Thursday, October 28, 2010

Swings and carrys.

Not a bad workout but I don't think this plan is going to stick. I thought I wanted a workout more freestyle and out of the gym but I think this is TOO much freestyle and will lend itself to slacking off.

With the general purpose of staying moving for 40-60 minutes alternating various forms of kettlebell walks: farmers racks with one arm or two and swings( one arm, two hand, transfers, etc) there is way too much room for "going with the flow" and taking it easy.

Today was a good case in point. I was pretty tired going in so I started the first half off with the 16 kg bell. Not too bad but I wasn't particularly inspired and with no real set goals or pr's to chase it became very easy to slack off a bit. Maybe that's a good thing and I needed more rest but I think it was jsut hard and I didn't want to do it and, since there was no real measurement, no real accounting, I could.

Realizing this I stepped it up and bit and drug out the 24 kg for the walks and the swings but it was still uninspired. Being in the elements was nice but distracting as well. I think I need to stay after at Girya on Wednesdays and train my one arm swing.

Then go home and do my carrys like I used to; alternating one arm rack walks for continuous distance. My old pr with the 16 kg was 2000 feet and I can add in pr's with the 24 kg as well. I think I will start building my one arm swing volume back on Wednesdays with the 24, 28 and 32 kg bells, switching weights each week and then recycling.

Who knows, perhaps I will add in one arms with the 36 kg? It is a handsome bell and just sits at Girya way too much. Lonely and hardly used. Who knows how strong I can get again?

My best in the one arm swings are 300 with the 28,400 with the 32, and 600 with the 24 kg. I rested as long as necessary between sets, until my HR got down to 115 or so, or my partner finished his set and used reps between 5 and 10, sometimes doing multiple arm transfers to get the volume in.

Will try this approach again next wednesday and see how things go.

40 minutes alternating 100 foot farmers and rack walks with swings.



guy said...

This is interesting to me. I mean, I am the type of guy that always has to have a game plan for my workouts. I'm not very spontaneous when it comes to fitness. I'm curious to see how you evolve this workout. I have been wanting to add "walks" back into my practice after I'm done w/ KB muscle.

Mark Reifkind said...


I think you misread the post. I'm not going to do it anymore,because, like you, I need more structure and I saw yesterday how easily it will be for this to become nothing more than active recovery for me.

I need to have a basic plan and some basic goals and I guess I could convert this workout to that method but it would be beside the original idea of it( not keeping track, going "freestyle") so its back inside and back to one arm swings for volume.

I will do the walks when i get home but it will be for one long set for distance and wave the work for prs.

guy said...

Yes sSir, I did misread your point. Sorry about that.

35 lb ruck 3 miles 46:39, 15:30 ave pace

 Went back and re measured the distance for my half mile loop and I was right; it was spot on. Using the stopwatch and the walking app must ...