"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Long cycle clean and press, a day early
Had to get it done a day early today as there is just no good time to train tomorrow. I was seriously wiped for a few hours after yesterdays CNS snatch assault but felt fine this morning. Plus I was hoping to skip ahead and miss the DOMS that I knew was coming :))
5:30-6 am
decent stretchout left calf is a but tight and don't have time to get it all out before work
1 pm
One bell clean and push press
12 kg x 5/5
16 kg x 5/5 x2
20 kg x 5/5/
no go, the form felt fine, very strong position now but the left shoulder wasn't stable on the first dip, which was the point of trying this style, maybe skip over the unstable aspect but it was a non starter.
two bell long cycle clean and push press
2 16kg x 5
2 20kg x 3 (clunks :((
Two bell long cycle clean and press
2 16kg x 5
2 20 kg x 5 x 5 sets
these felt good with no clunks and pretty stable. couldn't decide on head/eye position though. both straight ahead and looking up at the bells felt good. I think eyes on the horizon will help my lack of overhead mobility more than looking up; although the lookup position makes it more like an 'incline' press and I don't need as much overhead mobility.
Have to experiment more.
two bell swings
2 16's x 8 x 2 sets
never liked these. I have to go too wide and feel awkward with no good power spot or leverage. Just playing around
One KB Row
24 kg x 8/8 x 4 sets
these were surprisingly hard! short rests too. I go you go.
Floor KB extensions
16 kg x 10 x 5 sets
triceps were very tired from everything yesterday and today but this exercise continues to work
30 Deg DB lateral
12 lbs x 3 x 10/10
I need to do something for the supraspinitus and this seems like a good one if I'm too lazy to bring the bodyblade home. no shoulder irritation either.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Snatch Vo2 40 sets of 7/ 7 sets of 8
This was tough. Good but tough. The extra sets of 8 really got my HR into the 175+ zone and I haven't been there in awhile. It's where I need to be to really get my cardio up but I still have plenty of base line work to do to be able to get there safely with more 8's.
Either way you cut it it was a solid workout; my groove was there, the body held( even the shoulder stayed where it should) and I wasn't really hurting that much, til AFTER the workout when I went in the house, layed down on the mats to stretch and just LAYED there for 15 minutes, my CNS too beat for me to move,lol.
Moving fast is tough on the CNS, combined with short rest intervals and it's murder.But nothing gets me in shape faster so it's time to suffer on :))
Snatch Vo2
one arm swings 16 kg x 5/5/5 x 2
16 kg
40 sets of 7 280
7 sets of 8 56
336 reps
12,096 lbs ( most workload lately)
This is always just hard, even when you are in shape for it. Just stand and deliver for 20-40 minutes straight, sprinting those reps as hard and fast as you can, working every inch of every rep.Power and speed personified. This is my favorite and most hated workout at the same time.
I love to have done it.:))
But it's just hell doing it and if you're not dying, out of breath, you're not doing it right and I know that.
Sometimes though, it's just hard to kill yourself again and again by your own free will and volition. Even for the greater good( strength).
But it doesn't kill you, Just makes you stronger.
And it's the same each time.
two hand swipes
25 lb cb 10/10 ( left shoulder didn't like)
two cb swipes
15 lbs x 12 x 3 sets
one db french press
15 lb x 10/10
20 lbs x 6/6 x 3
done. tomorrow is long cycle clean and press. can't train thursday, have dentist appt. so it's one day early. got to prepare:))
Saturday, May 26, 2012
24 kg snatch, two hand and power swings
I knew it was going to be a good workout. Usually waking up feeling good is a cause for concern but today I knew it would not be. I stretched out well and felt ready to go. No tweaks, no worries. Felt strong and prepared.
16 kg x 5/5 x2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
x10/10 x 3 rounds
132 reps
6996 lbs
These were strong and easy. A recent volume pr and the pace was fast as well.
Two Hand swings
28kg x 10
32 kg x10
36 kg x10
40 kg x10
SOLID! SO happy to be able to train these. No balance issues even with the 40kg. Finding the groove.
Power Swings
24 kg x 5
28 kg x5 x 3
these went great. Haven't done them in ages and last time it tweaked my clavicle, Figured it out and now these are back in the rotation! Wanted to go lighter and really focus on power and acceleration. Next, jump stretch bands on the bell!
