Tuesday, October 12, 2010

32 kg Presses and a small pr.

So the roll continues it seems, even though I debated even going up to the 32 kg this morning. I knew that I would be strong, as training and recovery continue going really well with super food, good sleep and some stability in my schedule.

But I worry a lot of about getting tweaked these days, even minor ones and going into workouts trying not to get hurt is definitely not the way to hit big numbers and is the way to get hurt unintentionally.

But at 160 lbs and 53 years the 32 kg bell is heavy for me and putting it overhead is not a task I undertake lightly. I won't snatch it anymore after a couple of bicep problems but I still feel safe pressing it. But it commands my respect and LOTS of attention to details. One poor movement or positition and things can get overloaded quick.

So why do I still do it? Because I know I still can and I want to get everything I can out of the abilities I have left, WITHOUT putting them at risk( or at least, not too much). Strong feels good,what else can I say?

Slowly building up my strength and work ability there is still the moment when you face the bell, suck it up and DO IT, regardless of fear or insecurity. Or not.
And live with that.

I feel that there are so many opportunities each day to get stronger or weaker and if you make more choices towards stronger you will go, overall , in that direction.
But the same with weaker.

It seems that as soon as one takes the easy road, takes the shortcut or lets weakness gets it grip then all hell breaks loose. It's a slippery slope.

It's not that you can't get hurt with light weights, you can. Especially because they don't scare you and one tends not to concentrate as well.

I was concentrated today as I did my first set of presses with the 32 kg. I haven't done them since May and even though last weeks big work with the 28 kg should portend great things today I just never know if my body is going to like my schedule or not.And it usually doesn't tell me til after.
It's always a leap of faith.And sometimes the leap seems further than it needs to.

That's where one just has to rely on training, and heart and passion and step off. And in.

It's a fine line. Between chasing strength, as Master Instructor Geoff Neupert calls it, and being foolhardy. And again, nothing matters til you step up to the bell, or the bar, and try.Hoping to succeed but willing to fail.

6 am stretch out: 50 minutes of full body stretching

8:30 am KB press

16 kg x5/5 x3 cleans only
16 kg x5/5 press
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x3/3
28 kg x1/1

32 kg x1/1
x2/2 x 5 sets pr.

This went great! I've re-grooved my clean and can't believe it got so out of sorts. That was getting in my head a bit and today was nice to see it's back. I've been 'greasing the groove' during work with cleans as I take out weights for certain clients, cleaning them and rack walking the weights around a bit before putting them down.
This has helped more than I imagined it was.

I only did a single on the first set as I had no idea how strong I would be.After that I knew doubles were minimum I just didn't know how many total sets. It's been awhile since may :))
My best is five sets of 2 so I had to do that sixth set to get a pr. Have to be ready to grab it and all that, lol.

They went up easy, they felt light in the rack and my technique felt solid although not perfect( a bit on internal rotation at the sticking point).Eye position felt good and the press went fast. Glad I got that done!


As strong as I was on presses that's how tight I was here.Yuck, all over the place.Started free with a bunch of confidence only to head back to the wall for more practice,lol. No worries though, I was stoked to have pressed the 32 so many times so easily and escape tweakage.

About ten sets of ten seconds, almost all touch the wall and then set it free.

Kb Lunge ( bell in left hand ,only left leg forward)
16 kg x 8x2
20 kg x8
24 kg x8x2

these are getting better and stronger each week. The left quad and glute and the right( tight) rectus are appreciated the asymmetrical training

Clubbell Shield Casts
15 lb CB x 10/10/10/10 x 2 sets

quick and dirty. I could do these all day. Should do a ten minute test here one day switching every 10 reps. It's a strong and safe movement for me. Wish I could still do swipes, should try again.

tomorrow swings and carry's with Tracy at my side :))

BTW the Big Bell in the background is the one I'm pressing, circa 2001.

Datsit :))


Juci SFG said...

Sir! You made it look easy :)

Mark Reifkind said...

thank you Judit, it wasn't as bad as I expected,lol. soon, the 36 kg will go like that.

Taikei Matsushita said...

Did handstands helped out your 32kg presses?

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...