Tuesday, March 22, 2011

" I get to train again"

That's what I thought last night before I went to sleep and the first thing this morning when I woke up. I spent SO long jacked up and having rehab be my "training" that actually being able to train for real is such a joy.

To be able to ramp up each exercise each week and not break down with regularity, to be able to push a bit during the exercises and not suffer negative consequences is more than a blessing,it's a miracle. Because I love to train; I love to move, strongly, smooth and with strength, power and confidence. To feel that strength, power and confidence grow each week as my training workload goes up in either volume or intensity or ramp down not because I am tweaked again, but because I had such a good workout last time I know I need to step down so I don't fall.

Ed Coan always talked about how he knew he could make the weights that were on the schedule for this week because of how strong he made his weights the last week and today's were just a little bit more. He always succeeded and that made it even easier to succeed again.

Many don't like small jumps in their training cycle but I love them. They are almost invisible to me mentally and this gives me great confidence when I am under the load;which could be THE key to lifting heavy weights.

I used 2.5 lb plates all the time to continually set pr's on my max effort days when I was powerlifting.Just five total pounds but if you don't miss much it adds up fast in the intervening weeks and months of a training cycle

And I believe the real secret it consistency so they REALLY add up when you don't miss training sessions.

With my KB's I don't have such tiny jumps but after manhandling the 24 kg last week in my long cycle clean and press I kept saying to myself that the 28kg is JUST ten pounds more. What the hell is ten pounds and why would I let it intimidate me?

I wouldn't and that made all the difference. You must lift the weight in your mind first or you can't lift it in the gym. I've known that for many many years as I gymnast but Ed really brought this home to me as a powerlifter. And I didn't forget that lesson now as a kb athlete because strength is strength, no matter where or how it is expressed and many of the same lessons apply.

Especially when it is heavy. Or you THINK it is heavy.

It's all easy til it's heavy right? lol.

I am NOT being greedy these days and never know what the workload will really be until I get going but it's been a pretty steady accounting these days and for that I truly give thanks. I LOVE to feel strong and train hard. It's what I live for.

What I've lived for almost all my life and it still works for me. It's just been a long break .I am a patient man.Consistency trumps intensity but it also creates intensity, just over the long haul.

It's also nice not to train scared. Scared like the next rep might cause your back to explode or some basic muscles is going to tear off type of scared. And still know you have to do something and even the lightest, stupidest, easiest for almost everybody else in the world movement might have the exact same effect as a medium heavy lift.

When you're between a rock and a hard place sometimes the only way to go is up:))


6-7 am stretchout

Focus on side splits, lat openers and overhead stick work. Also back to doing Paul Chek style quadraped horse stance stability work with both ankles in dorsiflexion and this is really helping my left ankle mobility which would have to come up A LOT to get to sucks.

8 am with my training partner and Queen

two clubbell swings 10 lbs x 20 reps x 2
one arm swings 16 kg x5/5/5 transfers x3
one arm cleans 16 kg x5/5/3/3

long cycle clean and press
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x3/3
24 kg x 2/2

28 kg x2/2
x4/4 PR ladder!

wow, did NOT expect this.even though I feel the 28 kg is an everday pressing weight this is where the rubber hits the road for me now in the press and where my perception of 'heavier' and 'respect' kick in. And I've never done long cycle clean and presses with the 28 so it definitely had my respect.

I thought I might just be able to do doubles for multiple sets when I got started but they were strong and easy and I wasn't sure how hard to push because I felt really good. Even after I did the top of the ladder I was thinking I was going back to 1 rep and start the ladder over but 4 was no issue.

Good to feel good.

and Tracy ROCKED her 16 kg press and her 20kg clean ladders. She will be pressing the 20 kg in the near future as she is with the 16 kg now. It's not if, it's when. I so love being able to train with her, and, as or more importantly on the same skill as her. It's a blast to see her get so strong on what she thought was a weakness ;))

EDIT: looking over the press video I see I really have to focus more on keep my thighs tight as I press as I was seriously leaking power there. I was focused on my glutes but still felt a bit wobbly and now I know why. Note to self.

Two Hand Clubbell arm cast

20 lbs x10/10
25 x8/8

these were strong and easy and fast.this is such great shoulder arm as well as pec and middle back work.

Two Hand Clubbell Shield cast
20 lbs x10/10
25 lbs x10/10

Grip and shoulders and arms cooked ! everything got tired fast now, lol.

Bodyblade laterals

3 sets of 8/8 and I'm out. perfect nothing left but never let intensity or quality fall.

datsit. Perhaps two cb swipes and max vo2 tomorrow as we leave for seattle thursday but I won't know till tomorrow.

Either way, I love to train :))


Boris T said...

Mark I am very happy to hear things are progressing nicely in your training and that you can once again train!

I am just going to let you know I'll be stealing a quote from you b/c I thin it sums up effort very nicely.

"Consistency trumps intensity but it also creates intensity, just over the long haul."

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man and steal away, just quote me,lol. glad that the blog is not gone forever, that was close!

and yes, it's SO nice to be able to workout hard again, what a gift.

Anonymous said...

What a "strong" post ;-)
I like it very much!

Good advice's too...."The brain must lift the weight at first"

Take care!

Franz Snideman said...

Solid presses Rif!!!!!! Awesome to see how you are functioning. I have known you for several years now and last time I saw you in San Diego I couldn't believe how much better you were walking and moving!

Obviously the proof is in the pudding..you walk the walk....and lead from the front! Because of you I am now much more consistent in my training and I do not miss my training sessions (I WILL NOT MISS THEM). You lit a fire under my butt to seriously commit to my training and for that I THANK YOU!!!

My body is getting strong and it's all because of focus and CONSISTENCY!!!!!

Mark Reifkind said...


SO GOOD TO HEAR!!! You have SO much potential man but without the consistency in the practice it never will get realized!

You can not only run man but run Fast! you have no idea how much I miss that and how lucky you are; don't take that for granted. Add in serious foundation building and you will be amazed!

I can't believe how long it's taken me to get here but even now, at my advanced age I AM walking, moving and functioning better than I did at 50! And it's just the beginning.
Once I get a new knee I will sprint with you my friend, that is my dream, to run again.

Franz Snideman said...


Thanks bro! I will not take my ability and function for granted! Sprinting? together? That would be awesome!!!

and again.....it's all about the PRACTICE!!!! I hear your voice in my head every time I want to be lazy and bag my stretching session.....than I go do it!

Sunday 35 lb ruck

 This was decent. Started slow and got a bit better at the end 35 lb ruck 9 laps 1:14 time 15:40 ave pace 4.73 miles SPLITS: 16:15 16:05 15:...