Two Hand CB Shield Casts
25 lbs x 10/10 x 3 sets
easy. Really feel like I have some solid momentum going
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Long cycle Clean and press, doubles
I was determined to make this double press workout work today, no CLUNKING of the shoulder. And I got close.I thought I was using a thumbs up grip in the bottom portion of the downswing but the video shows differently.
Except for the first backswing I am internally rotating the grip at the very end. Want to NOT do that, I think it will help position at the top
Long ass day, non stop from 5 am until 2pm when I went straight to the gym. Thank god for Glenn he just kept the momentum going for me
One arm swing warmup 16kg x 5/5/5 x3
Double Long Cycle Clean and press
2 16's x 5
x 3
2 20's x 5
2 24 x 4 x 5 sets
2 20's x 5
2 16 x 8
Used a heads up technique for the first three sets but got a bad adjustment on the third set so went to the eye and head position show above.This was the second set:
The down sets were perfect and without adjustment at all. A good sign.
Floor KB extension
16 kg x 10
20 kg x 6 x 4 sets
16 kg x 12
these still are working well and the 20 kg sets were much stronger than last week
One KB rows
20 kg x 8/8
24 kg x 6/6 x 4
20 kg x10/10
these were strong and easy too. I expect this weight to go up fast. No reason The Beast won't be rowed sooner or later
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Snatch Vo2 back off day
Thought for sure I was getting the flu or the stomach flu yesterday. Barely ate anything and was just trying to survive for most of the day so I didn't even expect to be able to do this workout today much less advance it but it turned out fine.
Not eating much yesterday help flush out whatever the issue was and I felt better than normal, even, today! Very strange but hey, life is more than strange,almost always.
Got in a protein shake and bar during the morning to try to catch up, calorically and these always digest most easily for me.
In fact it's time to add a morning protein shake back into the mix . But even though I felt good going into the workout I knew I would back off , volume and intensity wise.
Snatch Vo2
16 kg
40 sets of 7
280 reps
10,080 lbs
this was easy, but the right workload for today. Went in "I go, you go" fashion with Glenn
Goblet squats
16 kg x 5 x 4 reps
went a bit wider. these are coming along.
One arm db french press
15 lbs x10/10 x 3
band extension made my shoulder de stabilize so I chucked them for these. these are tough and really got the long head.
1 CB shield casts
10/10 x 3 sets
Saturday, May 19, 2012
24 kg Snatches, 40 kg 2 hand swings, 2 Hd CB casts
Solid training today. All hands on deck with Glenn back from the Island. As usual wasn't sure what this old frame was capable of until I got my hands on the bell but as soon as I did I knew it was going to be a good day.
Nothing hurt, stretchout went easy, warmup felt light, all the right things
1 arm swing warmup 16 kg x 5/5/5 x 3
16 kg x 5/5
x 3/3
20 kg x 3/3
24 kg x 5/5
x 6/6
x 7/7
x 8/8
x 9/9
x 12/12
94 reps
this wasn't the plan. the plan was to do 10/10 and then 2-3 sets of 5/5 to bulk the volume up a bit from last weeks 90 reps but then Nick has to go and do 15/15 with the 28 kg on his last set and threw down a little gauntlet.
in the past I wouldn't even had considered doing anything to chase him a bit but I was feeling good and the groove felt solid. I thought 12's were easily doable and I was right. I briefly considered 15 but then told myself not to be greedy. It will be there and it's coming along just right.
I haven't done more than 10 reps in the 24 kg snatch in forever.
Two Hand Swing
28 kg x 10
32 kg x 10
36 kg x10
40 kg x 10 x 2 sets!
Strong! The Bulldog is over half my bodyweight so I was definitely working strength and stability here and it was easy. SO nice to be able to finally train this movement after waiting patiently for so many years! It is as cool as I knew it would be! Truly the Squat/Power good morning exercise of KB Ballistics!
Capt America Arm Casts
these have to be my favorite thing to do with the 35 lb CB. Shield casts are harder for me and arm casts not as challenging. Great fun
35 x 15
x 18
x 20
That's it. Just about an hour then off to breakfast at the Diner with my buds. Just like the old days. Saturdays was always the comp day OR the heaviest training of the week. The entire weeks training pivoted around Saturdays; you push yourself and test yourself and then chill with those guys that really 'get it' too.
