Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tooling along; snatch Vo2 45 sets / goblet squats

Glenn is in Hawaii so I was solo today and took advantage to play TOOL the entire workout ( not Glenn's favorite band). It went well. This workout is so much easier when my groove is this solid and there is an actual "bottom" to my snatch groove. I can hit the 'hole' hard and pop out fast. Makes everything faster, stronger and easier too. Plus no back or groin issues and that's a blessing.

I wanted to back off today so I only did 40 sets. It was the perfect load for today

Snatch Vo2 
12 kg x5/5 x 2 warmup
16 x 35 sets of 7 245 reps
     x 5 sets of 8     40 reps
285 reps
10,260 lbs

Very happy with this effort and techniques. HR didn't really get above 160 or so until the last 5 sets of 8 which is too late, really. But 180 + really sucks to go through but that's what's necessary to really pull my cardio up but it's going up anyway.

Goblet squats

5 sets if 4 with 16 kg

Decided to start training these, after ALL these years of just stretching in my squat pattern as my ability to actually DO them, i.e. get low enough to get my elbows against my VMO has suddenly appeared. I've been demo'ing them so much I realized just last week that I can actually approximate a parallel squat. Did some VERY cold this AM at 6! Just dropped right down- Happy Happy Joy Joy :))

I knew I could do them as my back tolerates two hand swings now so I knew it will take these. Plus I work my squat pattern literally all day long at work, stretching out and mobilizing it as I coach.

I thought that the weight of the KB would work as the necessary counter ballast to get down and it seems to. The set on the video is my 4th set and like a dummy I forgot to 'set' my feet into torque as I descended, it would have made things a lot easier. Will NOT forget that next time, it's more than crucial and would have a made a huge difference. I was just excited about squatting anything again.

it ain't pretty but it's a start.I SO miss squatting, It was my obsession for over 20 years in both bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Floor handstands
5 sets of 5-8 seconds

did these on a harder part of the platform and MAN they moved fast. Much harder to stop at overhead and tougher on the fingers/hands, but I figured it out.

One arm CB Shield casts
100 reps continuous in sets of 10 per arm

This was easy and fun. Light is easy :))


and for the die hard TOOL fans perhaps their best ( and weirdest) video


guy said...

My favorite song by tool!

jockeRKC said...

On your way back to squating =)
NICE take care and be pain free Sir

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...