Saturday, October 16, 2010

Snatch day, 150 and counting.

Thanks to Boris for so much inspiration lately via his great blog Squat Rx and this picture and quote.

It's so nice to be able to worry about such things as total volume of snatches, how many reps I can get in each set and polishing technique rather than will my back,hammy or some other bodypart explode for no damn good reason during the set.
Very nice. Harkens back to a simpler more focused time in my life when training intensity and goals were the mindset not just surviving A workout. Any workout.

Since next week is the Tempe HKC at Keats Snidemans Reality-Based fitness center it is a back off week and it's actually perfect timing as I've had about a solid month ramp up of workouts with each week growing in intensity as well as total volume. Almost feel like my old self again :))

Strong feels so good.

And so does conditioned as I am finding out again as I work on improving my total reps per set of snatches as well as total volume of snatches as I prepare for my five minute snatch test at some undetermined time in the future.

I used to ALWAYS have a goal in mind when I trained,;some actual contest or at least a goal number I wanted to hit in the gym. Goals and deadlines were ( are) how I distinguish training from just working out.

But with the slew of injuries these last years I have had to reset that concept, as every time I pushed on the gas pedal some part of the car or the engine broke or fell off. I accepted the reality ( and blessing!) that being able to workout and move at ALL was and just hoped that some day the body would recover enough so I could push a bit more and re experience the joys of that flow state again; where ( formerly ) heavy weights felt like, high reps felt effortless and strength and fitness flowed pain free through my body.

It now seems that all my patience and hard work, willingness to go backwards to move forwards and my appreciation and embracing of the most basic of movements and stretches is paying off and my lost physical function is returning.

Plus, the prospect of being able to add in previously impossible movements( such as two hand swings and - next- wait for it kb jerks!) bodes well for the future.

I had plans, ok, hopes, that I would be able to do 30 rep sets today in the 24 kg snatch. Since I did sets of 10/10 last week and wanted to back off a bit on reps per arm I thought I would go down to 5 rep sets and just transfer until I hit 30 reps total.

Of course I knew I wouldn't really KNOW until I picked up the bell and did my first set and I didn't EXPECT anything but I had some hope. Didn't turn out exactly what I hope for but close enough to be very happy with the workout.

7 am warmup: full stretchout with my new bretzell combinations as well as plenty of down dogs for my tight leg calf- DOMS set in right on time after Thursday's carrys and swings-that HAS to go on Wednesdays once I get back from Tempe. 40 minutes.I so need to stretch out first in the day. makes major difference in muscle tension and hence function.

16 kg x5/5 x 2 sets
20 kg x5/5
20 kg x3/3

24 kg x5/5/5/5 x2 sets
x5/5/5/5/5 x3 sets
x 10/10

151 total reps
8003 lbs

here's the video of the last set

This was very interesting. My first set of 20 in groups of 5's I knew I could 30 reps but didn't want to push too hard too early.
On the third set I decided to not be greedy and just do 25 reps finishing with an extra set on one arm. I alternated the starting arm.

The key is slowing down for me and working at about 70-75% heartrate, resting at the top and REALLY working the back swing, not pulling too early. These are NOT Hardstyle reps as my goal is endurance for the snatch test and not max power.

I find it SO hard to be as patient as I need to in order to get through these reps.I also discovered that sets of ten are actually easier than breaking it up! LOL!. Maybe my groove and condition is just better than in the past but that's what it seemed and why I did the 6th set with 10's! I could feel the total load adding up so I chose 8's for the last set and lived to snatch another day.

I always like to train at double the volume of the goal I am reaching for so that means regular bouts of 200 snatches per workout. Getting close but I am in no hurry at the same time. Just LOVE being able to feel like I am training instead of just surviving :))

Two Hands swings

32 kg x8
40 kg x8 x 3 sets
32 kg x8

Ouch, this kicked my butt a bit as fatigue from the snatches and swings and carrys Thursday were catching up. The 40 kg felt heavy. It shouldn't.

Clubbell Arm casts and shield casts
two hands

15 lb cb x 8/8 arm cast 8/8 shield cast
20 lb x 8/8 then 8/8
25 lb x 5/5 then 5/5

I was done,lol. wanted more but that was it.

datsit :))


guy said...

Bossman, do you plan on returning to VWC/MV02 workouts in future?

Mark Reifkind said...


actually not in the near future. While I think the max vo2 training really helped me cardiovascularly(my resting hr dropped from 62 to 48 after 8 weeks of training at the start)
to be able to create and withstand a very high heart rate I don't think it was transferring well to the slower pace and lower heartrate I need to use to go five or ten minutes in the snatch.
I do miss the speed and power I got from it though.Just time to do a little different snatch training for awhile.

Plus I hate that damn gymboss beeping at me,lol.

Anonymous said...

I know you are the consummate HSer, but man that slower slightly relaxed movement looks great on you, & it looks like you could go all day long:)

Boris T said...

I am with Britt, the movement looked very good. Easy even.

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, it's such a different approach it's taking me a bit to get used to it but I am getting there. The big surprise for was when using this slower approach how much easier it was to keep going on each arm rather than breaking rhythm and switching.

the main focus is just going at a pace that keeps my heartrate DOWN,lol, as well as really, really working the back swing and not prematurely pulling.

Now that my right shoulder overhead position is more comfortable it's not so fatiguing doing it this way.

gotta use the right tools for the job and five and ten minute sets can't be done HS, just can't.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Boris

I've always had a more GS style of swing and snatch, just the way I'm built but adding in this slower pace really brings that out.

I was trying to go easy, as opposed to my usual technique of trying to maximize accelerative force on each rep.

Perhaps as my restoration project of my body continues I can handle the spiral rotations of true gs technique in this movement.

next up though is playing with some one arm jerks. we'll see :))

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...