It's a miracle that I get the chance to experience training again and I don't take it for granted for one second. What a blessing it is to be able to move pain free.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Double press long cycle triceps and rows
did this last year, my PR and what I'd love to work back up to
Just had 50 minutes between clients to train this morning and i jumped at the chance to train early, as opposed to 2 pm after 7 clients. Didn't quite take enough stretchout time and it backfired a little bit. Not that I got tweaked at all but performance wasn't as good as I wanted it to be .
I probably would have been stronger in my garage by myself at 2 rather than at the studio at 9 am. Live and learn.
Long cycle clean and press
2 12's x5
2 14's x 5
2 16's x 5( just warming up slowly and making sure teshnik was still there.
2 20's x 5 x 5 sets
didn't get stretched out well enough and the wider stance of the double bells felt awkward and stiff today. also, overhead position was not loose enough either so that didn't go easily either. Just one of the workouts where the emphasis was on 'work'.
bodyblade laterals
3 sets of
don't have a BB at the garage and I really like this move. It really proved itself as tough as I remember it and I pooped out early rather than get 3 x 10/10. really works my side delts and doesn't bother the shoulder joint at all.
floor kb tri extensions
5 x 10 with 16 kg all dead stop. these worked well
one db row
35 x 8/8
45 x8/8 x 3 sets
haven't done these with dbs in forever felt great, and really gets the upper back. and doesn't aggravate the elbow flexors. feels like it's really helping me balance the front back ratio of my torso.
Floor handstands
against wall 5 sets of 8 seconds haven't used a wall in a long time, felt nice to easily hit the overhead with no fear of overbalancing and having to walk or pirouette. HS were very solid.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Tooling along; snatch Vo2 45 sets / goblet squats
Glenn is in Hawaii so I was solo today and took advantage to play TOOL the entire workout ( not Glenn's favorite band). It went well. This workout is so much easier when my groove is this solid and there is an actual "bottom" to my snatch groove. I can hit the 'hole' hard and pop out fast. Makes everything faster, stronger and easier too. Plus no back or groin issues and that's a blessing.
I wanted to back off today so I only did 40 sets. It was the perfect load for today
Snatch Vo2
12 kg x5/5 x 2 warmup
16 x 35 sets of 7 245 reps
x 5 sets of 8 40 reps
285 reps
10,260 lbs
Very happy with this effort and techniques. HR didn't really get above 160 or so until the last 5 sets of 8 which is too late, really. But 180 + really sucks to go through but that's what's necessary to really pull my cardio up but it's going up anyway.
Goblet squats
5 sets if 4 with 16 kg
Decided to start training these, after ALL these years of just stretching in my squat pattern as my ability to actually DO them, i.e. get low enough to get my elbows against my VMO has suddenly appeared. I've been demo'ing them so much I realized just last week that I can actually approximate a parallel squat. Did some VERY cold this AM at 6! Just dropped right down- Happy Happy Joy Joy :))
I knew I could do them as my back tolerates two hand swings now so I knew it will take these. Plus I work my squat pattern literally all day long at work, stretching out and mobilizing it as I coach.
I thought that the weight of the KB would work as the necessary counter ballast to get down and it seems to. The set on the video is my 4th set and like a dummy I forgot to 'set' my feet into torque as I descended, it would have made things a lot easier. Will NOT forget that next time, it's more than crucial and would have a made a huge difference. I was just excited about squatting anything again.
it ain't pretty but it's a start.I SO miss squatting, It was my obsession for over 20 years in both bodybuilding and powerlifting.
Floor handstands
5 sets of 5-8 seconds
did these on a harder part of the platform and MAN they moved fast. Much harder to stop at overhead and tougher on the fingers/hands, but I figured it out.
One arm CB Shield casts
100 reps continuous in sets of 10 per arm
This was easy and fun. Light is easy :))
and for the die hard TOOL fans perhaps their best ( and weirdest) video
Saturday, May 12, 2012
24 kg Snatches and Two hand swings
I've been feeling surprisingly square and plumb lately, ever since my right rib went back into place :)) Been finding a few very key points to work on and they seem to be opening up everything else. We'll see how long that holds but I woke up early ready to go and didnt' need much stretching or rolling at all. In fact, almost none.
