Wednesday, March 23, 2011

" This is what un injured people must feel like."

I blew out my knee in a tumbling accident at age 17 and have had to deal with that and other serious injuries ever since. I am 54. That is a long time to have such a physical career and life and figure out how to work around joints that never worked right.

Looking back now things really weren't too bad until I was 33 and started powerlifting. As much as I learned from that extensive study of the world of extreme and absolute strength it cost me. Having to make my asymmetrical body conform to the rules of a sport it wasn't built for is what pushed me over the line. Squatting below 90 degrees with a knee that only bent 85 on a good day put way too much load on the spine.

Add in all the crazy ass round back lifting we did to get stronger also put crazy loads on my spine. Oh, and the crazy ass heavy loads we lifted just in the classical lifts were the icing on the cake :))
orthopedic-ally speaking.

So it's been along time since I could just go in the gym, train hard and not expect to pay some heavy duty price for the privilege of trying to get stronger and more enduring.

But lately it's been just the opposite. I did a great heavy workout yesterday and woke up this morning ready to go again, Even at the crazy 6 am hour which is the earliest I have 'trained' inn forever.Besides stretching that is.

So, back to back days, early morning training AND a double split workout with snatch vo2 at the end today!

Woo Hoo. And, nothing felt like it was going to tear or fall off afterwards either.

It was a gamble considering I have to fly to Seattle tomorrow for three straight days of non stop Hardstyle KB teaching and training. But it seemed like a good bet and I still think I'm right.

My body just feels differently these days. I just need a new knee( pun intended) and that will make the final difference.


6 am 30 minute stretchout then

Two Clubbell rockits
10's x 40 reps x 3 sets
15's x 30 reps x 3 sets
20's x 20 reps x 2 sets

Two Clubbell Swings
10's x 15, 20
15's x 12, 15
20's x 10,100

Two Clubbell swipes
10's x 50 reps 2:30 sec

These went great and I kept the rest periods down.Serious quad burner with the rockits. These moves are so much easier for me than kbs that's for sure. I did the 50 reps no problem and was seriously going to do 100 when my brain kicked in and remembered what I had to do this weekend and what I did yesterday. But 100 will fall very soon and then with the 15's as well.

Man, I LOVE being able to write that :)) I love feeling, even just a little bit, like the old me. All these years of stretching and correctives and searching for square, plumb and neutral is finally paying off.
And damn, I earned it.

2 pm

Snatch Vo2
16 kg
28 sets of 7 reps
196 reps
7056 lbs

Really didn't want to do this one as I was beat from the early start and training and then seven consecutive privates. And it was cold and rainy but there was really no reason not too but laziness so out to Stones gym and it went great. Hey it was barely 15 minutes.

Last week I did 25 sets of 6 and 7 sets of 7. Today ALL sevens and it was no problem. Taking some time off max vo2 obviously did some good. I like to go hard and fast and that's exactly what Snatch Vo2 is all about

Tomorrow off to Seattle and a SERIOUS Hardstyle weekend! Can't wait.



guy said...

"I feel sorry for uninjured people...When they get up in the morning, that's the best they are going to feel all day." Sorry Boss...Stole that one from the great Joe E. Louis.

Mark Reifkind said...


don't agree. if they are uninured once they get going they can feel MUCH better by doing anything physical,lol.

Sunday 35 lb ruck

 This was decent. Started slow and got a bit better at the end 35 lb ruck 9 laps 1:14 time 15:40 ave pace 4.73 miles SPLITS: 16:15 16:05 15:...