Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Back in the saddle

Man it's been a very busy three months! So much has happened so fast and we have been all over the place for so long it's hard to imagine that it's pretty much done- for now. At least the traveling that is,lol. At least until August and we get to go to Hungary again. But that's a way's off and now I can settle into a stable schedule again and let my training really take off.

After this last weekend's whirlwind of RKC Re Certs, HKC and seminar and too many 13 + hour days I knew today would be a tough one and it was.I didn't taper for the weekend work as I usually would but I was just feeling too good to back off and it was no problem.

Except for being super sore today, lol. Before I started training. But I was also anxious to get back to regular training and today is my favorite day: I get to train with my wife and it's my favorite workout of the week- long cycle clean and presses.

6 am stretchout;

usual suspects with most emphasis on opening up very tight hamstrings, hip flexors and most especially LATS ,lol. Go figure.Shoulders were nice and creaky.

one arm swings+ transfers 16kg x 5/5/5 x 3
cleans -5/5/ x2

Long cycle clean and press
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x5/5 x 4 sets

not bad at all and at the end I was finally starting to warmup but I knew I didn't need any more overhead work today.The bell moved well and felt light

Two clubbell Swings
10 lbs x 20 x2
15 lbs x 15 x2
20 lbs x 15 x1

really felt I needed these to help traction my elbows and activate my rotator cuff. Just what I needed felt very solid after

One CB arm casts
20 lbs x 10/10
25 lbs x10/10 x 3

wow, I was starting to gas.time to step down. Sr RKC Peter Lakatos equates traveling and the state of being overtrained. I think he's right on. Of course Hungary to US is not San Jose to Seattle but it's still a small version of the same phenomenon.

Bodyblade laterals

3 sets of 7 each arm

Datsit. Back in the saddle :))


Boris T said...

Good to see you back! That sounds like a lot of work. 13hour days suck! But in the end it's all worth it if you're doing what you love.

guy said...

Got to take care of yourself Boss, remember, your the only Rif we've got. Seriously though, do you ever indulge and get a deep tissue massage or trigger point, or shiatsu? I get one trigger point massage a month (it feels good...when it's done lol)

MKSchinabeck said...

What stretches are you using to open your hip flexors/rotators?

Mark Reifkind said...


it was hard but as I like to say a "high quality problem",lol. that much work doing what I love is a great problem to have.

the good news is that my body held up well and I could jump right back into my training schedule.

not too long ago I would have been wrecked for a week minimum!

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man,lol. and I was JUST thinking the same thing,I do need to indulge and get a real massage regularly. the roller just aint the same thing!

Mark Reifkind said...


check the rkc forum for Pavels RKC hip flexor stretch v 2.0 AMAZING!!!

it's been working brilliantly.

for the deep hip rotations the coffee table stretch and femur repositioning stretch from Tim Ferris's 4 hour body book are brilliant.

Sunday 35 lb ruck

 This was decent. Started slow and got a bit better at the end 35 lb ruck 9 laps 1:14 time 15:40 ave pace 4.73 miles SPLITS: 16:15 16:05 15:...