Some back bends over the ball and some thai squats and I was good to go. That is a first for sure.
warmup: 16 kg one arm swings 5/5/5 x 3
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 3/3
24 kg x 5/5
x 6/6
pretty damn easy. Glenn is still out so it was just Nick and I and we went I go you go so it was very quick pace with no worries. Max Vo2 training always ups my cardio strength and work capacity very quickly.
I wanted to focus today on heavier two hand swings and we did a pr for volume with the 24 last week so this was a good compromise. Decrease the volume but up the intensity ( number of reps per set). felt solid and, most importantly, nothing hurt :))
Two Hand swings
24 kg x 10
28 kg x10
32 kg x 10
36 kg x 10
these felt great too and I've had NO back issues with this move lately. Maybe the curse is over and I can really own this move.It was good to go heavy , too.Sorry about the vertical camera orientation but I got a new "Bloggie" and didn't realize to get it into a landscape mode it has to be on it's side. Ack. Next time.
Two hand Clubbell Arm cast
25 x 10
35 x8, 8
these are still heavy, lol. last set was better after a mental adjustment
60 minutes, quick and dirty.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Don't think, just go.
That's what I told myself as I drove home from work and had to seriously kick myself in the ass to get in the gym. It was a a long day today. A good day with great clients back in the mix, exciting training and discovery but requiring a ton of energy. And yesterday, in my normal whack a mole fashion my left shoulder went back where it's supposed to and my right shoulder/rib/neck area went 'out".
I do have scoliosis, a moderate double S curve and it was very evident yesterday and I got stuck in thoracic flexion and antalgic posture from T 10 on to the right. Very weird, never had it before and it was fairly painful in that region. Subluxed joints usually are and the subsequent corresponding muscle spasms hurt too. Could barely turn my neck to the right or look up at the ceiling.
Good times.
I guess windmills and pbar handstands are out as I know that's what set this off.
I taped it with kinesiotape to activate the rhomboids and lower trap and got on the floor to unlock whatever was locked. And I didn't know. I just knew it hurt and I had to train today Not to mention 7 clients back to back. The tape worked well and I got some good adjustments on the roller and with some band distraction but I wasn't in the mood for training and pain and it took a bunch out of me.
I slept well and by mid day today things were back to 'normal' meaning my body had shifted back and my left shoulder was tight, not my right.lol.Good times but at least familiar pain.easier to deal with.
And I was tired and hungry and Glenn was out of town so it was solo time. Ack. And it was a Thursday, always a weird workout although last weeks success with the parallel grip cleans before the presses got me hopefull that I could press today, and double,; which I have never been able to tolerate might actually work.
SO I got a chocolate caramel from Tracy to bump my blood sugar out of the doldrums, told myself " don't think just start" turned on TOOL and did just that. It was great and I felt way better after than before.As usual. THat's so key. If it's on the schedule just start and see how you feel. The real body that is going to show up in the workout is NOT the one that is showing up at the start.
That's the body of the rest of the day, not what's going to emerge after your strength practice. Big difference.
Long cycle clean and press double bells
2 12's x 5 x2
2 16's x 5
2 20's x 5
2 24's x 3
x 4
x 5
2 20's x 5
These went very strongly and I was surprised at getting fives. I would have been happy with triples but the parallel( or almost) clean seems to put my shoulder in a good position to press. Happy Happy Joy Joy!
One arm clean and press long cycle
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
shoulder was good but not perfect but it was pre fatigued. Interesting that even though I enjoyed being able to do one arms I am more drawn to the doubles now after so long not being able to practice them.
KB Floor extensions
16 kg x10
20 kg x6
x5 x 2
16 kg x 10
these are great! the 20 kg was tough! but everything felt good with no shoulder or elbow pain.
