Saturday, September 10, 2005

New Moves.

Skipped Fridays workout working on getting back on line so I wanted to combine things a bit today. Since I do well with the swing flip squats as a ballistic squat I decided to try one kb squat cleans. I've done them before and like them. Presses were planned for normal saturdays workout so I combined them all:

one KB:
squat clean
front squat
military press

36x5+5 did one rep of each and repeated cycle till five reps were done.transfer and repeat.
53x5+5x8 sets. wow. these were GREAT! was going to do ten sets but decided to leave a little. started off stopping between the front squat and the press but then itf felt much better to just keep it going: front squat immediate press. the 1.5 pood felt like a toy.

Supersetted with One foot bosu stands

man these were hard today. could not get rooted at all.

two hand swings:
88x10x10 sets. took about five sets to warmup my groove but then it felt great.need to always use my legs, not just my hips. cant be afraid to bend my knees.and really leeave the forearms on the inner thighs and lower abs as you drive.

Also kept visualizing Mike C's swing in the video. seen in slow motion you can see how his BACK extends first after the deepest part of the bottom position and THEN his hips and knees. Just like Louie says to do.Makes total sense: extend the back to extend the hip. In that sequence.

datsit. about and hour 45 minutes.

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...