work.

SO I got a chocolate caramel from Tracy to bump my blood sugar out of the doldrums, told myself " don't think just start" turned on TOOL and did just that. It was great and I felt way better after than before.As usual. THat's so key. If it's on the schedule just start and see how you feel. The real body that is going to show up in the workout  is NOT the one that is showing up at the start.

That's the body of the rest of the day, not what's going to emerge after your strength practice. Big difference.

Long cycle clean and press double bells
2 12's x 5 x2
2 16's x 5
2 20's x 5
2 24's x 3
          x 4
          x 5
2 20's x 5

These went very strongly and I was surprised at getting fives. I would have been happy with triples but the parallel( or almost) clean seems to put my shoulder in a good position to press. Happy Happy Joy Joy!

One arm clean and press long cycle
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5

shoulder was good but not perfect but it was pre fatigued. Interesting that even though I enjoyed being able to do one arms I am more drawn to the doubles now after so long not being able to practice them.

KB Floor extensions
16 kg x10
20 kg x6
         x5 x 2
16 kg x 10

these are great! the 20 kg was tough! but everything felt good with no shoulder or elbow pain.

One arm KB Row
20 kg x 8/8 x 4 sets

these are great too. no pain and solid work. bout time.

wanted to do double cb swings with the new 25 and 35 but the new version of the cb is totally different than mine. taller, thicker handle with a TOO ROUGH knurling( think texas power bar) VERY disappointed. Have to send them back,actually.

datsit. Just got 'er dun and it was a good one.I was so tired getting started and felt so much better right after> But then I ate my stirfry and took a good nap,lol. Nice :)) I love my naps.


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