One arm KB Row
20 kg x 8/8 x 4 sets
these are great too. no pain and solid work. bout time.
wanted to do double cb swings with the new 25 and 35 but the new version of the cb is totally different than mine. taller, thicker handle with a TOO ROUGH knurling( think texas power bar) VERY disappointed. Have to send them back,actually.
datsit. Just got 'er dun and it was a good one.I was so tired getting started and felt so much better right after> But then I ate my stirfry and took a good nap,lol. Nice :)) I love my naps.
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Snatch Vo2 40 sets of 7 4 sets of 8's
Nothing gets me in cardio shape faster than snatch vo2 training, as hard as it is.4 weeks ago 25 sets was killing me, today 44 sets wasn't that bad..
warmup 16 kg swings x 5/5 x 3
Snatch Vo2
16kg x 40 sets of 7, 4 sets of 8
312 reps
Did this I go you go with Glenn and it was better than the gymboss. hate that thing :)) groove felt very solid..HR at the end was only 165
Pbar handstands
5 sets of 5-8 seconds
Left side windmills
16 kg x 3 ,4,5
Right side arm bar
16 kg x5,5,5
these went really well. that was it . plenty
warmup 16 kg swings x 5/5 x 3
Snatch Vo2
16kg x 40 sets of 7, 4 sets of 8
312 reps
Did this I go you go with Glenn and it was better than the gymboss. hate that thing :)) groove felt very solid..HR at the end was only 165
Pbar handstands
5 sets of 5-8 seconds
Left side windmills
16 kg x 3 ,4,5
Right side arm bar
16 kg x5,5,5
these went really well. that was it . plenty
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Snatch 2 hand swings and heavy clubs
My adopted Son ( tongue in cheek) Mike Castrogiovanni came back from his world travels and brought back the thick handled antique db I gave to him many years ago when I was cleaning out Stones Gym. Before I was RKC, I believe; when I thought my lifting days were over for good. I pretty much gave away the store. I don't know how much it weighs, 40 lbs perhaps but the handle is at at least and inch and half thick. Nice stuff. Now that I can play with these things again.
Recovered well from Thursdays workout all systems were go!
warmup one arm swings 16 kg x 5/5/5 x 3
16 kg x5/5
x 3/3
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 6\/6
x 7/7
x 8/8 x 3 rounds
126 reps( most total volume in months!)
6,678 lbs
these went very easily and the video is from the third set of the first ladder. Technique was spot on and nothing hurt! so nice to train when everything feels like it's attached correctly :))
This was the most reps I've done with the 24 kg in eons. Nice and it was pretty strong as well
Two Hand swings
28 kg x10 x 5 sets
Felt great. Easy, strong and fast. My 'lean into it' hinge groove is holding steady here as well. About freaking time, ten years later :))
Two hand Shield cast
25 lbs x 10/10
35 lbs x 5/5 x 2 sets
used the new CB that Glenn bought and they haveWAY too much knurling! The thing is like a Texas Power bar! It has TEETH! Not a problem for arm casts but we'll see for swings and forget swipes for any reps. that would tear my hands up no matter how you did them. Not nice. I liked the old handle grip just fine.
floor handstand
4 sets of 5-8 seconds.
WAY tough to get overhead I was so tight in the anterior chain, lol. No spot, except for one but it was funny as my body would just not open up enough until the last set to let me get overhead fully in the first kick up
good day
Recovered well from Thursdays workout all systems were go!
warmup one arm swings 16 kg x 5/5/5 x 3
16 kg x5/5
x 3/3
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 6\/6
x 7/7
x 8/8 x 3 rounds
126 reps( most total volume in months!)
6,678 lbs
these went very easily and the video is from the third set of the first ladder. Technique was spot on and nothing hurt! so nice to train when everything feels like it's attached correctly :))
This was the most reps I've done with the 24 kg in eons. Nice and it was pretty strong as well
Two Hand swings
28 kg x10 x 5 sets
Felt great. Easy, strong and fast. My 'lean into it' hinge groove is holding steady here as well. About freaking time, ten years later :))
Two hand Shield cast
25 lbs x 10/10
35 lbs x 5/5 x 2 sets
used the new CB that Glenn bought and they haveWAY too much knurling! The thing is like a Texas Power bar! It has TEETH! Not a problem for arm casts but we'll see for swings and forget swipes for any reps. that would tear my hands up no matter how you did them. Not nice. I liked the old handle grip just fine.
floor handstand
4 sets of 5-8 seconds.
