Friday, September 02, 2005

Solo friday

Nice to train alone today. Its such a different workout. I wouldnt want to do all of them alone but some is very good. I find a totally different rythym and the silence is golden.

Bottoms up clean

72x4+4 these feel great.

Supersetted with Bosu step up to one leg stand and hold. These are getting bette the more I do them. Perfect candidate for grease the groove. DId some at work as well.

Swing squats
was supposed to do front squat but I've been thinking about these all day. plenty of leg work no doubt

53x10x10 ouch. this took 25 minutes.

lessee: 53x5 feet of movement(approximate) equals 265 foot pounds of work per rep
265 ft/lbs x 100 reps=26,500 ft/lbs of work
divided by 25 min=1060 watts of power per minute. not that bad
Also super setted with Bosu step up to one foot holds.

these are feeling really stable as well. have a lot more wiggling room

decent pace . not too fast but I didnt sit long either. I feel in very good shape for me.Havent felt like this in many, many years.

Bosu pistols
wasnt scheduled but hey, I cant believe I can even train this movement. I love it!

4 sets of 4 rep attempts each leg. left leg and calf are really getting stronger

Farmers walk

2 36's in rack postition: 4 laps of 200 feet. this was hard for me. knee and ankle are pretty well done.

Bosu Bola

snaps 100 reps alternating sides each rep. only missed three total.
lateral slides 5 minutes cont.

great great workout.

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...