Tuesday, March 08, 2011

28 kg Short cycle presses, Speed work

I've been so enamored with the long cycle clean and press lately that I really haven't been wanting to sacrifice the one day a week I give to press to the short cycle. That's always been my strength, (just the press please:)) but I'm really happy to be able to train long cycle.

But the long cycle definitely makes the press easier so if I want my press to get better I must train it strictly in short cycle as well.Especially if I am not going to use other press variations and special exercises to make it stronger either.

Last week's max effort took a bit more out of my shoulders than I thought, not in an injury way, but from a muscle fatigue and CNS perspective.
I thought briefly about playing with the 32 kg today ,just for singles, I thought, but then immediately thought better of it,remembering the next step off of a peak is always down and last week was definitely a peak.

So it was back to the 28 kg, my new foundation day to day weight but for only doubles, as I wanted no grinding at all. Just work on starting and speed strength.

The question was how many total sets and as usual the answer wouldn't be know until I picked up a bell to warmup But the first number that came to mind was ten.
It was a good guess :))

6-7 am Stretchout.

Today was good, nothing significantly tight or out of balance. The usual stretches, starting with the foam roller, into up and down dog, bretzells, hamstring strap stretches as well as adductor strap stretches into straddle sits and standing straddle forward bends.

Standing overhead stick stretches, overhead bar stretches and back over ball back bends with yoga grip as well as the stick( a new invention), then into hip openers, squat patterns ( amosov squats) and ankle mobility.

one arm swing warmups
16 kg x5/5/5/5 x3

Short cycle press
16 kg x5/5, 3/3
20 kg x3/3
24 kg x 2/2, 1/1

28 kg x 2/2 x 10 sets!

felt warmed up about set eight,lol. The video above is set five and I was just starting to have some total body cooperation and a semblance of starting strength.The pace was very fast, alternating with Tracy as she did the same workout. It's so nice to see that her press strength, not to mentions shoulder and arm development , have come along so well from following this simple but rigorous in it's own way, routine of mine.

Should be using the 32 kg next week but it's the week before a crazy long weekend up in Seattle: Friday RKC Re Cert, Saturday HKC and Sunday: Lats the Super Muscles seminar. Oh yeah and my normal clientel on Monday,lol.

Better take it easy next week :))

Two Hand CB Swipes
15 lb x5/5
25 lb x 5/5
35 lb x 5/5 x 3 sets

wow! that was fun! I actually like the thicker handle and shorter clubhead design of the 35 lber more than the longer barrelled 25 lber. Just moves better for me and these were not that hard. Just was running out of time before my client came in and didn't want to tweak anything.
Lots more where that came in and I like the balance of the short cycle work with the long cycle two hand armcast/swipe.
Symmetrical :))

Bodyblade laterals
2 sets of 7/7

outa time!( one hour)


Snatch VO2 and CB two bell swipes!



dbt1959 said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

what a training volume!!!

The "amosov" is still working ;-)

All the best for your great weekend....!WoW!

Take care!

Sunday 35 lb ruck

 This was decent. Started slow and got a bit better at the end 35 lb ruck 9 laps 1:14 time 15:40 ave pace 4.73 miles SPLITS: 16:15 16:05 15:...