WAY tough to get overhead I was so tight in the anterior chain, lol. No spot, except for one but it was funny as my body would just not open up enough until the last set to let me get overhead fully in the first kick up
good day
Thursday, May 03, 2012
Double Presses, CB swings and the RKC Arm Bar
Tuesdays left side arm bars gave my shoulder and clavicle some grief yesterday and while it was better this AM not having any Alleve in my for three days really made the inflammation that much more obvious.
Good thing today was presses ;)) We would see what body showed up today for training. My left knee was also feeling SNAFU from no alleve. I thought it would be my back yelling at me, as it has been but today was my knee and I really realized that not only does my knee not bend, I also have a serious case of osteoarthritis and aspirin doesn't do anything for it. I was hobbling pretty bad by the time I got to the workout
one arm swings 16 kg x5/5/5 x 3
One arm clean and press
16 kg x5/5 x2
20 kg x 5/5 x 2
24 kg x 3/3 ( left shoulder clunked :((
then I decided to try double presses instead and see if that helped, for some strange reason( thumb up hand orientation in bottom of swing. and it did! NO clunking at all and things seemed very solid. Perhaps having both side of the bottom engaged simultaneously creates some kind of stabilization(?)
2 16 kg x 5
2 20 kg x 5 x 3
I went back and tried some single arm clean and press with the thumb up and no clunking there as well but I do like doing the doubles so I will play with them for awhile.
Two CB swings
2 x 15,17 20, x 2 rounds
decided to switch these with swipes as Glenn has purchased an extra 25 and 35 lb CB for Stones gym and now we will have doubles to use. No way I'm ready to swipes them so we'll play with swings for awhile. The felt GREAT!
These are what I got the CB's for, that external rotation and packing of the shoulder under load, full elbow lock and triceps activation under swing load as well. Felt solid with no negatives.
KB triceps floor extensions
16 kg x 12 x 3 sets
each rep dead stop on floor and flex off. These went GREAT- no shoulder pain and lots of long head of triceps work. perfect
One KB Row
16 kg x 10/10
20 kg x 8/8 x 2
these were Glenn's idea and I love them. I haven't done any direct back work in eons, trying to avoid overworking the already overworked elbow flexors but I think the back to front strength has gotten out of balance. Way more fun than rear delts and they were HARD for being so light. I've done these really heavy in the past and I can see working up to some decent weight safely here.
KB Arm Bar ( per request)
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Back to Max
Vo2 that is. Seems like my snatch groove is safe enough to tolerate this training before and this is definitely one of my favorite love to hate it sessions. It's just so basic; stand in the same place for 20-40 minutes and do as many explosive snatches with a light bell as you can in 15 seconds, rest 15 seconds and repeat. Bell speed is all important. If it slows down it's time to stop.
Since I can't run or ride anymore I do miss the met con work that that kind of training gives and nothing like Snatch Vo2 to give me the met con workout of my life!
I did 30 sets last week and thought 40 would be easy today; it was doable but certainly not easy and I was pretty spent by the end of my workday with just a handful of almonds until then. No worries, time to get in shape :)) Summer is coming and it's time to sweat!
Snatch Vo2
16 kg
40 sets of 7
280 reps
10,080 lbs
I definitely needed to stretch out more this morning before this workout. Lots of demos with two hand swings definitely got me warm but I needed to balance some leg tension out.
Plus it's my yearly attempt to get off my one Alleve a day and we'll see how that works.
Rack Walks
16 kg x200 feet per arm x 4 sets 800 feet
didn't read the schedule and we should have done these thursdays not today. No wonder I was slow and beat. Should have been swipes
Kb Arm bars
16 kg x 3/3 x 3 sets ( left shoulder does NOT like this Right arm fine so:)
left shoulder moved around WAY too much at the top of the arm bar. three strikes and it's out. the idea is to help stabilize it. not de stabilize it. The windmills felt fine. I can't do right side windmills yet so the arm bar OR the half getup will be a better choice
Left arm windmills
16 kg x5 x2 sets ( this will be the left side move and arm bars for the right)
Floor Handstands
3 sets of 8-10 seconds. Getting to be a no brainer no spot no wall easy.
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